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Chapter 299 - 299. The Gloves Are...On?

Walker was a little surprised she was asking about Gil but since they were the only two that had not been near the forge for their gear it made sense. "No not yet. I figure I am going to contact him with the party chat skill soon. He needs to come and work on his arrows before we head out." Remey gave Walker a not. 

The ash and bits of dried herbs that were coming from her clothes made it look like she was about to blow away in the slight breeze with them. "You know I think I got really lucky going to the adventurer\'s guild. Lin told me not to under any cost but with my system there was not much else to do. We could not afford the tuition to the military academy so i would have had to work as a mercenary or a guard." Remey had not spoken about the other possible careers she had considered before. 

"Being a guard would not have been that bad. Look at my father." 

"That\'s not what I mean, I just couldn\'t have found passion in it. Right now I can\'t wait to train more and to learn something new. I have never felt this in my life. I really am lucky, so many of the alchemists have this dead look in their eyes because when they gained their system tier families just sent them off and ruined their passion. I will fix that, the alchemy building needs to become a guild with tests and recruitment." 

"Do you really think you can manage that? They seem pretty set in their ways to make a lot of money and stay as a ]n independent building." Walker had not thought that Remey would have such a desire, but seeing that she had become so invested he knew that she had not thought about this in a fleeting moment. She must have been thinking this for some time but finally found a way to act on it now. 

"Yes, I will use the hero title to its advantage and I will make whatever connections I need. When we are strong enough I will make that change and make alchemy a better profession. No more noble families sending off their emotionally dead children to suffer and make money for them. You should know what I feel, would you have been just as happy if your parents forced you to stay inside the city and just learn trade skills?" 

Walker had not really thought of this, his parents had been supportive of his desires and only even voiced worry. For the most part they had always made sure that he had the choice in life over his own fate. " I see what you are saying. It would mean some loss of gold for the alchemists but in the end they would have better budding talent. Even looking at the demi-human kingdom incident with the potions that made people sick; it could solve that problem. A guild has the power to hire people to check quality and constantly make sure that things are safe. The possibility of someone being harmed through potions would become incredibly minute." 

This was another thing that could change, there would no longer be so many alchemists or fake alchemists selling off experimental potions. This meant that the overall quality would start to increase. Even more so if the alchemists followed the lead of the tamers then they could spread to many kingdoms and carve out a place in history right next to the other guilds, 

"When you decide to act just let me know. I will be behind you to make sure that they listen to every word. " Walker made this promise feeling that this was the best move to make the most people happier in the long run. This would be a massive positive change. 

"I will be counting on you then." Remey gave him a genuine smile and pushed open the door to the forge. "I hear you have something amazing to show me?" 

The wandering blacksmith was a little startled but he did not show it long. Instead he want to the mannequin that he had used to hold her armor in shape. He soon had the gloves and armor in his hands; passing them to remey. Her eyes were alight with the desire to break them in so she rushed to the side of the forge and locked herself in the storage area to change. 

When she burst out of the door she was already making fake punches and jabs. Remey was effectively shadow boxing while she tried to see if the gloves were flexible enough. Eleven thought her armor and gloves were tight, it was clear that she had no problem bending, twisting, and releasing her moves. 

When Remey removed her knuckles from her pockets where she always had them clipped for quick use her face made a devious grin. They fit perfectly over the fingers of the gloved and stayed in place perfectly. "I have no problems, these are perfect." Remey looked at her arms and was in awe at the patterns seemingly sewn into the gloves and armor that were slowly absorbing a little of her mana. The best part was that she could see that the mana storage gems were also receiving the mana. "These should be safe to use while I make potions too right?" 

The wandering blacksmith nodded happily that his creation was perfect and did not require an adjustment. He also foresaw this question since he had been keeping an ear out for what the party members were doing. Hearing that Remey had started to work in the alchemist lab he made sure to use the weaving like technique to make the gloves. This lead to them having a more water proof effect. 

"They should also help resist the decay from the slime when we are fighting them. This means you can lay down some damage much more safely." Walker\'s worries had been appeased by this gear but Remey didn\'t seem to be ankle to focus on that fact. Instead she was still admiring the way the armor and gloves seamlessly fit together at her shoulders. 

"These are going to get broken in right now!" Remey flexed and started out the door. She looked to be headed back to the alchemist lab to get back to work. She wanted to have a successful high mana potion made next. After that she would start to make potions for their trip to the sun hollow forest, they would be useful for the party. Worst case they could sell them to anyone they passed as the traveled. "Oh by the way I will call Gil for you." 

Remey said this as she walked away and Walker could swear she heard her yelling at Gil to get his butt back to the mansion or she would come hunting for him. 

With the amazing progress Remey had made and the fact that Gil was on his way back Walker was left with low mana and a sense of tiredness. He had spent just about an entire day in the forge again, however tomorrow he would be free to try out his new weapons. He wanted to head to the guild and challenge some other opponents in the training field. 

Sparring with others would help him adapt to those he did not know along with surprises in battle. Not to mention he was still technically a newbie in combat. Even though his party had done a lot so far, they rarely got up close and personal with enemies. So far they had done a lot of long range combat and not truly been in the heat of a battle. 

This fact alone was a good reason to train more, on top of that showing face at the guild would bring out those who doubted their skills making their name as heroes even more viable. Walker didn\'t really like the gossip that never seemed to end but it was better to have positive gossip than negative gossip. He was also worried that he would lack the proper connections with other parties if it ever came time for him to need another party\'s help.



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