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Chapter 1233 - 1233. Fighting Over Mana

Chapter 1233 – 1233. Fighting Over Mana

"I take no blame. None at all!

" Su yelled out while she was bandaging a scraped elbow. "Onyx and Walker started their little battle over light and darkness mana. Then add in Midnight trying to breathe flames on top of it while Walker divided his focus to deflect them. On top of that, we have Alice manipulating the light elemental mana to condense. All of that together and….this." 

She had completely explained it and while there were small pits in the ground with some scorch marks. It had easily scared off the audience before they came back to look at the aftermath. It had also left everyone with some minor cuts and scrapes while ending their training. "I will heal you, just stay still." Walker was doing his best but Su was having none of it. She was taking care of her own wounds because she didn\'t trust him at the moment to use mana. 

"And how are Onyx and Midnight already napping over there? Shouldn\'t they be, you know, awake and a little off?" Midnight and Onyx had curled up on the edge of the courtyard sleeping soundly as if nothing had happened. The only signs were some dirt and shallow scratches on their scales. 

"Do you really need to ask how they can sleep? They used enough mana to make them tied and the pair could sleep anywhere anytime. I wouldn\'t be surprised to see them get a sleepwalking skill or something." Walker had long thought that he would see Midnight get such a skill. She seemed able to sleep in the second she decided to do so without any issue. 

"And where is…Alice." Gil was still trying to catch up to how they had trained. Yet when he found Alice he wondered what had actually happened. She had mud up to her knees and there were leaves all in her hair. If Gil could guess, he would say she had been lost in a forest for weeks trying to find her way home. "You are all so lucky that Remey isn\'t here too. She would have a field day with this." The slight laugh made it even worse, however, Gil watched as Walker drank a few small mana potions and began to clean himself and the others up using his skills. The courtyard easily shifted back in to order making the high priest much happier. 

"So, rumor has it you are all leaving again. And Alice will be going with you." The high priest was looking much more serious now. The tea seemed to help him focus his gaze and make everyone feel the threat only a parent could wield. 

" Yes, I found rumors of my species and we will go and search for them. We have already made sure the heavenly serpent egg has plenty of food for while we are away. Alice will have the chance to work in a challenging environment to use light elemental mana while she is protected by everyone. It will make her and us stronger. It could be safe or dangerous. But she will be safe, I promise this." Onyx looked at the high priest taking full responsibility. He had been around a lot so the high priest perfectly understood Onyx\'s desires. Yet, seeing how serious he was taking it was still impressive. 

"I will hold you to that. I know the rest of your family would say the same thing but you are in charge. I won\'t pretend to be happy about it. I am sure it is the same for everyone\'s parents and guardians. But know this, these old bones will leave this cathedral and charge right to you if need be. I will bring my daughter back. Don\'t make me do that." Of course, the likelihood of this was low but the high priest wanted to be a little harsh on Onyx. He knew that it was the first time Onyx was going to be in charge of the party and felt it was better to act like any other sending adventurers out on an escort quest. Even though this wasn\'t necessarily an escort quest but a research quest. "Well, I should get back to work. I have been teaching a few new healers the basics about feeling the mana inside another person\'s body to find internal wounds. They have been quick to catch on. It\'s more fun that way." 

"I think he was a little harsh but he was fair. When you are in charge again you might have people that say much worse about escorting or adding others in to the party. We have been lucky that Clara deals with these things as our guild manager. But she won\'t always be able to do that for small quests." Walker knew that Clara had worked hard to do such things. 



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