
Chapter 624 - Demolished

Chapter 624 Demolished

Another grey beams of light rose from 250 meters from Abel. This team of 1000 wolf riders only had 2 head wolf rider captains, which meant both official leaders of this team had been whipped out.But that point, a few hundred wolf riders had dropped dead from 250 -300 meters out. They kept crashing into each other, and chaos grew among the insane wolf riders.

That beam of grey light was almost like a curse; any wolf rider who reached that point would be killed by Abel.

Another minute had passed, and the number of those wolf riders had dropped to 500. It was very hard for them to keep themselves together after seeing so many of their teammates dropped dead.

Finally, another wolf rider had penetrated the 250 meter mark, but Abel’s arrows were still faster. He surpassed his speed of 5 shots per second. If his bow was not a rune word, the most powerful rune bow in the Dark Continent, there no way he could do this. Those bows from the Holy Continent would break with his speed.

By that point, both the other 2 head commanders up front and the 3 wizards in the protection circle were stunned.

Abel’s was like an arrow shooting machine, unleashing a storm of arrows forward.

This storm was caused by a single person with a portal bracelet, the rune word Riphook, and possibly the most important, that piece of world stone.

At this moment, the other team of wolf riders heading towards the left abruptly came to a halt. They were also stunned. Since they did not take the insanity potion, they were aware of what was happening.

That 2 grey beam of light signified the death of that elite team of 1000 wolf riders. 2 of their most powerful forces were killed by a team of 6 humans from a few hundred meters away.

The only thing in Abel could think of was to kill. Even though he had an immensely strong body, he felt his muscles getting sore. He was far beyond the limit of humans.

Still, Abel did not stop. 3 minutes had passed, and the last wolf rider dropped dead. His rain of arrows had fully demolished a team of 1000 wolf riders before they could even come close to a hundred meters.

Although this might seem impossible to any godly archer, none of Abel’s arrows were wasted. They were all shot with extreme precision. Not only a wolf rider was killed with every arrow, that wolf rider would also block the way of one or a few other wolf riders behind him.

“Go!” Abel said coldly to his mount wolf king.

The mount wolf king sensed the horror of his owner from below, but its instinct told it that his owner still possessed even more powerful force.

It carried Abel out of the protection circle towards the other team of 1000 wolf riders.

“K3516, what are you doing?” Head Commander Edi was stunned by what Abel had just done. Was this the power of a godly archer?

He has seen godly archers before. Maybe they all had some special talent, but he had never seen one that could just stand in the face of 1000 charging wolf riders in battle and demolish them.

At that moment, Abel was charging towards the other team of wolf riders. Head Commander Edi began to think he was drunk before coming to battle; he couldn’t believe his eyes.

The speed of a mount wolf king was unmatched–it dashed forward with Abel on its back. On the other hand, the team of 1000 wolf riders had also changed their direction to face Abel.

The 2 head wolf rider captains in that team of wolf riders have seen the horror of Abel, but their arrogance was not going to let them retreat, especially in crucial times like this. It was their mission to capture Abel, even if they couldn’t kill him.

At that moment, Abel suddenly realized maybe he had torn his back muscles. Waves of pain began to pulsed on his back..

However, a purple glow soon emerged from his body. Without anyone noticing, Abel had opened a bottle of Full Recovery Potion through his NIghtsmoke belt. All of a sudden, his back fully recovered and all the pain disappeared. Not only that, but he had also become energized again.

He was back at his peak performance. His body was so full of energy it was almost like he was going to explode.

When he was 300 meters from those wolf riders, he gently nudged the stomach of his mount wolf king with his left leg. The mount wolf king quickly did a turn and speeded towards the left.

Abel began to pull on his Riphook bow again, as 3 arrows appeared on his hand.

His gaze was extremely calm, as though he was looking at a bunch of ants.

3 arrows shot out from the Riphook along with strikes of lightning. A new battle had begun.

“Be careful of the arrows!” The head wolf rider captain yelled.

The other team of wolf riders was entirely wiped out because of Abel’s arrows. They could only imagine how scary it was. That was why that head wolf rider captain had to warn his team the moment he saw arrows disappearing from Abel’s hand.

However, dodging Abel’s arrow was not as easy. Before the head wolf rider captain even finished his words, those 3 arrows were already 100 meters from those wolf riders.

Seeing 3 arrows flying towards their eyes, those wolf riders lifted up their leather shield to block.

Those 3 arrows were all flying in a slight curve in the sky. When they were around 10 meters from the wolf riders, those 3 arrows crashed together; this seemingly accidental crash had changed the direction of the arrows, sending them straight into the team of wolf riders from an odd angle.

3 unlucky wolf riders were struck simultaneously. The arrows entered their body, and the 102 points of lightning blasted out from within.

Both the wolf riders and their mount wolfs were numbed and dropped twitching on the ground. Those mount wolves might still have a chance to recover, but those wolf riders had fallen into an endless sleep.

“Approach him, accelerate!” The head wolf rider captain yelled again seeing 3 dead.

Before that head wolf rider captain had even finished his words, another 6 arrows were shot out. Another 6 wolf riders dropped dead.

By that point, Abel was around 250 meters from those 1000 wolf riders. It was the optimal range for his Riphook bow, and at the same time, those wolf riders’ arrows were not strong enough to reach him.

Since Abel was a small moving target, those wolf riders could only use a short bow to strike horizontally. They could not use a longbow to do an arching strike, so their range was limited to 200 meters.

A weird scene emerged from the battlefield. Although Abel’s mount wolf king was superior to the mount wolf of those wolf riders, Abel had kept a perfectly constant range of 250 meters from them as they chased after him.

Abel deliberately controlled the speed of his mount wolf king to not drag out whir distance. There was only one mount wolf king on the battlefield; the others were all normal mount wolves, which was the fastest thing on the battlefield.

Within this 250 meters range, Abel did not stop shooting his arrows. Instead, he sped up. Soon, another storm of arrows poured down,

Wolf riders kept dropping dead. At that moment, the head wolf rider captain no longer knew what to do. It could not catch up to that mount wolf king, but if they stepped back, that mount would just follow them. The speed that only the orcs had because of their mounts was now Abel’s biggest advantage.

“Spread out, team 1 2 3 stay. Everyone else spread out! The Head Wolf Rider captain yelled in command.

As that head wolf rider captain was distracted by his yelling, Abel took the opportunity and shot 3 arrows through his Riphook straight towards him.

It was not easy to kill a head wolf rider captain in this team of 1000 wolf riders. That head wolf rider captain had always maintained a careful distance behind himself and Abel, making sure there were enough wolf riders in between.

However, that head wolf rider captain was not expecting those 3 special arrows in that rain of arrows. Those arrows were aimed towards the outer edge of those wolf riders. At first, it seemed like a miss shot.

But those arrows did a majestic swirl in the sky. The first arrows landed on the head wolf rider captain, and it was blocked by his combat qi armor.

However, that was the most it could do. Although the lightning force was counteracted, the numbing effect was unavoidable. A string of lightning sifted through his armor and blasted his body numb.

The following 2 arrows plunged into his chest from both sides. Without a combat qi armor, that head wolf rider captain was helpless as a baby in the face of Abel’s Riphook.

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