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Chapter 129 - 129. Last Day Off

The morning past in a flurry, as everyone woke up they grabbed a sandwich then headed to the training field. Naturally Riley made it there almost last taking his sweet time eating. Onyx was wrapped around a pile of the remaining light crystals and walker knew that he would have to ask Su to purchase more when she picked up her newly lightened armor later.

Their training was much the same as yesterday. Su had started to deflect more attacks which would put the boars off balance. This was a perfect strategy to make up for her lack of agility. Gil showed marked improvements to his accuracy. He didn\'t sweat and stress like the prior day, funny enough he made not every time he missed. Much more practice was in his future even after the main training was done. Remey may have surprised walker the most, she seemed to have learned some mew moves to dodge. She had definitely tried to copy his new skill dance of the wild rabbit, the spinning movements were similar. The best part was Remey would start the spin to dodge then turn it in to momentum for a punch. This counter may not have been the heaviest damage dealer but it definitely stunned the target. Upon more study in the system walker found she was actually using a skill called counter and jab as a pair. She made up the connecting movements with the spin movement. The counter skill gave her the ability to respond instantly to an attack. The jab was a softer punch that would put someone off balance. Together the two skills allowed a super fast response to any enemy.

Elise and Stella had split up, most likely due to Laurence\'s reprimands the night before. Stella was still dodging using the sky but would also use the ice pillars as walls to deter the boars advance. Elise however had surprisingly slower agility, most likely from lack of practice. That being said she paired up with Su who could shield her. This helped Su block more but also made Elise very aware of her own surroundings and relation to Su. This was an ideal practice for her since she needed to be ready for attacks at any side. Riley was doing the same as before which was not much surprise. Laurence and Hyde seemed to have a breakthrough with each other. Hyde may still have been curled in to a ball but was now able to fire the odd quill here and there. This would cause a loud hiss as it would melt the ice pillars. It wasn\'t very accurate and Hyde had trouble shooting them off when Laurence wanted but it was still a very significant feet for the young flame porcupine.

Midnight was understandably the biggest change. She had broken out her skeletal armor skill right away since she wasn\'t used to it yet. She continuously would hide behind the ice pillars using the shadows to help hide her. Naturally the demon boars would become much more violent when they seemed to loose their target, this gave midnight the opening to jump out and give them a push in another direction. Riley was thankful she didn\'t attack all out since she could easily harm or kill his boars. To walker this was an ideal strategy for midnight, she had made great leaps in her sneak attack skill

Walker was right in the midst of training as well. The party had received the same daily quest to train for three hours as the day before and chose to take full advantage. Surprisingly he had found he could assist midnight in making the shadows deeper. Through their connecting he had understood darkness mana just a bit more and could manipulate it better than some other elements. Midnight was very happy to see him helping her which greatly strengthened their bond even more. Almost unnoticeable walker was also using light mana to try and blind the boars as they charged at him. They didn\'t seem to perturbed but sometimes would Veer off course showing it did work a little. He wanted to show off his progress if he managed to visit the cathedral before they left on the next quest.

The hours went on like this until the demon boars had become exhausted. Everyone else seemed a lot happier than the previous day with their progress. This training would have been harsh for normal adventurers at their level but since they had turned it in to a game it came easily. Gil remained in the training field practicing more, he refused to give up until ten out of ten arrows hit their target from long distance. Laurence took Elise and Riley for another lecture. Something walker felt Elise and Riley might just nap through as the two looked rather worn. Remey had run off again most likely to practice her new combo move in private. Midnight seemed to be hungry and decided to go bother Hilda for food, she hadn\'t forgotten her favorite activity even though she\'d slept for days.

Walker was cleaning up onyx\'s pile of crystal shards making sure to store them away for when they could creat really good mana storing equipment. Onyx himself was very tired from eating the light mana at a voracious pace. He curled around walkers arm and became a tattoo to rest most likely until the next day.

"Leader, would you like to come to the forge with me? I need to pick up my armor, I also wouldn\'t mind stopping by the cathedral. If they need help I think it should be part of our duty as those with the hero title." Su knew asking walker to go with her would most likely be a yes. She had seen how walker acted around Alice and could foresee him trying to venture there alone. However her reason for going was to pay back the many healers that had seen her mother. She knew there was no way for her to ever repay ever single one but going and taking a small bit of the burden from those at the cathedral was enough. A true healer would be happy knowing that their endeavors had helped even more people.

"Yes! That\'s a great idea. I completely agree since I have the light heal skill I should make the most of it. We\'re already done training today and we need to head out anyways so why not do some good." If Gil or Remey had heard that they would be giggling already. It was obvious that walker wasn\'t only interested in healing but it was rather adorable.

The two set off deciding to get the armor first. Since walker was going with Su he didn\'t have to ask her to purchase light crystals he could do it himself. He also planned on grabbing some dark crystals if possible since he wanted to treat midnight to celebrate her waking up. There was some worry that midnight would get jealous of onyx who was getting plenty of light crystals themselves.

The two walked on their breath clear to see in the chilly air. Winter was definitely here no matter how much they wanted the spring to come sooner. Walker also couldn\'t help but want to experiment in the due time he told himself.

The city changed greatly as winter progressed. Some of the more dull buildings became more elegant as the were adorned by icicles and a slight sheen of frost. The bits of snow hooded statues and hid away cracked stones. They two couldn\'t help but enjoy the walk in silence taking in the beauty of nature combined with human creation. This lead them to the forge faster than they had expected.

Due to the high heat of the forge it was one of the few buildings devoid of ice and snow. The constant flames would stave off the winter chill. This lead the forge to open a larger front hall for travelers to rest in. It helped bring in business and create a temporary trading hub. It was a very genius idea the forge master had thought up in his youth. Some small vendors would sell spiced ciders made from imported fruits. The hot smell of spices would start to warm someone up the first step inside they took.

The building didn\'t seem overly crowded like some other days but it was most likely because the morning rush had already passed. Some familiar faces of guards waved to greet walker, he had long become a well known name due to his father. Even a few merchants gave a wave remembering the energetic boy always asking them questions about system that and system this. They themselves had been very proud to hear the story of walker gaining a system. On top of that they bragged to their friends about knowing the young boy who gained a title with his party. He was quite the topic of gossip; if only he knew.

"Hello! Miss Su you\'re back! Hello mr walker as well. It\'s great to see you both!" Rodney ran up to great them. He had added miss and mr on to their names, it sounded strange but walker could tell it was most likely due to his learning at the forge. He was definitely improving his customer service skills and during the winter with the large amount of people stopping in to chat and trade was the best chance he would have.

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