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Chapter 300 - 300. Parental Meeting

She created some new work clothes that seemed to resist the blade tools they used which was a pretty amazing feat within itself. Many carpenters had cuts and scars from the tools as they worked over the years, being ankle to avoid these small injuries meant a safer work environment and also a better mood. Both already showed on Gale\'s parents\' faces. 

Walker had also begun to notice small end tables and even a dresser in the hallway as he wandered around after dinner. They seemed to be hard at work starting with the smaller furniture in the house. He trusted that they were doing their best and from the quality he saw in these small pieces he knew that even if they did not need a new place to say that choosing them to do this work was a great choice. 

Walker still had the heroic quest in mind and decided it might be best to bring Gale with him to the adventurers guild while he trained. Her parents could have a meeting and talk about Gale\'s future while she was watching Su and Walker train. This would be a welcome experience for everyone involved along with a good growing point. 

Walker had no doubt that seeing how the adventurers worked to improve, that Gale and her parents would want to choose the adventurer\'s guild. Gale may be too young to decide fully to become a member but she would just be looking for a teacher, which wouldn\'t require membership. Overall it was still a decent plan. 

He sent Clara a message to confirm that it would be alright for him to bring the family along tomorrow and almost immediately received a reply. She was business like as usual telling him that there would be available time to meet with the guild master. With their plans in place he let Gale\'s parents know before he went off from the dining hall. 

Before he knew it the morning had rushed in to his room and he was getting ready yet again for another day. They had been lucky to have amazing weather the past few days and walker had been lamenting the fact that he had been inside the forge missing out on it. Today was going to be different though, he was going to be out and taking advantage of the guild\'s training fields. He was going to use the day to its fullest. 

"Good morning Su" Walker found that Su was by the front of the door with a familiar face attached to her leg. 

"Good morning, look who I found waiting for us here this morning. She was here even before her parents woke up." Su ruffled Gale\'s hair which caused the little girl to giggle. 

"I take it you\'re pretty excited to see what the adventurers guild is like then? There should be a lot of people there so make sure you stick close to us. I will make sure you get a good show while we train. I have a few new things I plan to try out." Walker had spent his time brainstorming while he waited for sleep to take him. He had a few elements he wanted to use in tandem with the large hammer. 

"Will I get to use my skills too?" Gale didn\'t let herself become distracted. She had been wanting to practice and learn about her system for some time now but always told not to or to wait. It was only fair that she now wanted to start to experiment with the opportunity in sight. 

"You will need to wait until we have a conversation with someone at the guild. But if everything goes well then yes, you will get to play with your skills." Gale\'s mother came down the stairs and joined the conversation. Her husband was right behind her nodding along. He looked very serious and was ready to make the best deal possible for his daughter\'s future. 

"Well since we are all her let\'s get on our way." The group headed out and started to move towards the adventurers guild. Gale ran around them and bounced from person to person, the excitement was tangible. She was going to be able to use her skills and Walker knew that if the little girl did not get the chance to do something today she would definitely get herself in to some trouble. 

As they passed through the streets there were a few vendors starting to set up shop. It was still pretty early but just late enough to grab a snack from one vendor. The stall had just started making some breakfast pancakes which were very easy to hold and eat on the move. There were even some with fruits cooked in so they were more nutritious. 

Su seemed to jump at these and had gotten the most out of any of them. Walker made sure that if she was ever in a bad mood that these would be nice things he could find to cheer her up. Luckily for everyone\'s sanity the food was able to calm Gale but a small margin. This helped with her parents\' nerves since they were about to talk to a very important person in the kingdom. 

The gravity of who they were working for and living with had not really set in. However as they had talked the word hero and guild master seemed to hold more and more weight. Their shoulders had started to get stiff and they almost had decided to leave and go elsewhere for a while. Who could have easily handled the difference in status. 

What really kept them there was the positive attitude that the rest of the family had. They Were more like the average family and made them feel very at home. The kids may have been the wild cards that somehow got the hero title but they were still young. After realizing these things Gale\'s parents had reaffirmed their attitudes and made sure they would procure the best for their daughter. They may only be simple carpenters but their daughter was going to be the best made their kingdom had ever heard of.

Gale could feel the confidence start to brim from her parents. Her mood skyrocketed even more, so much so that she was soon holding both her parents hands and swinging between them. They looked like a perfect family out for a morning walk, definitely not heading to the guild to talk to the guild master of the adventurers guild.

When the group arrived it was rather quiet. There were a few party\'s here and there who were either returning with horned rabbit bodies or leaving to go patrol for some to hunt. The others that were around were not accepting the quest or just not strong enough yet to do so. Walker worried that this would mean the training fields were barren. 

"That is our guild manager Clara. I will go see her to see what we should do. " Walker left the others at the entrance and met Clara at the counter. 

"You\'re earlier than I expected. But that works out well. Since we are in a lull now. The adventurers that took the quest to hunt the horned rabbits have started to need to go farther and farther to find them. I believe it will have passed in another day or two." This was very good news for any merchants trying to hear that way. There would be no problem for them to travel as long as they had an escort. 

The positive was also that there would be more adventurers returning to their normal escort jobs with merchants that contracted them. The daily life of the guild would return slightly but there would also be an influx of those looking to go off and get tested due to their gain of experience from fighting the horned rabbit hordes. 

Walker gave a wave to Gale\'s parents who left Gale with Su. "Let\'s head up with Clara to meet the guild master." Walker looked to Clara who led the way. She was going to be as professional as possible in front of these parents since their daughter could end up as a new adventurer. It was only proper. 



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