
Chapter 510 Power Play In The Meeting (1)

In the busy street of the neighboring sector of 3E, the people here are not wearing the dominant white as the scientists and researchers in sector 3E wore. Most of them are wearing fashionable clothes made by a well-known designer, a sector filled with riches.

Materialistic things are pursued here with everyone paying attention to their clothes.

The women here wore colorful outfits that matches the sunlight that are abundant from the scorching hot ball we call the sun, while the men wore bright color outfits that makes every part of the place bright.

Even if some citizens have lived in Ratmawati City for their entire life, only a few have gone through each sector possessed by Ratmawati City. It\'s one of the eight big cities, so it\'s expected.

Office workers are the dominant here, many of them are seen outside as it\'s around lunchtime.

Two black luxurious sedans drive through the busy street through the privilege lane catching the attention of many people walking down the street, only important people can use the privilege lane and most of them should be the officers or the higher-ups of the UWO.

But lately, the SCO higher-ups are also allowed to use the privilege lane.

"I\'ve never seen those sedans pass here before, who do you think it\'s in there?"

"Probably a UWO director or something"

"I don\'t think so, the SCO has been going through here a lot lately"

"Oh...? We\'re going to find out right now"

Seeing that the two sedans stopped on the side of the street right in front of a bar that is clearly closed since it\'s the middle of the day, the two passerby stares at the black sedans anticipating the one inside of it to come out.

While waiting for the important person inside the black sedan to come out, the two people even started betting one bet for the important person to be from the UWO while the other bet for the SCO.

Unlike both of their expectations, the person that comes out surprised them.

​ The one that comes out is very tall and muscular wearing a steel earring on his left ear, he\'s towering over the passerby like a sore thumb. Most passerby quickly walks past realizing who this muscular man is, even the man\'s aura brought pressure unlike any other.

Everyone knows the young star of the entire Ratmawati City, it\'s none other than Rex.

Rex walks out of the black sedans wearing a formal maroon suit coupled with a black vest underneath him, the Awakened guard opened the door for him. Adhara, Kyran, or even Gistella are not present as he was the only one inside the car.

"Is this the right place?", Rex walks out of the black sedan and looks at the bar in front of him.

The Awakened that opened the door nodded his head politely while glancing at the name of the bar, "I believe it is, the meeting takes place in Typhoon Circle. The Hester Family should\'ve already been inside", he replied looking at the other luxurious parked car on the side of the street.

Going to the bar is not something he\'s doing for leisure, but he\'s here to have a meeting.

After Kyran relies on the message to the Hester Family, Lady Lauren herself to be exact, they quickly got into an agreement to have a meeting in a neutral place. This place was Atkin Family\'s turf.

But now that the Silverstar Family has taken over, it\'s technically theirs now.

Why this place is considered a neutral place because although this is Rex\'s territory it hasn\'t been regulated by him yet, and it seems Lady Lauren knows that which is why they agreed to make this place their meeting place.

Rex tidied his suit and stepped inside the bar as the doorbell makes a ringing sound.

Leaving the door to close itself, Rex looks around the place and finds a couple of people are already there. The two people look at him but one of them frowns seeing that the door takes longer to close.

But before he can comment, Rex already intervenes, "Is Lady Lauren already inside?"

"Yes, sir Rex. Lady Lauren is already waiting for you inside, please come in", one of the Awakened guards standing beside a VIP wooden door said before stepping to the side. The Hester Family\'s Awakened are quite surprised to see Rex comes alone, but they didn\'t say anything.

Without any hesitation, Rex takes long strides toward the VIP door.

There\'s not a hint of fear on his face as he opens the door gently, Rex walks into the VIP room and finds two women and a girl inside. One woman and the girl are sitting on the sofa while another is standing by the sofa. Gazing his eyes left and right, Rex scans the people aside from the woman that is clearly Lady Lauren.

Knowing the fact that she\'s an eighth rank Awakened and probably at the peak of the realm, Rex didn\'t bother to scan her knowing that it will only hurt himself.

