
Chapter 511 Power Play In The Meeting (2)

Positioning his body in a wider frame, Rex looks at Lady Lauren directly into her eyes keeping their eye contact intense. It\'s more like a settling of dominance that these two are fighting for, the winner will have an advantage mentally.

The woman called Kiera is locked in her spot with Kyran\'s black spear on her neck.

Making a sudden move in this kind of situation where the tension is very high will be a bad idea, Kyran might just slash her neck off if she decided to test him. But that\'s not the only thing that makes Kiera stands frozen like a statue.

Aside from the surprise that Kyran manage to bypass their senses, Kiera can feel that her spirit got suppressed by the darkness coming out of Kyran\'s body. She literally can\'t use her spirit to fight.

Calling out her spirit shadow might make her leave this situation, but she can\'t.

Kyran\'s burning black eyes are like the embodiment or incarnate of darkness itself, his eyes are filled with spirit energy of the Shurbaa the Overlayed Ash that is way stronger than Kiera\'s spirit. It allows him to suppress her spirit easily.

Just before going to the meeting,

Kyran already told Rex what he was feeling throughout his time in the Hester Family\'s mansion, he detailed every single thing that he experienced inside the mansion. One of the core things that Rex finds interesting is the fact that Lady Lauren and the blonde maid he was following have grey glowing eyes.

It might be because of the blonde maid is a mind Elementalist too, but Kyran insisted that she\'s not.

From this alone, Rex finally thought of the possibility that Lady Lauren can access the minds of those around her and see through their eyes, which is why when the blond maid was about to shout she suddenly becomes calm and turned away.

The mind attack is also an interesting thing but it\'s should be a defensive measure of the mansion.

Because of the fact that the mind attack recede and the glowing grey eyes, Rex becomes determined that the possibility of Lady Lauren knowing Kyran is there is high. Almost certain.

With that Rex decided to buy an item from the system\'s shop for their preparation.

Rex bought a steel necklace for Kyran that can suppress his mind completely, it\'s called Pendant of Blankness which is a seventh rank battle equipment. It will make Kyran\'s mind be silent despite him still thinking, it also has an additional effect of +300 Agility stat.

A useful item for meeting the Hester Family which is a mind Elementalist based family.

On the other hand, he buys himself a higher rank item called Earring of Selective Mind. Just like its name implies, the earring will be able to filter the wearer\'s mind such as memories that the wearer doesn\'t want others to see.

Just like Rex did, he suppresses the fact that he\'s in his Werewolf form while showing Lady Lauren him trashing the Vampire royal families\' heads, this makes her see that Rex actually did that in his human form.

With his current strength, beating an eighth-rank Vampire is still a hard stretch.

But since the memories inside his head are real but altered by the Earring of Selective Mind, all Lady Lauren see is Rex butchering the Vampires and other Supernaturals without even trying much.

Those two items from the system\'s shop play a detrimental role in this meeting.

Lady Lauren despite being able to read any minds that enter her range was not able to detect Kyran who follows after Rex all this while since he got out of the car, the item cloaks his mind thus resulting in this scenario where he\'s able to surprise even Lady Lauren.

While pulling Sienna\'s head to protect her from this scene, Lady Lauren looks at Rex with clear eyes.

Both of them are looking at each other silently as the breathing of both Kyran and Kiera becomes rapid as time passes by. Lady Lauren closes her eyes for a couple of seconds, she then opens her eyes again before she finally opens her mouth, "I believe the meeting can be conducted in a civilized way..."

"Wise leaders such as ourselves don\'t resort to unnecessary aggression"

Rex kept his cool sitting calmly on the sofa, this reply shows that Lady Lauren is finally willing to make a platonic barter between their families. It\'s the best course of action, others will only lead to blood.

Signaling with his hand, Kyran lifted his black spear away from Kiera\'s neck.

Kiera also did the same as she retracts back the sword from Rex\'s neck, she then slowly went back to Lady Lauren\'s side while Kyran stands firmly beside Rex wearing a stoic and cold expression. The expressions worn by Lady Lauren and Kiera shows clearly the shift in the power of the room.

It was them that were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Kyran, they manage to surprise Rex by knowing Ryze\'s condition but now they have truly on equal grounds.

"Now that we\'re on the same page, I\'ll hear your request first", Rex finally said.

Although he was not expecting that the tension becomes that high since Lady Lauren turns out to not see him as her equal, he nevertheless manages to handle it perfectly and brings the professionalism back to the table.

Before she answers, Lady Lauren glances at Sienna, "Why don\'t you play with brother Liam first?"

"Mom has something important to discuss, but it won\'t take long. I\'ll definitely play with you after this. Can you do that for mommy?", she asks softly to her only daughter.

