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Chapter 1335 1335. Doing Well

"How have you been? Have you recovered after using your skills to protect the city?" Walker wasn\'t sure how Ibis would be holding up. He knew that the older someone became the harder it was to properly replenish their mana. Ibis had retired for a reason after all.

"I\'m fit as a fiddle. I could have held out for another month if those demon brats tried anything. What about you? I\'ve heard some good things about you and your family." Inis gave a knowing look to Walker and Gil.

"You know us, always getting in to trouble. It\'s mostly Walker\'s fault for being a magnet for trouble in general. He\'ll say something small that seems fun and the next thing we know we have ancient ruins filled with giant earth ants. Completely crazy." Walker\' managed to barely punch Gil in the arm. He had been too fast for Gil to dodge.

"Says the guy who started an archery academy and is trying to help unite the elven people again. You should see how often he is in the elven areas of the city. I was wondering if he secretly got another house there in the trees." This time it was Walker that got a punch to the arm. However, he hadn\'t dodged and just let Gil get his fair revenge.

"Good, good. Cause some trouble for Clara now that she is too busy to come and see my new home. I swear, you raise a child and you get nothing but the cold shoulder in return." Ibis spoke with extra dramatic flair but really he showed just how proud he was in Ibis\'s eyes. He had always hoped that Clara would be ready for her position as guild master. Now that she had taken over and even excelled within it, he couldn\'t even put how he felt in to words.

"Brother? What are you doing here? Shouldn\'t you be busy?" Onyx heard the three conversing while he was inside the room with the eggs. Elise had arrived recently as well so they had been making small talk to catch up before getting to business.

"Mordant was working hard to learn how to speak with his darkness elemental spirit partner. Then I\'m sure they were focusing on the dense darkness elemental mana to grow and understand something together. As long as they can communicate then I am sure they will have a breakthrough. A lot of things probably escaped them while training. So, Gil and I headed over here to see how you were doing." Walker also knew that Ama and Elise were speaking there as well, but it was nice to check up on the now very busy Onyx.

"Everything is going very well! My students have all learned the basics of survival in Genesis. Now we will work toward speech." Onyx wanted the hatchlings to gain the same skill as he had. He could understand them with it but not the other way around. They could not communicate with any other species and were stuck hissing between each other. The use of body language drastically limited how the hatchlings communicated and planned between each other. It would make things harder in the long run for them.

"That\'s a good goal to have. I will see what I can do with that. If I remember correctly, all of your party have the educationist title? It comes with a skill that allows you to teach someone a skill temporarily and if they succeed enough they might get it permanently. Teach me your communication skill." Ibis took the opportunity he saw in front of him.

"That\'s pretty smart. If he is going to help you and the heavenly serpents, then he will need to be able to clearly communicate and speak to them." Gil was impressed with how fast Ibis had made the move to get a skill that he might not even be guaranteed for.

Onyx looked at Walker. He was worried that Walker would see this as giving in for the wrong reasons. The skills that the party had were very rare in some regard and they had not been sharing their skills with many. The main reason was that they could end up as a resource that the city relied on for learning skills instead of the citizens pushing themselves to greater heights.

"It is a good idea. It could be a short term fix. And, if Ibis puts in the work he could keep the skill. It\'s like an investment or a payment for him helping the eggs hatch and the serpents. It is up to him if he can learn it fully in the end. Not to mention, he won\'t be abusing it to run around Genesis and cause trouble. If he does, Clara would send every adventurer to cause him trouble." Walker laughed at his joke. However, Ibis felt that this was a potential he had completely overlooked. Clara had much more power now than she had, she might rebel against him!

"Ehm, we will speak about it more. Take time to think. Before that, let me introduce you to a summon that has an interesting personality. Just remember, compliment its feathers. It is perfect for what we need." Ibis placed a hand in the air as if he was touching something. This was very similar to how he had summoned the griffin before. Yet this time, the small rune like patterns in the air were condensed from light. The strange shimmering effect made everyone feel the massive density of light elemental mana coming from it before their eyes adjusted and the patter of runed were gone.

In its place was a very odd bird that none could have ever said they had seen or read about. But Ibis was clear that they had to do something before he would just openly explain what it was and how it would help them.



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