Rex has never really been a bar guy although he\'s sometimes interested in it, and he was surprised upon seeing the inside of the room, the VIP room truly lives up to its VIP name. Contrasting to the wooden door, the insides of the VIP room are really ornamental as everything inside is glistening from the golden chandelier light in the middle of the ceiling.

There\'s a U-shaped sofa in the middle of the room where Lady Lauren and the girl sat, its grey grain leather is pleasing to the eyes and looks soft. Decorative sconce light glowing with a green light is also a nice addition to the room.

"Rex Silverstar, I\'m surprised that you came alone here", Lauren, wearing a revealing grey one-piece glistering dress said while leaning on the sofa gracefully.

Hearing this, Rex makes eye contact with her for a couple of seconds before sitting on the sofa.

"I don\'t need guards to come here", Rex replied spreading his arms on the opposite sofa leisurely, he doesn\'t look intimidated at all even though the woman standing by the U-shaped sofa is looking at him warily.

She\'s an early seventh rank Awakened, and also a Mind Elementalist. Rex already checked her.

Upon hearing this, Lady Lauren smiles sweetly putting the glass in her hand on the table. Her peering eyes glances at Rex before she said, "Let\'s not idle around shall we, let\'s get straight to business"

"I believe you feel secure enough with the information your Dark Elementalist friend gave?"

The sudden realization makes Rex\'s eyes waver a bit, but this doesn\'t escape Lady Lauren\'s eyes, "You don\'t need to be surprised, I\'m a mind Elementalist. Nothing can sneak up on me"

"Letting me know about William, I don\'t think it\'s a good idea", Rex blurted out without restraint.

Of course, since Lady Lauren turns out to know about Kyran\'s infiltration already, there\'s no need to cover up what he knows. It\'s futile and it\'s better to be upfront about what he knows in this kind of situation, "Are you implying that you will use it to blackmail me...?"

A soothing soft voice escape Lady Lauren\'s mouth as she narrowed her eyes.

"I could if I want to, and that\'s your mistake", Rex replied bravely, even though he\'s alone he doesn\'t feel in any way inferior to Lady Lauren sitting in front of him.

But just as he said that Lady Lauren chuckles sweetly.

Rex looks at her chuckling with one of his eyebrows raised before she finally replied, "Don\'t worry, I\'m not that coy to make an amateur mistake like that. Forgive my bold credence but I\'m not Wesley Atkins..."

"If you decided to go that way, I could also spread the fact that the kid you taken is a Supernatural"

"What\'s his name... if I\'m not mistaken it should be Ryze"

Upon hearing this, Rex was utterly baffled as he didn\'t expect Lady Lauren to get that kind of information when nobody else know about Ryze except for Liliya whom he just told earlier. It\'s completely out of his expectation, \'How did she know that...?\'

Although he was really surprised, Rex\'s expression kept calm showing no sign of weakness.

Trying to play it and keep the conversation going, Rex then replied with a light scoff, "I believe we want something from each other, it\'s clear to me now that it\'s the case. Why don\'t we work together and go past this needless aggression?"

"Work together? I\'m thinking more of a debt that my family will pay, I will give you the item that you searched for in exchange for you doing something for me", Lady Lauren replied.

It\'s a vague message but Rex instantly got a grasp of what she meant by that. Basically, she\'s saying that the Hester Family is too high for the Silverstar Family to ask and work together. She wanted Rex to do something for her instead which she will pay.

Not in a form of working together, but more like a transaction in which she will pay what she thinks is sufficient. Rex has no degree of power in this transaction, requesting a favor back from them is off the table.

But it\'s clearly not what Rex is here for.

Without minding what she said, Rex looks at the little girl sitting on the side.

"You must be Sienna, I was told that you\'re the exact resemblance of your mother\'s beauty. But I stand corrected, I can see that you\'re way more beautiful than your mother", Rex said with a friendly smile, and this sparks a smile on Sienna\'s face.