Hearing this, Sienna glanced at Lady Lauren with her beautiful big eyes before nodding her head.

Sienna jumped down from the sofa before she stopped by Rex and bowed politely, "It was nice to meet you, mister. I hope you don\'t hurt mommy...", she said before scurrying outside and closing the door behind her.

With Sienna out of the way, Lady Lauren focuses back on the matters, "I\'ve heard of your mission"

"Mission? What mission?"

"The SCO has tasked you to go hunt the last material for the Supernatural Radar, you\'re tasked to bring back a high-rank Shapeshifter preferably alive. Isn\'t that true?"

Rex leans back on the sofa with a frown, Lady Lauren knows many things about him.

\'She must have some contacts in the SCO now, the UWO and SCO are closely working together and I\'m sure that allows her to know this thing. But she doesn\'t seem to mind that I\'m an SCO member... sigh, I need to be more careful about sensitive things in the future\'

After thinking to himself, he then looks back at Lady Lauren, "Yes, my team is tasked with that"

"Perfect, all I want you to do is to bring back one of the Five Conversions of the Shapeshifter. Before you turn the Shapeshifter in, I want you to bring it to me and it must be alive. Its corpse then can be brought back to the SCO", Lady Lauren explained with a hint of disgust in her eyes upon saying the Five Conversions.

But Rex doesn\'t know this Five Conversion, he doesn\'t have any experience with the Shapeshifter.

Only once has he made contact with a Shapeshifter and that also occurred long ago when he\'s participating in the Faraday University\'s tournament, the first time he has ever used the Invincible item.

"Five Conversions... is that somekind of elite forces of the Shapeshifter?"

"You can say it like that, there\'s supposed to be five but one of them got killed by the SCO as it tries to infiltrate Ratmawati City. It\'s the Shapeshifter that attacked you back then, that one is also apart of the Five Conversion"

Albeit once again Lady Lauren shows that she knows so much, Rex kept silent and just listens.

Raising her hand and flicking her fingers, Kiera takes out a piece of paper from a bag hidden behind the sofa. She gave the thick piece of paper to Lady Lauren before she puts it on the table. With a light push, the paper slides to Rex\'s side of the table.

Slowly shifting his eyes from Lady Lauren to the paper,

Rex looks at the paper and finds that it is a paper with a drawing on it, the drawing is painted and it\'s so vivid and detailed which showcases the expert hand behind the painter. It was a drawing of a creature that Rex thought was a Shapeshifter.

Studying it closely, the Shapeshifter is sitting on a table and has a human woman-like figure.

The entirety of its body is pitch black as if its skin is molded by darkness itself, it has short black hair and black furs on its shoulder and thighs with glowing red eyes from the pit of hell itself. For a Shapeshifter, this one has some features on its face.

One can decipher its eyes, nose, and mouth as the face is not black but human-colored.

But the one distinctive trait that Rex instantly catches is that the Shapeshifter\'s hands are not hands, they were double-edged black blades covered with sizzling dark energy. they look very sharp.

Shifting back his eyes to Lady Lauren, she then sighs and continues.

"That drawing is directly drawn from my memories, it was the Shapeshifter that killed my husband..."

"Unlike what the public knows, my husband didn\'t die from unnatural sickness. But it was because of a poison given directly by that Shapeshifter, I saw it leaving but I can\'t pursue it. The Shapeshifter has the ability to even mimic a person\'s mind, it\'s hard for me to catch it"

"When I got back, my husband is already choking on the floor with a blackened mouth"

Hearing the story of why she wanted Rex to take that Shapeshifter, he already more or less guessed it. The disgusted expression that he saw before shows that she has resentment toward the Shapeshifter.

It\'s not surprising to find that the news given to the public is a lie, that\'s just to not create chaos.

Rex nodded his head in understanding, he was not going to complain about the request since he was already going to hunt a high-rank Shapeshifter. It doesn\'t matter who the target is, as long as it was a high-rank Shapeshifter then it\'s not a problem.

But there\'s one question that still lingers in his mind, "Why didn\'t you just find it yourself?"

"Well, I already tried it a year ago but it almost killed me. The Five Conversion is very close with the Shapeshifter King, King Oddity, and thus killing that Shapeshifter despite only having mid-seventh rank power is very hard. Now that the Supernatural is expanding inside our territory, there should be a gap in their ranks which makes killing that Shapeshifter possible"

"I am not permitted to pursue the Shapeshifter ever again, but you can..."

Although this Shapeshifter is close with King Oddity which will make this request a hundred times harder, what Lady Lauren said is true as there should be an opportunity to take out the Shapeshifter with the Supernatural expanding inside.

It\'s a reasonable request, but now Rex will need to present what he wanted.

