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Chapter 1232 - 1232. Broken Courtyard

Chapter 1232 – 1232. Broken Courtyard

Since Su had the twin shield and had just reached Onyx, she did not worry about the light arrows falling around her. She slammed the shield in to Onyx\'s tail and watched as it was nicked away. She was also kicked back slightly but not enough to even say there was a recoil. 

To say that there was chaos was an understatement. But that was where everyone was thriving. Midnight was using her agility to dodge the arrows while jumping over the swipes and slams from Onyx\'s tail. When she would near Su, she would slash pr try and breath flames at her. It made for a very good offense as a defense strategy. 

Alice was hiding in some bushes which no one had even been able to notice. Since she knew she was at a disadvantage, she had taken the chance to hide while they were distracted by Onyx. it was not planned but the best use of the way the battle was going. Walker was impressed and almost felt bad for what he was about to do. But this was training, he needed to make sure everyone was vigilant against those who hide themselves away. 

The reason he had improved the shadows and the light elemental mana was to make it harder for those around to catch him in sight while he used the shadow wrapping skill. Midnight wouldn\'t have used it since she wanted to go head to head with Onyx in power. But Walker would gladly use it so that he could challenge everyone. It was also the best way for him to show them that they shouldn\'t just expect him to go in attacking. It was his personal challenge in training to them and himself. He had to learn to hold back and wait for the right moment. 

The right moment was when he found Alice in the bush using the song to her advantage. In that second, Walker forgot about controlling the darkness elemental mana. He instead looked at the soft mud below Alice\'s feet. He used the water and the earth elemental mana to cause the mud to become thinner. Before Alice could realize what had happened she had started to sing in to the mud. This caused panic and the song to end. All of the light arrows falling began to disperse, freeing up everyone from the annoyance and the need to dodge. However, it also allowed them to realize where Alice and Walker were. 

Midnight used a powerful push of her wings to get herself closer to him. It caused Walker to jump back and lose control of the mud which gave Alice time to move. It also let her start singing a song of shields. It may not have been the solid condensed light shield that she had wanted it to be but it was still enough to block Midnight from going after her and Onyx\'s tail from pushing her back. Instead, she found herself about to be cornered by Su who had used one shield to knock Midnight off balance and the other to attempt to pin down Alice. 

Su had a lot of skill when it came to using both shields at the same time., it had come from hours and hours of training. Now that she had the comfortable use of both, she was able to block and deflect at the same time. Onyx\'s tail? Nothing to her, Su deflected it and caused it to hit Midnight away from them. Walker pulling out a sword? Nothing. Su blocked it then shield bashed to keep him at a distance. 

Unfortunately for Su, Alice had been training very hard. The next song she changed in to was a song of swords. It wasn\'t enough for her to make multiple in an instant but it was enough to make one that caught her off guard. One sword that pushed her away and gave Alice the time to run away from everyone. She wanted to be able to sing [properly and create more swords while staying away from them. She had given up on the moves that slower her and stopped her from being able to dodge. They would put her in a bad situation. 

Since Onyx felt that his tail was not doing the job he changed tactics. He gave up on the larger size and shrank down. It was time for him to condense the shadows and the light himself to create dull spikes. He would use them to create a field to his advantage just as Walker had done. Unfortunately, Walker sensed this. He could feel the change in the mana around him and he pushed back. This was now a battle to control the mana between them. 

This fight went on for a while causing many to look on in awe. The high priest had totally given up on the courtyard and garden looking nice. Instead, he just smiled while he watched how powerful and wise his daughter was becoming. He remembered the pudgy faced baby girl he used to hum to sleep at night and wondered where the time had gone. 



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