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Chapter 467 - 467. You Beat Me?

"I am sure she will do great. She seems trustworthy and very positive." Gil had learned that Calen was not the kind of person to give up. She was always in full speed mode and would not let anything stop her. The only disappointing part about her leaving was that the party wouldn\'t be able to say their goodbyes after the negotiations were finished.

Alma nodded along with Gil and even gave him a smile. She was glad that Calen had at least been around for some time while they had guests. It was just a shame that she was given such an important task when things were just starting to change. However, it was her role to play and she would be helping that change. 

"So what are you two doing now? Want to help us give Scylla a tour?\' Walker felt a little odd using just her name and not a title but that was what Scylla had wanted. 

"Sure thing. I know that she will be interested to see the span of our sparring and training areas. I gained that bit of insight when I spoke to her the first time." Wade had already seen the passion for battle study in Scylla, it was a trait he expected the others from the demi-human kingdom to have. 

"I will join you as well. I have a place to stop as we travel. It is perfect timing." She looked at Gil, making Walker wonder if the stop she needed to make was somehow related to Gil. 

"Then it sounds like we are following Wade. After you." Gil made a dramatic gesture to let Wade take the lead, however, when Wade took a step forward a devilish smile crept on to his face. 

"We might not need to rush down since we aren\'t leaving. But I think it would be a shame to waste the chance to race a little. Right, Alma?" Alma mirrored the look Wade had and slightly bent her knees. 

"Race? What are we racing to?" Scylla sounded very interested in this. It was the prospect of competing in any way that excited her. 

"They usually race to the ground when they are up here. But I think we should just head down slowly. I am the only one without some skill that makes running through the trees easier. Even Scylla will have that skill that lets her nearly fly through the air." Gil was trying to protest but Scylla made him stop. 

"Oh no, I can actually fly in the air if I want to use the mana. It is very useful at times but not worth the mana. It comes from one of my bloodline skills. But for some reason, it is incredibly taxing on my body so I use the air step skill. It can\'t fly but I can run on air if I want." Scylla sounded like she was stating the obvious to them. 

"I still found that pretty amazing. You were nearly flying when we saw you take down that demon that was cursing the items in the market." Walker instantly recalled the event even though Gil was still trying to get them not to race. 

"You were able to fight a demon? I have not done so before. If you can tell us after our short exercise I would very much appreciate the lesson." Wade was hung up on this fact. Scylla however did not look like this was a topic she would desire to speak about in length. 

"How about this. If you beat me to the ground I will answer any question within reason about my battles with demons for five minutes. If I win and beat you to the ground you will need to take me somewhere where people can spar and challenge each other." Scylla didn\'t want to just go to training areas. She wanted to go to the best sparring area the elves had available. 

"You have a deal then. I will beat you down and then you will spend five minutes telling me the best ways to beat a demon in battle. When I go to the border I will keep the forest safe." Wade had some of his own goals in mind while proposing the challenge. 

Scylla smiled and readied herself. Gil was past his desire to avoid the run down to the ground and instead looked at Walker for support. "Don\'t look at me. I am going to try and beat all of them too. I want to ask questions about demons so we can make sure Marie is properly acclimated to the mansion. I am sure there were some good things in the demon lands." Walker was more invested than Gil had expected. 

"You mean you don\'t want to race me down? Is it because you are going to get beaten by a girl?" Alma directly challenged Gil which made him more apt to show off. 

"You beat me? No way that is happening. I was just being nice and not wanting to make you all feel bad that I won so easily." Gil started to stretch his leg while Alma giggled at him. Walker could barely contain his own amusement. 



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