"With our current lineup, taking down this Shapeshifter is possible... but in return I want you to fill the quota of the Silverstar Family to be sent to the war, Sebrof is pressuring my family non-stop until this matter is taken care of", Rex finally said while studying Lady Lauren\'s expression.

Seeing her eyebrows creased together, Rex knows that she has some disagreement with this.

"That is a bit much for an exchange, what I ask is a personal vendetta but what your request is a family problem. It will take a huge chunk of my forces to fill your quota of the war", she replied.

But hearing this, Rex already prepared a proposition foreseeing this will happen.

Rex stares calmly at her for a couple of seconds before he finally said clasping his hands together on the table, "What about William, we can make a deal using him..."

"Sir Rex... I thought we\'re proceeding this meeting in a civil way", Lady Laurens squinted her eyes.

From how Rex says the name William alone, she feels threatened by him bringing it up. In her eyes it\'s definitely a threat but it was just a misunderstanding, "You misunderstand me Lady Lauren, what I\'m trying to say is what if I can make your son, William... an Awakened?"

The words that came out of Rex\'s mouth are like an exploding bomb inside their heads.

Lady Lauren and Kieran who stands silently on the side widen their eyes in absolute shock, Kieran even steps back upon hearing what he just said, "Matter of fact, I\'m not going to make William just an Awakened... But a Mind Elementalist just like the rest of you"

"C-Can you really do that?!", Kieran exclaimed from the side before getting a glare from Lady Lauren.

Although her expression is certainly tempted by Rex\'s proposition that can clear the major problem of the future heir of the Hester Family, Lady Lauren tries to put on a straight expression despite being very shaken, "Playing around with such a bold claim will get you in trouble, Sir Rex..."


Rex takes out a high-affinity orb that is glowing with grey light, he bought it from the shop.

Upon seeing the intense orb of grey energy that they clearly feel as rampaging familiar energy, Lady Lauren\'s expression finally breaks as she can\'t help but gasp marveling at the grey affinity orb.

There\'s no doubt in their faces seeing the affinity orb, it\'s certainly a treasure.

Despite knowing that she shouldn\'t act this way in a negotiation such as this, Lady Lauren can\'t help it as this is the item she needed the most. The moment she shows a clear sign of wanting is the moment she lost the negotiation, and Rex can basically ask whatever he wants.

Cracking a huge smirk, Rex then declared with ease.

"I\'ll give you this affinity orb, but the terms will be changed"

"Don\'t worry, I will still give that Shapeshifter to you but in return for this affinity orb your forces will cover the war quota of the Silverstar Family forever..."


Rex comes out of the Typhoon Circle followed by Kyran.

"Well, that\'s a success. They completely cave in when they saw the affinity orb...", Kyran commented from the side remembering how fast Lady Lauren agrees in covering the Silverstar Family\'s quota of war forever.

Hearing this, Rex chuckles lightly but there\'s a notification in front of him.

p <Does the user wants to buy Soul High-affinity Orb for 10,000 Gold?>

\'Although I can buy this Soul High-affinity Orb which is a rarer element than the mind element for William, it\'s too powerful to be given to someone I don\'t really know. They just have to be thankful with just that...\'

While standing by the black sedan with the door opened by the Awakened guards, Kyran then asks, "What are we going to do now? Are we going to the Supernatural territory?"


"You, Adhara, and Evelyn will be going to the Vampire Stronghold", Rex replied firmly.

Kyran was confused as to why they needed to go to the Vampire stronghold, but he trust Rex enough that there was something going on there, "Two of us should be enough right? Adhara is training and I think me and Evelyn can handle it"

"I don\'t like what the demons are doing, they\'re suspicious"

"Unless my guess is mistaken, the Vampires are going to do something there as the Demon attracts the attention from our side. You three are going to be there, fighting mid-seventh rank Supernatural will not be a problem for you three. And Adhara is needed there", Rex explained clearly.

But this makes Kyran even more confused, "What do you mean Adhara is needed?"

"Well... you won\'t believe what she just evolved into...", Rex mutters giving Kyran a mysterious smirk.


Meanwhile, Rex\'s mansion in sector 2.

Adhara is sitting in a meditative position inside the training ground building, her eyes are closed as her fire and wind mana sizzles around her body. But if one looks closer, there\'s a subtle white energy intertwining with the elemental mana.

It dances in sync and brought a devastating chilly aura,


A boney sound can be heard as Adhara\'s fingernails slowly turn into claws, but the claws that were supposed to be steel black came out sharp silvery white. The white energy becomes more intense as she opens her eyes revealing her glowing white eyes.

Soon a smirk appears on Adhara\'s face as she cracks the bones in her hands menacingly.

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