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Chapter 131 - 131. Request Approved

The two walked around enjoying the views of winter on the higher tier houses. Walker shared stories of how he had gained his system and met his companions. He promised to introduce her to Midnight the next time she came to the cathedral.

"I\'m not sure when the next time will be however...we are heading in to the Demi human kingdom to meet with the tamers guild master. We will be away for a while since we have a few stops to make on the way. Actually one is to meet a Demi human tribe called the rabbit tribe, I actually learned a skill that involves dancing." Hearing that he wouldn\'t be visiting again for a while Alice seemed sad. Her face had fallen in to a grow which soon became confusion as she heard walker learned a dance through a skill.

"Hahaha I know it sounds weird but it\'s actually a skill to dodge. It\'s basically a way of moving. It copies a rabbit escaping a fox trying to eat it. But the way the movements are it\'s almost like a dance. The best way to put it is that it\'s a feeling pulling me away from danger, my body knows where to go before my mind does." Her jaw had dropped, this was exactly how she felt when she first sang. She didn\'t need to think about the words or the way the light would flow. Her body just moved and created the beastie before her. "Should I take that face to mean you understand?" Walker wasn\'t sure whether she had made this face because she thought it amazing or because she knew the exact feeling. Alice quickly bobbed her head yes with a bit more force than necessary.

This made walker laugh a bit and Alice blush in turn. The two wanted to keep walking more but they both had goose bumps all over telling them to get back to the warmth of the cathedral too. Walker also knew he shouldn\'t abandon all the work to Su. It was his turn to help out with the healing too.

They made it back to the cathedral faster than they had left since they wanted to warm up. Walker happily helped Alice up the stairs bringing in another wave of embarrassment. If anyone were witnessing their interaction they would be calling the pair too cute kids.

Quickly entering the cathedral walker felt the healing aura being strength to his chilled bones. This place was magical. Su was helping to clean up an area from a previous guest who had shed their bandages after being healed. He gave her a wave to get her attention and let her know he was back.

With that he gave a glance around soon finding a young boy with a wrapped ankle. The mother was sitting soothing him as he was obviously in pain. "I\'ll perform my light heal skill if you can handle the bandages. Deal?" Alice nodded in agreement as they got right to work.

To Walker time blew by in an instant and before he knew it the cathedral was nearing the time to close the doors. They had spent some hours healing and bandaging minor injuries. Alice and walker worked well together quickly and efficiently helping any who were in need. The nuns couldn\'t help but gossip about how perfect the pair was. This among other things had assisted in the constantly flushed looks on their faces.

"Leader it looks like we\'ve done all we can for the day." Su had come to greet the pair since they as well had finished cleaning up the odds and ends left over from today\'s work. "We shouldn\'t leave everyone waiting for us at home, it would be best to head out. Miss Alice, I hope to come again to assist upon our return. It fills my heart the hard work you all put in to healing others." The words she spoke were true but that did t make walker want to leave any more so. The silver lining being that Su was establishing herself as a consistent aid to the nuns as long as she was able, this in itself were bright words for anyone to hear. The population was fairly large and there was never a shortage of those in need, any help was welcomed.

Looking down dejected walker couldn\'t help to want to draw things out, however he knew that would not be a good trait to have. "It was wondrous helping you work today. I\'ll keep practicing with light magic so I can catch up to you. Maybe I\'ll have something better to show you when I\'m back. Just as Su said we will come help out whenever we can, until then I wish you well!" His words sounded happier than his face showed but that didn\'t deter Alice in the bit. She had always lacked younger friends due to the simple fact that the others in the church were older nuns or lower ranked priests. Not many children her age ever came and when they did it was for healing.

She wanted to show her thanks for coming to help but also that she wanted them to come back. It had been a long day for her so she was low on mana, Instead of dining she had another idea. "Hmm mmm mMMmm mmh hmmm" she bummed out a soft few notes trying to use minimal mana. The light near the floor condensed and became small rainbow like flowers. They had four petals and reminded Walker of buttercups that often bloomed in the roadways.

This gesture may have been small but in its own right was amazing. With such little encouragement the light mana had shaped itself in to something amazing. " I gave you those flowers made of ice last time and now you leave me with flowers of light. Haha I guess I\'ll have to bring you back a souvenir that won\'t melt or fade away when I return." Walker hadn\'t even thought before he spoke but his words were the perfect choice.

Alice had a glint in her eye after hearing this, she would be waiting ever day for him to get back. Not I lay had she found two friends but also had someone promise to bring her a gift from outside the walls, a place she had never been. What would it be? How she would rack her brain in the days to come anxiously to find out.

" good bye for now!" Walker and Su gave her a wave as they watched the rainbow buttercups dissolve back in to the normal light. This scene made the two of them want to stay and see more but they knew they had others waiting for them. Braving the chilly air that was ever cooling due to the setting sun they headed toward the mansion.

They picked up the pace more and more noticing small flakes of snow falling around them. Tonight even more snow would fall to send off their party when they receive the request from Clara.

Bursting through the front door and shaking away the snow that had piled up on their clothes, they knew that they would have to be ready with even more layers to deal with the cold. Maybe they weren\'t fully ready to travel out in to the open plains in the middle of winter.

The sounds of chatter were louder than usual coming from the dining hall. Everyone else must be hiding away from the snow as well. Su and walker headed toward the hall to find everyone sitting and talking away. Hot chocolate and tea had been brewed up. "Well I didn\'t know we were missing the party!" Walker shouted just loud enough to get their attention.

Lisa jumped up to her feet, "you took way too long to get back! What did the forge hire you to make magic weapons?!" Lisa was definitely unhappy with Walker. But why was she so angry? She had been locking herself in her own room working with the new fabric basically ignoring all of them. What changed.

" no we-..umm" walker tried to explain but Lisa ran out of the room leaving him to talk to the open air. "What has gotten in to her?"

"Not a clue we were all in here waiting for you two to get back to start dinner and then Lisa came out full of energy. She got tea and even broke out the hot chocolate. So we\'ve been having a pretty good time. She asked where you two were a million times." Naturally Gil was at a loss as well. "So how did it all go?"

"Su\'s armor looks great, I\'m sure it will make a big difference in her speed. We even managed to get a bunch of light crystals and darkness crystals. Onyx and midnight will have a feast of their own...well maybe I\'ll hold off for a bit so it lasts the journey." This idea was probably the best since they two might need encouragement to get them through the cold days.

"Bang!" Lisa burst in to the room kicking the door out of the way. "Surprise!!! I finished your winter clothes!"

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