
Chapter 634 - Time to Go

Chapter 634 Time to Go

As Black Wind rushed into the middle of another troop of wolfriders, a giant pillar of grey light appeared right behind it. It was about ten meters tall. The light was so bright that it engulfed everything that was around it.Abel was still very angry. Killing one head wolfrider captain wasn’t good enough for him. He told Black Wind to go faster, and it darted between the wolfriders like a leopard at full speed. Meanwhile, he continued to clear off the wolfriders with his “newborn star of frost.” The whole thing happened for only a few seconds, but it was more than enough to bring absolute chaos to the 5000 elites that were his enemies.

“The beastly god protects me!” one of the head wolfrider captains shouted. Suddenly, the combat qi around his body was magnified by many, many times.

“The beastly god protects me!” another one shouted. When the title of the “beast god” was mentioned, many others returned to their senses. They then all started to charge towards Abel.

These worgens tried everything. Javelins. Arrows. Close range sword attacks. They knew that they were running into a field of spells, but they didn’t stop moving towards Abel. It was a weird feeling for Abel. He was thrilled by killing these worgens by the thousands, but something started to feel off for him.

The worgens were no longer afraid. Abel suddenly noticed that. He couldn’t exploit their weakness any longer. He changed his “leaf” magic staff into his sword and shield. Then, after telling Black Wind to speed up, he quickly rushed out of the worgen troop and disappeared into the night.

One of the head worgen commanders shouted, “Hey! HEY! How is that mount wolf king so fast?”

It was not a mount wolf king. This was Black Wind, Abel’s most trusted summoned creature to travel on land. Right now, there was not a single creature on this earth faster than it.

After having made an escape from the worgen troop, Abel tapped on Black Wind’s head and told it to stop. As soon as he jumped down from its back, it knew that it was going back inside the portal beast ring. As big as the space was inside the portal beast ring, it didn’t like staying there all the time.

Black Wind started licking off the burn marks on Abel’s mask. After it did, it gave this pitiful look to show that it wanted to stay a bit longer.

Abel patted Black Wind’s head, “I need you to behave now, boy. After this mission is done, you’ll only have to stay inside the ring during the day.”

It wasn’t the answer that it expected, but Black Wind still nodded its head like a good boy. After seeing this, Abel released the mount wolf king from his portal beast ring. When the two beasts saw each other, the mount wolf king instantly bowed at the ground towards Black Wind.

This wasn’t the first time they’ve encountered each other, by the way. The first time that they did, the mount wolf king just couldn’t process the fact that a mount wolf could be so powerful.

For Black Wind, it was the opposite story. It never showed any respect to the mount wolf king. If anything, it thought that it was too weak to even be with its master. That being said, it was very satisfied with the fact that Abel never made any spiritual contract with it.

Abel threw a bottle of soul potion to Black Wind, “Here’s your reward. Come on, it’s time to go back.”

As a black hole appeared in front of them, Black Wind jumped inside it with the soul potion in its mouth. The mount wolf king could sense how good the potion would be, but it couldn’t do much but to watch it disappear in the black hole.

When Abel jumped on the mount wolf king’s back, it started running at full speed. It wanted to do well enough for Abel to give it its own bottle of the soul potion. Unfortunately for it, Abel already ran plenty of times with Black Wind. The mount wolf king could run as fast as it wanted to, but it’d never reach the “top speed” Abel’s experienced before.

A wolfrider lieutenant reported to a ten thousand soldiers’ commander, “Sir! Something’s wrong with the priests!”


The wolfrider’s ten thousand commander was just done escaping from Abel, and now he had to hear this from his own man. He was more shocked than worried. Actually, he didn’t even know how to report this once he was back.

In this mission, tens of worgen priests were slain. About twenty of them were intermediate priests, and they were among the top elites of the worgen community. Even one casualty could have an enormous change to the whole troop’s performance.

Apart from the regular priests that wore black, there were also those who dressed in grey. These ones were considered geniuses. They might still be intermediate priests, but it could be said that they were guaranteed to become advanced priests.

Once the Worgen’s ten thousand commander rode out of the trap they set up for Abel, all the dust and poisonous mist were gone. It was as clear as day. There were twenty priests on the ground. They were elites of the worgen community, but no one could help them get back on their feet.

The grey-hooded priest, especially. His head was completely removed from the rest of his body.

The worgen’s ten thousand commander was screaming at this point, “Is anyone still alive? Anyone?”

A head wolfrider commander reported, “Sir! We’ve sent a few wolfriders to check on them, but when they did, the poison got them instantly. Even their mounts couldn’t survive!”

Such was to be expected. If the blue-quality potion was strong enough to kill the worgen priests, it wouldn’t take much at all for it to kill regular wolfrider soldiers. Still, what Abel created with his Horadric Cube was a weapon of mass murder. When he decided to use it on these worgens, he was afraid that he would die along with them.

The ten thousand commander was in denial, “The priests aren’t dead yet! Open your eyes, will you? Their skeletons are standing right there! Just pull them out of where they...”


As soon as ten thousand commander pointed at the skeletons, they all started falling apart like domino pieces.

“AhhhhHHAHHHHHAHHHH!!!! Pfffffffttt!”

The ten thousand commander couldn’t take it anymore. In frustration and stress, he started coughing up blood. It almost made him faint.

“Sir!” the others saw this and tried to help.

“I’m... I’m fine!” He tried to get back on his feet, “Just.... Burn them. Clean this up, and bring back what you can for a proper burial.”

Abel didn’t know what happened after he left. He didn’t know how powerful his blue-quality potion was. He didn’t need to know everything about it, though. As far as he saw it, it was good enough that he could neutralize intermediate priests.

Meanwhile, Abel heard the sound of human knights screaming on top of their longs. There was also the sound of worgens howling at them. There were even noises of explosive spells being used.

“Reinforcements are here!”

As soon as he realized that, he rode the mount wolf king to the source of the sound. Soon, he saw a burning torch that was thrown to the ground. It didn’t take long for it to burn up the entire area. The human knights were chasing after the wolfriders. The wolfriders were all trying to make escapes. Some of them even fell off their mount wolves.

That wasn’t to say that humans didn’t suffer any casualties. A lot of them were stabbed with spears. Many of them fell off their horses. Still, with the help of the wizards, it was very easy to tell which side was winning.

There were about one thousand soldiers on the human’s side. That was the most human knights Abel had seen in one place. As they all released white combat qi from their bodies, the entire battlefield was filled with their presence.

On the other hand, the wolfriders were told to stop the human knights from overrunning them. They were doing everything that they could to block the knights from using their “charge” skill. Needless to say, that was going to cause them to die by the thousands.

Instead of being a part of this, Abel decided to let the human knights get their glory. It was a very rare opportunity for them. It was five thousand wolfriders that were ripe for the picking. They were without the protection of their fellow priests. Better yet, the orders they received were to make contact with their enemies, but not to make any attacks.

It was one thousand against ten thousand. Yet, according to the miracle spirit’s calculation, the humans had gained the necessary conditions to win this battle.

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