
Chapter 633 - Couterstrike

Chapter 633 Couterstrike

The orc priests didn’t notice anything, but the skeletons they summoned were starting to turn green. To be fair, they were inside a cloud of poisonous green mist, so it wasn’t all that easy to tell.“Why can’t we find him?” one of them called out.

“What’s going on? I’m poisoned!” another cried.

“I’m poisoned too! Dear spirit! What is this substance?”

“What, what? No, stop! Guys, I’m freaking out!”

At this point, the dust and poisonous mist had grown a lot thinner. It was starting to become easier to see. The grey-hooded priest looked around himself. He saw that a few priests were already on the ground.

The ones that fell looked like they were having a seizure. It’s not just the priests. Many skeletons weren’t moving at all. The soul fire inside their heads looked like they would go off at any moment.

“Poison!” the grey-hooded priest finally took notice, but how? He already tagged his comrades with his power of the Will. Even if they were all walking amidst the mist that he unleashed, it should be very unlikely for friendly fire to occur.

There wasn’t time to think this through. Suddenly, the same symptoms started occurring to the grey-hooded priest. The nerves inside his body were numbing at a dangerously fast pace. His muscles were starting to lose strength. Even breathing was starting to feel painful.

“So it’s everyone,” the grey-hooded priest thought. A potion quickly appeared in his hand. As an experienced user of various venoms, it didn’t take much time for him to find an anecdote that would match his condition.

It was neurotoxin that he was hit with. It’s easy to tell from the symptoms. Yet, after drinking the anecdote that was supposed to deal with it, he realized that his condition wasn’t getting any better. That’s when the fact started to hit him. Whoever this wizard was, he was even better than him at poison-brewing.

The grey-hooded priest wanted to scream for help, but the muscles in his throat were losing strength. Even he had problems hearing his own voice. If he wanted help from the wolfriders that were waiting for him, he had to wait until the dust and mist were fully gone.

Abel was watching the whole time. Actually, he was right in front of the grey-hooded priest. He hadn’t moved at all, but the grey-hooded priest was moving towards him. There were only a few meters of distance between them.

Despite his weakened state, the three bone shields continued to float around the grey-hooded priest. He was also covered in his clay stone guard. It wouldn’t matter if it was physical or magical attacks that Abel was going with. The grey-hooded priest still had a max-level defense.

Abel had to find a way to finish this quickly. If he didn’t, the wolfriders would definitely come in to help. By that point, it’d be very hard for him to kill this grey-hooded priest. He could wait for the poison to kill him, but that would be a very risky move. The other wolfriders might have a cure that would neutralize his neurotoxin.

“He’s one who’s been sending worgens after me!”

As pressured as he was, this was what Abel was thinking about when he saw the grey-hooded priest in front of him. In anger and humiliation, dark-golden combat appeared on the steel sword in his hand.

A grey shadow started appearing on his blade. It was the power of dimension. He had no other way to finish this quickly. Without any hesitation, he swung towards the priest that was having trouble breathing.

The three bone shields did nothing to it. It was the same for the clay stone guard. With one blow, Abel obliterated the multiple layers of defense that the grey-hooded priest was wielding. The priest’s head was cut off without any resistance.

With a quick scan of his power of the Will, Abel picked up the dead priest’s staff with the tip of his blade. It was destroyed as soon as he did so. It was quite a shame, really, but he didn’t really mind all that much. It was made with human wizard bones. Even if it was not destroyed, there was just no way that he would use something like this.

Abel turned to look at the head he cut off. From what he could see, it was thin, dry, wrinkled, and without life. It might’ve been a while since the priest was corroded by death qi. There actually weren’t any muscles underneath his skin. If Abel didn’t have the golden combat qi, this is what he would’ve looked like after his first time of using the “resurrection of skeleton” spell.

It was time to leave. Abel released Black Wind out of his portal beast ring. Then, as soon as he jumped on its back, both of them became invisible. Instead of moving physically, he got out of the mist with his “instantaneous movement” spell.

After using the “instantaneous movement” spell three times, Abel was now very far from the poisonous mist. He hadn’t really escaped, though. Instead, he moved right towards the center of where the five thousand wolfriders were.

This was a perfect opportunity for him now. The priests were poisoned, and the wolfriders were standing very close to each other. An area attack was all he needed to mow them down like grass.

“Newborn star of frost.” It’s a close-range wizard spell. With the caster as the center, it could be used against all enemies that were within range. While casting it with his left hand, Abel took out the “leaf” magic staff and held it in his right. Then, he unleashed a fireball towards the nearest head wolfrider captain that he could find.

He was using the “newborn start of frost” against ordinary wolfriders. While it wasn’t very strong, it was still enough to kill low-ranking troops. For the stronger wolfriders, he would target them with more powerful spells. With the mystic headband he was wearing, his attack range was about 480 meters in radius.

Because of how sudden and random Abel’s attack was, a huge number of wolfriders were killed instantly. As for the head wolfrider captain, after being slowed down by the “newborn star of frost,” he was forced to brace himself against the “fireball” Abel shot at him.

When the fireball made contact, the head wolfrider commander took heavy damage. Abel didn’t stop there, though. Without waiting for a response, he continued to cast the two spells with both his hands. He was planning to use up all 2000 something mana within the next few seconds.

At the same time, Black Wind was receiving orders from Abel through the soul chain. After the head wolfrider captain was hit by the fireball, it sprinted towards him and slit his throat open with its claw.

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