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Chapter 466 - 466. The Best View

"Then I guess we can go out and explore for a little bit. Maybe we will find where Wade, Alma, and Calen have gotten to." Walker decided that his plans to relax were already out the window so he went with Scylla. 

"If you are all tired please feel free to stay and relax. I am only looking to move around a little." Scylla realized that most of the party was already set up top rest and wanted to make sure that she wasn\'t too pushy. She did have the common decency to be polite.

"Then I am calling it quits for the day" Remey was already sitting back down. She wanted to prepare herself for a long night with Trish to learn the night vision potion. If she did not rest now she knew that she would not be able to perform well enough and fail. 

Midnight only raised her head for a moment in a sleepy stupor. She was not going top be moving anywhere especially after she had just eaten the fossilized bone. She needed to rest and slowly absorb the mana within it to understand what it was and could do. On top of that, she was also going to let her body adapt to what the mana was capable of. 

Onyx was the same way. Now that he had a light elemental mana crystal to consume there was no way he was going to leave. He wanted to get used to his body more but if he went to explore and did that he would miss his chance to keep getting stronger. The more light elemental mana he consumed the larger he could grow and the closer to adulthood he would reach.

"General Scylla, I am sorry but i need to rest as well. I feel like I have been running myself a little too hard." Su had been exploring the majority of the city while everyone else had been busy. She had even traversed the same areas multiple times with Calen and then Walker. Not to mention the quest with the glowing mole. 

"Then it looked like it will be Walker and me. Want to go see a nice view?" Gill had already roped Walkers\' arm in his own and was pulling him out the tree house door. Scylla was ecstatic to leave. She was very curious about Walkers\' skills and what Gil had hidden since he had not participated in any sparring or fighting when he was in the demi-human kingdom.

"Where is this view you want to show me? Are we climbing this massive tree?" Scylla was wondering if it was even possible to climb to the top. The height might reach taller than any of them could have imagined before seeing it but the branches at the very top were sure to be smaller and weak. 

"Almost, it is a branch that Wade showed us. If we are lucky then we might find him or his party up there." Walker filled Scylla in and watched as the two started to climb the branches. She easily kept up but was not as advanced in her technique as Walker. The only thing she did exceed at was her long jumps. She seemed to effortlessly glide through the air. 

The three crawled and lept their way towards the thunderstruck branch. It was only a short while before they were nearing it when a familiar blur ran past them. "Was that Calen? If she was up there does that mean she is leaving the city?" Gil remembered that Wade told them that when they went to the branch it was their way of saying goodbye to the city for now. 

"Not sure, let\'s ask him ourselves. He is right there." Walker easily spotted Wade and Alma sitting on the thunderstruck branch. They looked like they had just finished a lengthy conversation. 

"Fancy meeting you two up here. We were just bringing Scylla to see the best view in the city." Gil made his and the other\'s arrival announcement so he would not scare the two elves. 

"Oh yeah? Well, General Scylla, you won\'t be disappointed after seeing the view from our thunderstruck branch." Wade motioned for Scylla to look out from the end of the branch. 

"This is indeed spectacular. My chosen home of Ordist does not have a view like this. Even from the top of the coliseum, I can only see fields and small towns in the distance. Scylla was smitten with the view and moved to the edge of the branch to take it all in. 

"We saw Calen, is she leaving?" Walker asked this a little quieter so that Wade would feel he was having a more private setting. Walker was a little off put by prying like this. 

"Yes, she had been given a quest from the queen to visit the other elf cities throughout the continent. She has the speed to get it done the fastest. If we are branching out to share our knowledge then it is only fair that we welcome the others to do it as well." Wade sounded extremely happy with this. He knew that more elves would lead to a better future. 



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