Lady Lauren looks at Rex calmly, but her eyes slowly turn a little bit hostile.

Rex noticed this hostility but he ignores it and keep his focus on Sienna, "I\'ve heard that mind Elementalist can read minds, can you try reading my mind? You\'re a Mind Elementalist too, why don\'t you try it out?"

Upon hearing this, Sienna\'s eyes sparkles with an ashy color before they dimmed again.

"Mister, I can\'t read your mind. Yours are really hard to go through", Sienna said with her little soft voice, she tried to read Rex\'s mind but she can\'t since she\'s only a second rank Awakened.

But this makes Rex glance at Lady Lauren instead, "Why don\'t you try it?"

"Why don\'t you try reading my mind and tell cute Sienna here what I\'m thinking about?", he added giving Lady Lauren a mysterious look, she has a bad feeling about the direction of their meetings. Nevertheless, her eyes glow with intense ashy energy as she prides into Rex\'s mind.

Lady Lauren frowned, she was not just reading his mind but looking into his mind.

Rex knew this because the system has alerted him about the mind infiltration, but he let her pass and makes her bear witness to what was inside his mind.

Upon entering Rex\'s mind, the scene that enters was instantly a grotesque scene.

The memories of Rex butchering the Undead back in the stadium came to play as he was drowned by a sea of corpses, the fight he had with Durrant, and even the fight he have with the Delarosa and Izora Royal Families that he was easily beaten.

It all can be seen directly by Lady Lauren, and she can\'t help but feel a chill crawl up her spine.

Not because of the bloodied scene that is hard to watch, but it\'s because Rex manages to take down and stomp on Vampires that are the head of the Royal Families which are definitely in the eighth rank realm.

Her eyes kept widening before she was snapped out of her daze by Sienna.

"Mom... what is this mister thinking? Why do you look pale?", Sienna asks innocently.

Just as Lady Lauren shifted back to the current thought inside Rex\'s head, the woman standing by the side suddenly disappears and reappeared just beside Rex. There\'s a sword already pointing at Rex\'s neck but his expression is still calm, "How dare you thought of that?!!", the woman shouted angrily.

Inside Rex\'s head right now, he was thinking of butchering Sienna right here right now.

Rex thought of ripping her little head making the fresh and vigorous blood coursing in her veins sprayed all over the room, and the scenery alone is too disturbing to see for any other person much less the mother of the child he butchered in his mind.

But with still the stoic expression, he then said, "Are you sure you\'re not going to work with me?"

Lady Lauren has a grim expression on her face as a levitating staff suddenly appears on her side out of nowhere, she pulls Sienna that is confused about the situation closer to her before lifting her eyes to meet Rex\'s eyes.

Even with the sword on his neck, Rex kept looking at Lady Lauren calmly.

There are no signs of distress, nervousness, or even fear in his eyes. Rex is stone cold and it comes to the point of sheer terrifying, a trait that only a very few people have. People that don\'t fear death, and also calculated people that know what he/she was doing.

"Keira lay down your weapon", Lady Lauren finally mutters softly.

The woman called Keira that has her sword on Rex\'s neck looks back in aghast, "But my lady, this man just threaten Sienna! How could I le-"

"Lay your weapon down, or you\'re going to die..."

Upon hearing what Lady Lauren said, Kiera was confused as to what she meant by that. But then suddenly she felt insurmountable coldness on her neck, she glanced down slowly before her eyes widen seeing a black spear is also already on her neck.

She gulps harshly realizing that there\'s another person with Rex inside the room.

Not only does the fact that a person manages to puts the black spear on her neck surprise her, but what\'s even more surprising is that even Lady Lauren doesn\'t sense this person inside the room.

Rex crosses his legs nonchalantly while still gazing at Lady Lauren.

"Let me repeat once more, maybe what I said earlier is not clear enough"

"Are you sure you don\'t see me as your equal...?"

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