
Chapter 605 - Heartbroken K3308

Chapter 605 Heartbroken K3308

Abel leisurely sat in the yard of his no.09 mansion in Miracle City area A. He had a glass of water spirit fruit juice in his hand. 2 days had passed since he helped k3305 get his crystal cores.K3305 was lucky. With the assistance of 2 crystal cores, he had successfully become a rank 7 wizard. This saved him at least a few years of hard work.He had also gotten a lot of resources, a kong kong spirit portal bag, a 10 cubic meters portal bag, a 5 cubic meters portal bag, a mount wolf king, and many other resources that made him feel like that trip was worth it.

In regards to k3305 returning his favor, Abel really couldn’t care less. If there was something he couldn’t solve, he didn’t think k3305 could help him.

Helping k3305 was just Abel returning his own favor since k3305 had helped him so much when he first came to Miracle City. Also, he was a little curious towards Mount Budapest anyway.

“K3516, it’s k3308. I’ve already got those little skulls, and bone made portal objects ready. Just come to the mission hall when you have time, I’ll give it to you!” K3308 sent a message to Abel’s military card.

“I’ll be on my way now!” Abel replied.

Abel would not invite k3308 to his accommodation like Head Commanders Bodley. If he did, he suspiciously imagined k3308 coming here to annoy him every day.

Abel was not ready to ride his mount wolf king from his accommodation to the mission hall. Instead, he just uses the short distance teleportation circle like always.

The only time Abel had ridden his mount wolf king was when they were coming back from the Miracle wall to the wizard camp. That mount wolf king had not left his accommodation ever since. It was still being domesticated.

The moment Abel exited from the teleportation circle, k3308 was on a mount wolf. His face was filled with pride. Although there were rumors going around Miracle City that 2 mount wolves had been spotted, Abel had never brought his mount wolf out. Therefore, as the only mount wolf out in the wild, k3308 would catch looks no matter where he went.

The looks of knights were often filled with pity when they saw k3308. It was such a waste for a beginner wizard to ride such a top quality mount. The only occupation that would unleash its full potential was knights.

On the other hand, all wizards were extremely jealous. All of them wanted a good mount. Especially before they learned how to move in a flash–a mount was a must.

As Abel gazed at the proud looking k3308, he began to doubt if he should meet up with k3308 in a place like this.

“K3516, I’m here!” K3308 saw Abel and quickly yelled.

Abel didn’t even have time to turn back, and he was stopped by k3308. K3308 then handed his mount wolf to head commander Markham standing by aside and pointed towards the lounge and said, “let’s have a seat there!”

The moment when they sat down, k3308 began to lift his hand and asked, “k3516, what do you want to drink?”

Abel was surprised such a service even existed, but as k3308 continued to lift his hand, a servant stepped forward and bowed, “Mr. wizards, what do you want to drink?”

“Today’s on me. Feel free to get whatever you like. They have everything!” Said k3308 confidently.

“They have everything?” Abel asked with a laugh.

“Of course, as long as the Holy Continent has it, they will have it here!” K3308 replied and turned to the servant and continued, “Am I right?”

“Yes, Mr. Wizard. This is Miracle City!” Said the servant proudly.

“Ok, give me a water spirit fruit juice!” Said Abel was a nod.

“That will be 2 points of war glory. Mr. Wizard, are you sure?” The servant asked in a weird tone.

“What? How can juice be so expensive? Who would even buy such a thing?” Although k3308 was rich, he was rich in other ways. War Glory was different in Miracle City.

“Mr. Wizard, water spirit fruits are special to the elves. There are a few Mr. intermediate wizards in Miracle City who especially love this juice. Normally, they are the only ones who will order it.” The servant explained.

“Ok, ok, just give me a coffee!” Said Abel waving his hand. What a joke, how could a water spirit fruit juice be that expensive?

You couldn’t blame Abel; he did not expect to interact with extremely prestigious elves exclusively as well. There was no way the juice they gave him would be ordinary. Only a Master Alchemist like him could get unlimited amounts of water spirit fruit juice.

“No way, I said I’ll let you order whatever you want. Give this man a glass of water spirit fruit juice!” K3308 interrupted and said to the servant. He then continued, “Give me a cup of coffee, no sugar!”

K3308’s heart was pounding. A glass of juice for 2 war glory was way too much of a luxury.

Head Commander Markham noticed k3308 was holding his fist on his lap. He knew he was hurt; war glory was not a normal currency. You needed to work hard for every bit of it.

However, looking at the face of k3308, Head Commander Markham felt like he was going to burst out laughing. He had caught way too many weird looks following around k3308 these past few days. Now, all his tension was released.

Abel gave out a little laugh. He did not insist, if the face caring k3308 really wanted to treat him, then he would let him.

The servant quickly brought on the drinks, put them in front of the two, bowed, and left. The war glory was then automatically deducted from the military card of k3308. Only the wealthy bunch would order drinks here anyway.

Since even something like coffee cost 0.1 war glory, that was why you would not see anyone ordering things here,

K3308 felt his military card vibrate, and he immediately knew 2.1 war glory had been deducted from him.

“K3516, check if this is enough?” But at this point, k3308 wanted to get this over with quickly and get out of this place of sadness.

Abel gaze at head commander Markham standing by a side opening a box. Inside was 2 compartments. One was placed with 400 little skulls, and the other was a place with 500 bone made portal objects.

“I don’t even know how but basically no knights have little skulls, and bone made portal objects. I’ve exchanged all of these from wizards!” K3308 said in a fury.

Abel knew the reason why. Everything the knights had was all scooped up by head commander Bodley last month. Knights would rarely have anything from orc priests anyway. Most of the time, only wizards would have them.

“Wow so much. It must have been a hassle, right?” Said Abel with a smile.

“Of course not, I only needed to talk to my wizard friends for a bit, and they ask their friends as well. I’m just not expecting these little skulls and bone made portal object to increase in value, who will want them anyway. But I am smart. I’ve exchanged most of them with magic gems!” Said k3308 with a smile, but then he remembered he just lost 2 war glory, and he began to feel sad again.

“Ok, deal!” Said Abel with a nod.

He really admired k3308’s trading skills. Although k3308 was a bit annoying, arrogant, pretentious, and lazy, he was quite a good friend. Especially after k3308 had wasted 2 war glory to treat him for juice, their friendship had immediately deepened.

This was also why head commander Markham did not stop k3308 from treating Abel. It would be such a show of respect to do so.

K3308 had given Abel even more stuff than head commander Bodley with this exchange, but Abel didn’t care too much. Those knight swords could appear in the Holy Continent without much surprise, especially after Abel had gained so many little skulls.

These double attributes of absorbing swords could bring a lot of wealth to their family since they could be traded publicly.

In regards to his family knights, he would combine those little skulls and make some higher quality knight swords out of them. In regards to his offspring or disciples, he would give them knight swords with perfect skulls.

However, Abel would not trade his mount wolves. Those things needed at least 10 years to domesticate. He would only reserve them for his offsprings and disciple knights and wizards. If he wanted to give them to his family knights, it would take at least another 100 years. Now those were some really valuable resources.

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