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Chapter 1336 1336. Prideful Summon

"The feathers are spectacular. If I couldn\'t control myself I would look all day." Walker started off seeing that he had hit the right note.

"What was that? I was too enamored with the wondrous feathers before my eyes." While Gil sounded foolish, he had p[leased the summon as well.

"Brother, these feathers are better than any I have seen in my life…" Onyx wasn\'t really sure what to do but followed suit.

"Let me introduce you to a luminescent peacock. They are the wonderfully blessed with magnificent feathers. They take in pure light elemental mana from any environment and push it to their feathers to create these rainbow beauties. You are lucky if you can even glance at a shed feather in your life. Yet now, you can be one of the few to see a living specimen." The attitude of the luminescent peacock seemed to be completely based on its feathers along with the pride it took in them.

The body was not large however, it was very small compared to the long plumage of feathers. The many rainbow colors that radiated from it were enough for Onyx to understand just how this would help. The light elemental mana coming from the peacock was so powerful that it could feed him for a long while. Having it watch over the hatchlings and eggs would improve their growth. On top of all this, it would endure the saving of light elemental crystals for when they were needed more.

,m "I will warn my students of the wonder they will witness." Onyx was smart, he left immediately to let the others know what was about to walk in to the room.

"I summoned you here to bless the young abyssal and heavenly serpent eggs and hatchlings. They thought the light in this plane was great, so I had to bring you to teach them true greatness." The words spurred the peacock on even more.

\'Luminescent peacock

It is born and raised in the light elemental plane. The fact that it ignores all potential battle growth for the grooming of its feathers makes it incredibly weak. It is often found living in groups of ten or twelve so that it can use the uglier ones as shields to survive predators. Their pride knows no bounds, an insult to their feathers can dramatically influence how it will treat you. Never insult them or else they will follow you to obtain revenge until they perish.\'

Walker felt that this was drastic but explained a lot. This reason was why Ibis had made sure they all complimented it right away. The three could hear Elise speaking while Alice listened to how she had managed to convince Ibis to come over easily. Arora was wide awake listening intently as well even though she had not grasped human language yet.

"See that? Even the young and still learning hatchlings are able to bask in your glorious feathers. I knew you were perfect for the job here." The peacock was content with fanning its feathers and showing off. The hatchlings just took the chance to absorb the very potent pure light elemental mana. Even Arora left Alice\'s arm to move closer. It was one of the first times since she hatched that she had left Alice. But Alice didn\'t feel bad at all. Instead, if Arora had not slithered over to get the nutrition that she needed, then Alice would have felt like a burden to Arora.

"Glad to see you Elise. I know you already have an idea of what I am here to negotiate. But where is, ah I see." Alma was half asleep in a nearby chair. It appeared that the three girls had taken a few moments to sit and speak before they had to deal with real work. "She has been working herself to the bone. Thank you for letting her sleep a little. She wouldn\'t listen to me at all." The genuine gratitude in Gil\'s voice made the air feel a little warmer.

"She fell asleep a little bit ago, we figured it was best to leave it be. This room is very comfortable. I can tell it was a lot easier for Onyx and Alice to spend hours in here." Elise was impressed by the ingenuity to create the room for the serpents. On top of that, it all worked out well since it had been made for long term stays.

"I agree, it will be ideal for me to watch over them while Onyx is busy with his duties. Alice as well." Alice knew that she might not be able to spend every waking moment with Arora, but she still wanted to be there as often as possible. Arora felt the very same.

"On a more professional topic, we were hoping you could provide us with magma diving bats to bring us to the lava fields near the volcanoes." Gil didn\'t beat around the bush. He knew that asking for the tough to tame monsters to be brought here for transport was going to be a hit or miss question.

"Yes, I can do that. But the tamer\'s guild needs something in return. Instead of gold or mana crystals, we want you to find the burning fin lionfish eggs. They are spawning right now and we need their eggs for a small group of young tamers. They all had strange circumstances and ended up as tamers of fire elemental monsters. They all selected this monster as their first." While everyone was interested in the situation, Gil and Walker weren\'t sure how possible this was.

"It\'s not a rare monster from what I have read. But I would like to know why and how we would do that." Walker let Elise take the spotlight for this. He wanted to hear everything first. He wasn\'t sure if he would be able to find dormant eggs of this nature that could be stored within his storage to be brought back.



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