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Chapter 130 - 130.surprise Quest

"Hello! We\'ve come to pick up Su\'s armor. Also if possible I\'d like to bus fifty light and fifty darkness crystals. Would that be possible?" Walker got right down to business. He did of course want to enjoy some of the warmth in the guild but also wanted to make sure he didn\'t forget anything he had come for.

"You have perfect timing! We just got a delivery of many varieties of crystals in this morning. I\'ll have miss Su\'s armor brought out while I put a crate together of the crystals." Rodney was really putting his all in to the orders. It was impressive seeing his change in professionalism. It had only been a short while since they\'d met but in those few months he\'d really come along. Being able to craft again was most likely the spark to this. He would finally be taking his own customers and getting more and more jobs. That alone would increase his experience.

Once Rodney returned with a medium sized crate with the two types of crystals in them he called for Su\'s armor. Her previously dense armors had been significantly lightened. Instead of heaven steel bindings there was lighter threaded metals making it more flexible but still strong. The joints had been replaced with a chain mail instead of harsh steel connections giving her even more flexibility and removing some more weight.

Overall the slimmer armor made Su look less dominating as a defender but this could work in their favor to ease monsters in to thinking they have an upper hand. The others in the party would also be able to rely more on Su to block any attacks they couldn\'t dodge as well. Not to mention Su would have an easier time keeping up with everyone as they moved, especially when they needed to run.

Su had walker store it away until they returned to the mansion. "Is there anything else you need assistance with today!" Rodney was glancing at a large group of guards who just came in. They all carried their spare armors meaning they were here for maintenance.

"No, we have everything we need. You\'re doing great! We won\'t hold you up any longer, we will be away for a little while so we will try to bring back some good forging materials." Walker knew that on their journey they may encounter some materials only available in the Demi human territories. If so bringing them to the forge would be a great way to help out those who needed them for quests. Not I lay that but it would strengthen the parties relationship with the forge as a whole.

" we look forward to your next visit then! I hope your travels are safe!" Rodney had an excited glint in his eye. It was not often that someone said they would bring back something interesting. Most of his daily work was maintenance and basic needs. Seeing something different like the dragon scales they had once brought could really liven things up. Rodney ran off to greet the group of guards and called for assistance collecting their armors.

Su and walker used this as their opportunity to head out before they got caught up with the guards. If they noticed walker he could end up trapped talking for over an hour. He enjoyed seeing everyone but visiting the cathedral was all that was on his mind.

The pair headed back in to the cold easily making their way toward the cathedral.

\' emergency quest- falling maiden

Catch the falling maiden so she is not harmed by the slippery ice. It is a hero\'s duty to prevent harm coming to those around them.



Increase in fame

Increase in relation with the holy faith\'

"Su did you just get a quest?" Walker was carefully scanning the surroundings not seeing a single person near them. The only thing he could see were the open cathedral doors and the Ivey steps leading to them.

"Yea leader, it says I need to support my party leader while he rescues a maiden in danger. I don\'t see anyone but I am right behind you." Su took position behind walker in a slight crouch as they started to proceed.

Walker didn\'t want to rush up the steps due to how slippery they were. He was still not sure why they ha shorten emergent quests even though they were the only two around. He was able to relax just slightly knowing Su Had this back. The party members had all grown to trust each other as family after their previous adventures to the ancient ruins. This made tense situations much more manageable such as this.

Once they had ascended halfway on the steps they noticed a few people leaving the cathedral. They seemed to have been healed recently some carrying bandages or unwrapping them from hands or arms. Walker started to carefully examine each of them looking for any inclination of an accident.

Soon more people headed out making the stairs a bit more crowded. Some nuns had exited as well walking with a familiar face. It was Alice! They were starting to head down the stairs near walker Su, most likely getting some air after working hard to heal others.the second she glanced to the side she noticed walker.

Her smile only lasted a second, as she became distracted he foot slightly missed the edge. This combined with the ice caused her to fall backwards her head in direct collision course with the stone steps. Walker was in the balls of his feet ready to jump any which way. This paid off since Alice had just passed close enough to for him to catch her. He reached out his arms but as Alice began to fall in to them he realized he was also in the edge of the steps.

He slid just enough to begin falling back, he grasped Alice tightly preparing to shield her as they fell. He tended up only to feel to hands in his back preventing him from sliding further. It was Su to the rescue! She was firm footed and ready for anything, she had seen how Alice\'s foot missed the step and knew walker would be reaching out to catch her. As walker moved Su was already in motion to brace him up. It was the perfect support to walkers actions and he couldn\'t be more thankful.

"Are you ok? Your not hurt right?" Alice seemed a bit stunned but quickly shook her head. He face increasingly becoming more red realizing she was being held. Walker also realized this and quickly helped her stand back up straight his face mirroring the tomato red color of Alice\'s. "Umm maybe we should walk with you in case you slip again. I\'d hate I mean- Uh we would hate to see you get hurt..."

\'Emergency quest- falling maiden

Completed catching the falling maiden.


20 exp multiplied to 200exp

The nuns witnessed the heroic actions of the party. Fame increased, relationship with the holy faith strengthened\'

"Leader I\'m going to head Inside and see what I can do to help, take your time making sure miss Alice is not hurt." Leaving him with a small smile Su rushed up the steps leaving the two alone. The nuns that had been walking with Alice were at first worried about Alice slipping. However seeing the familiar face of walker and Su from yesterday resumed walking knowing that she was in good hands.

Walker held out his hand, "just to make sure the ice doesn\'t get the best of you on the steps." He felt embarrassed and looked away slightly as Alice took his hand letting him guide her down the steps. Upon reaching the bottom they quickly let go unable to handle the contact anymore. The two had become much more red so much so that the cold couldn\'t even touch them.

Walker knew that she couldn\'t speak much so he decided to take the lead as any gentleman should. " after helping out yesterday my party and I spent the morning training today. It\'s not much but now I can manage this with my elemental manipulation skill." Walker used two mana and waved his hand downwards. The light condensed in to a white flash making it hard to see for a moment before their eyes refocused. "When I first tried that this morning not much happened. But after using it for a few hours I figured out that adding a hand motion helped me visualize the light condensing for a second. It only costs me one mana to use too so it could help me slow down some monsters." Alice seemed to find this use of his light manipulation much more amazing than walker thought.

Her smile seemed all that much brighter than the light he had just caused. Alice decided to copy him adding her own whisper "small flash" the same flashing phenomenon happened. Walker was infatuated with how easily her simple words could bed light to her will. For the drawbacks of burning away mana with every word she spoke the strength and control was immense. "I guess I\'ll need to work a little harder to impress you." Walker laughed at himself as he spoke but Alice only shook her head with a smile. She was very impressed he was able to use light in such a way. She herself experimented constantly in her free time to see what else she could do. She didn\'t ever go in to combat because she had been readied in the holy faith which took healing as its main profession. Hearing walker talk about the benefits of this ability to battle monsters made her consider how someone like her would fight.

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