
Chapter 606 - Ingredients Ready

Chapter 606 Ingredients Ready

Days passed. Abel had finally put together his last socket gear. Ever since he had gotten the Horadric Malus, he opened up countless sockets on countless gears. He finally had enough to make a rune word gear for his spirit guardian knights.Even though they had already gotten a huge power breakthrough with the level 20 ‘skeleton resurrection,’ their power could increase again with the rune world gears.

Last night, after Abel had set up his barrier circle, he immediately went to the Rogue encampment through the portal. Then, he returned to the hotel in Lut Gholein through a little teleportation station.

His mission today was to make 8 sets of rune word gears for his spirit guardian knights. He had everything prepared, even that dark gold crystal core.

On the first floor of Lut Gholein, Abel sat down in the center. Even though it still felt lonely, the place had regained a little bit of life after he told his spirit guardian knights to give it a clean.

He took out the ingredients from his portal ring one by one. Because of the Horadric Malus and his extraordinary speedy forgery skills, he had reached the pinnacle of normal forgery.

If magic weapons and rune weapons did not exist, his weapons would be the best weapons in the world.

He took out some light weight armor with the attributes of :

Light weight armor [normal]

Defense: 121

Durability: 69-69

+15% increase defense

Increase durability: 15%

Socket: 2

This was the best rune ingredient even in the Dark World.

The main reason why these ingredients could be made was mostly because of Abel’s forgery technique. He had directly hammered normal iron into top level condensed iron. And, with the world stone’s sight and data analyzing ability, his forgery skills had a huge breakthrough.

He achieved perfection with every strike, which was why every gear he had made recently were light weight.

Also because of this, he had thrown everything he had made before into the secondary storage. His new work was a lot better, so all he needed to do was to put a few sockets on them with his Horadric Malus.

The good thing was that he had good luck. He had made all 7 sets of armor for the rune word in such a short period of time. One of which was for himself.

Then, he checked the attributes of the gears.

Light shield [normal]



+15 defence

Increase durability:15%

Socket: 3

Giant battle sword [normal]

Single hand damage: 5-20


+15% damage

+3 hit rate

Socket: 2

Head guard [normal]



+15% defence

+3 accuracy


Everything was set. Now all Abel needed to do was to etch out the according rune on the dark gold crystal cores, then install them on to those gears’ sockets

Abel took out the Ankara rune pen and placed 2 bottles of ready made rune ink on the table. Then, he took out the invisible cape from his portal bracelet and put it on.

His 240 points of power of the will were immediately further maximized under the head loop of the cape, and it almost doubled. Abel was so confident he didn’t even take out a ‘soul potion’. He had a feeling that he could make an acceptable rune world without relying on a soul potion to boost his ability.

He dipped his Ankara rune one in the rune ink and began his first etch.

Rune: ort (9)

Suitable for socket

Weapons: plus 1-50 lightning damage

Armor: lighting resistance +30%

Helmet: lighting resistance +30%

shield: lighting resistance +35%

Abe had his gaze fixed on the dark gold crystal core, and his data analyzing ability began to show its power. His rune pen quickly swirls on the crystal core. With 55 points of dexterity and 55 points of strength, Abel had surpassed human limits. His hand sped up under his data analyzing sight.

He was concentrating. He did not even care how long he took to etch his first rune. He immediately squirted out the rune ink on his Ankara pen and dipped it in the second rune ink. The second etching began.

After he finished the second round, the gold rune and the crystal core began to show effect. Just when it started to calm down again, Abel was left with a powerful ort rune.

Abel let out a long breath of relief. He finally etched a rune without using a soul potion. These days, soul potions no longer had too much effect on him. But still, they were very beneficial to the growth of his summons.

With this first successful, the following should be easy. Just like that, different kinds of runes were made and placed on the table.

Dark gold crystal cores were extremely valuable, but Abel always had an idea. Once he had enough of these crystal cores, he would start combining them. He would start from no.10 runes. 3 of them combine together would get one that is 1 rank up. If he kept continuing like this he would get the most powerful runestone like the ones in the legends.

Just imagine a set of gears made out of the most powerful rune. The most practical armor was the Enigma armor; it required the no.31 rune + the no.6 rune + the no.30 rune. On the other hand, the executioner’s justice Glorious Axe needed the no.30 rune + the no.23 rune + the no.30 rune + the no.24 rune.

There were many many more elite rank rune word gears, Abel just thought about 2 of them and he was stunned by how many dark golf crystal cores he would need. If he wanted to combine that many runes, he would need at least tens of years in the Holy Continent.

This was basically like a few hundred years in the Dark World, so he couldn’t help but sigh. Even if he could dramatically increase the power of his oak tree to breed more Blue Howling Rabbits, it would take way too long for him to get that many crystal cores.

Abel took these nonsensical thoughts out of his mind and focused on what’s on the table again. Everything was set. He was ready to install. This was the easiest task–as long as he put them in the right spot, it should be fine.

First was a light weight helmet. He held the helmet in his hand and picked up a no.7 rune with his left. He then jammed it in the first socket. Then, he picked up a no.5 rune and jammed it in the second socket.

A Dark gold glow wrapped around the helmet. Afterward, a beam of light shot out from the no.7 rune towards the no.5 rune, connecting both of them.

Slowly, the word tal emerged from the first socket of the helmet, and the word eth emerged from the second socket. The 2 words combined, forming the word taleth, and their glow intensified.

Afterwards, the word taleth and the dark gold glow simultaneously rushed into the light weight helmet, and the helmet returned to normal again. However Abel knew, a new rune world gear has been born.

By this point, Abel no longer needed the Horadric cube to examine the attribute of a gear. Even though he only had a tiny piece of world stone, as long as he was in the Dark World, he could know something’s attributes just by focusing on it.


Light weight armor [normal]

Defense: 124

Durability: 69-69

+25% faster run/walk

+25% faster casting rate

+25% faster hit recovery

+15% defence

+6 dexterity

Mana regenerate 5%

Magic damage reduce by 3

Poison resistance +30%

+15 maximum stamina

Increase durability: 15%

Socket (2)

Although this was the lowest rank rune world, Stealth, it was still better than any armor Abel had ever seen, in the Dark World or Holy Continent.

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