
Chapter 623 - 1 Bow 3 Arrows

Chapter 623 1 Bow 3 Arrows

Abel’s focus was on point. The death of a head wolf rider captain was just the beginning of this massacre.Since there were quite a lot of targets, Abel gently flicked his hand, and 3 more arrows appeared. He installed all of them onto the bow at once. He had never tried these multiple arrow shooting techniques before, but he read techniques like this regarding the elves.

Humans were not the best archers, but the elves were. A large chunk of the elves were archers. These long distance weapons were extremely useful in the Double moon forest.

The quickness of elves was far superior to humans, and they had grasped many special techniques after long years of bow use.

The technique Abel was about to use was one of them. Although it would be difficult and take a large amount of time for him to grasp a new archery technique in the past, now he just needed to glance at the technique book once since he was enchanted by the piece of world stone.

3 arrows were stacked on top of each other on the bow. And lightning soon emerged. He divided his power to control the direction of these 3 arrows. It was the power of multitasking. Just like that, 3 wolf riders were down.

To k3308 standing from a side, this just looked like Abel had stacked 3 arrows together, which was not a big deal.

But he noticed something strange. Abel did not even reach his hand in his portal bag. Those arrows just appeared in his hand out of thin air.

“A friendship with the elves!” K3308 gasped. This was what the humans had called those portal bracelets.

Only the elves knew how to make those portal bracelets since its technique was kept exclusively among themselves. Also, the material for those portal bracelets was extremely rare; only the elves’ best friends would be able to have them.

The elves were a prestigious race. If you didn’t have their full respect and recognition by their elites, there was no way you could get a portal bracelet.

This was what k3308 thought of when he saw Abel’s bracelet.

K3305 gazed at k3308. It was none of his business, no matter how precious Abel’s gear was. The most important thing now is the battle upfront. K3308’s love for gear was beyond his love for battle

Abel didn’t care what k3308 thought. He didn’t think anyone would give him trouble for owning it anyway. This just shows how big k3308’s mouth was.

3 arrows flew towards the wolf riders. Because of the combat qi smoke, the sight of those 1000 charging wolf riders was obscured.

The body of 3 wolf riders twitched when they were 300 meters out. 102 points of lightning could take the life of a normal wolf rider immediately. Even a wolf rider captain would be badly injured if it was struck, let alone the numbing effect it brought.

The 3 arrows landed on the soft spot of those wolf riders and killed them in an instant.

The 3 wolf riders dropped dead on the ground, and their mount wolf had also fallen because of the numb. The other wolf riders following did not have enough time to react and stepped on them. Although mount wolves often had amazing control, it still caused some chaos.

But that was not it. 3 more arrows connected with 3 more wolf riders and killing them as well. More and more chaos was caused within that team of 1000 wolf riders.

By that point, the power of Abel’s Riphook was cranked up to full force. The whole world slowed down under his gaze, but his speed remained constant. Abel could basically unleashed 5 shots per second, which was insane.

With this speed of 5 shots per second and 3 arrows per shot, Abel could shoot out 15 arrows per second. That was basically a small team.

Not only that but Abel had carefully picked each target so it could cause chaos and slow down those wolf riders.

Under the influence of the insanity potion, the only thing in those crazy wolf rider’s minds was to move forward. However, due to the obstacles, some had instinctively taken a turn, especially seeing more and more of their teammates drop dead.

Crashing into each other was extremely dangerous in a charge like this. That was a big chance you would drop from your horse.

This was exactly what Abel wanted. They only had 6 men. If those wolf riders got close to them, it would be hard to guarantee everyone’s safety unless Abel used some extreme method.

“Concentrate and dodge!” A clear headed head wolf rider captain yelled. He wanted to restructure their formation, but those wolf riders were insane. There was no way they would listen to his commands.

The head wolf rider began to regret the insanity potion. He was the leader of this team, and this mission was to avenge the wolf’s royal father.

That royal head wolf rider captain father had gone to Mount Budapest for a simple trading mission for a bit of war glory, but he did not come back, and his Kong Kong spirit portal bag was taken as well.

The orcs wanted to spy through the humans to find that mission Kong Kong spirit portal bag.

Kong Kong spirit portal bags were military graded resources. Their value was unmatchable to the wolf clan. They didn’t have many of them in the first place, and they had already lost one of them 2 years ago. That one was taken by Abel as well. Although the wolf clan had ordered a powerful wolf rider captain to find it, they failed.

As Abel grew, getting that Kong Kong spirit portal bag back from him seemed to grow further and further from possible.

This time they had lost another one. Although this one was a lot smaller than the last one, it was still a Kong Kong spirit portal bag. Also, a royal father had been killed. All of these events added up was what caused the wolf riders to go insane.

Therefore, after a sky eye had spotted the mount wolf king. They sent out 3 more sky eyes at once as well as 2 elite teams of 1000 wolf riders. At that moment, the wolf clan was still organizing more men. If those 2 elite teams failed, they would send out an even more powerful attack.

The head wolf rider captain knew how important this situation was. Since they were only facing 6 humans, he decisively used an insanity potion to boost the power of his wolf riders.

However, he did not expect his decision to backfire–with the orcs losing their agility.

Countless lightning arrows rained on those wolf riders. It was like there was an invisible wall from 250-300 meters out. In just 50 meters, those wolf riders would be killed heartlessly.

Those wolf riders had turned into a bunch of helpless sheep that kept getting slaughtered by Abel.

The head wolf rider captain leading the team was furious as he watched his wolf riders die.

He howled as he whipped his mount wolf. As his combat qi unleash, his mount wolf began to speed up. Soon he had arrived at the front. He wanted to open up a path for his wolf riders.

By that point, Abel’s heart had grown numb, only coldness remained. It was almost like his body had entered a strange state. He felt invincible like the god of this world, controlling life and death.

The howling face of that wolf rider captain was so ugly he looked like a clown. He took another shot, but this time he dedicated 2 of those 3 arrows towards the head wolf rider captain.

One of those 2 arrows suddenly accelerated while the other followed behind.

The head wolf rider captain was giving out all he got. He was already 250 meters out, another half a second, he would be the first wolf rider to penetrate the 250 meters mark.

However, this half a second moved extremely slow in the gaze of Abel. He saw the head wolf rider captain slowly blocked his arrow with his shield, but what awaited was the numbing effect.

This would not be the case of that head wolf rider captain dodged instead of block. He was not expecting this arrow to have lightning attributes.

Lightning was the most mysterious wizard attribute. Their most popular spells were ‘telekinesis’ and ‘move in a flash’. Just these 2 spells alone had made a name for them.

The reason why so little wizards could use lightning was that lightning spell weapons were extremely rare. It was almost completely unseen in the orc battlefield.

The second arrow gently brushed against the tail of the first arrow and changed directions. It directly plunged into the chest of that head wolf rider captain. It tore apart it’s skin, muscle and unleashed 102 points of lightning directly on to his heart.

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