
Chapter 350 - Time to Launch An Attack

Chapter 350 Time to Launch An Attack

Lady Carrie didn’t say anything, but her poisonous ivy suddenly appeared and entangled on the stone giant’s eyes lying on the ground, trying to climb up. The green venom stained the stone giant’s head green.

Lady Carrie’s poisonous ivy made the stone giant angry. It loosened the flower that had been unable to hang down and grabbed the venomous flower vine. At this moment, Lady Morrie took her poisonous ivy.

Lady Carrie’s poisonous ivy ranks were much higher than those of the other four, so the battle experience and wisdom were also much higher. When it successfully let the stone giant loose its hands, it began to loosen the stone giant’s head and disappeared underground.

The giant palm of the stone giant also grabbed the ground and grabbed a large pit on the ground. There were soil and stones in his hand, but there was no poisonous ivy. The stone giant shouted and threw the stones and dirt in his hand to the ground and stood with both hands on the ground.

Although the stone giant was not injured at this time, his head was green and looked very embarrassed, which made him very annoyed–just like the powerful beings were fooled by a group of weak beings.

The stone giant began to flash white light, and then the stones on the ground rushed towards it, and the stones were constantly attracted and combined to it.

The ten-meter stone giant soon rose to fifteen meters. The taller golem began to step on the ground with great force, and the huge power passed through the ground to the ground. The remaining four poisonous ivies quickly fled the area; although it was below the ground, the huge force still caused them a lot of damage.

“Attack with Spirit Wolf!” Lady Carrie tightened her eyes. She did not expect the poisonous ivy to lose its effect so quickly. At this time, only by using the Spirit Wolf stepped forward to attract the attention of the stone giant. The intermediate defense magic circle was very large; if the stone giant paid a little attention, it would see the magic circle.

The Spirit Wolf was the most unreasonable summoner. Although its attack power was not very high, its speed could make up for everything. With just a blink, the Spirit Wolf rushed to the stone giant’s side and scratched a wound on its calf; the debris was scattered.

The Stone Giant lifted its leg and stomped hard. Just as the foot was about to step on, a white light flashed the Spirit Wolf disappearing under its foot, and its foot just stirred up a stone on the ground.

Then the second Spirit Wolf approached the stone giant in the same way, and also scratched a wound on its calf, and disappeared before being attacked.

The third, the fourth, the fifth, and the Spirit Wolf kept appearing beside the stone giant’s leg, and its leg was constantly increasing with wounds. As its left leg had more and more wounds, it just took a rock on the ground with its hand and pressed it on the left leg. The wounds disappeared, and the left leg became thicker.

Lady Carrie looked in her eyes and could not help but be surprised. Although she had known that these attacks had little effect, she never expected that the Giant Stone would be so powerful. If it wasn’t for creating enough time for Able to complete the fusing of beauty potion, she would never fight with such a rock monster.

Half an hour had passed, and it seemed that the tactics of attracting the stone giant’s attention by the Spirit Wolf were very successful. The flexibility of the Spirit Wolf opposed the giant spirit beast like the stone giant. Although the stone giant keeps attacking, it could not hit any one of the Spirit Wolf, and the Spirit Wolf can’t really hurt the stone giant.

The stone giant was getting more and more irritable, and its roar was getting louder and louder. She couldn’t help but feel a palpitation in her heart. She took out several medium-level magic stones from the space bag and put it in her hand, beside her was the intermediate defense magic circle, with six mid-level magic stones on it.

“Vroom!” The stone giant shouted that his body began to spin up, and this rotation was slow from the beginning, and slowly accelerated, getting faster and faster. As the rotation accelerated, the stones on the stone giant began to fly outward with this rotation.

When the stone giant’s body turns into a gyro, dozens of hundreds of stones flew out in the same time in every direction. Although the Spirit Wolf was flexible and had blink ability to escape, when facing the stones like raindrops, that hand didn’t have any flying pattern. The Spirit Wolf was constantly hit by stones in the tragic misery.

Once the Spirit Wolf hit by a stone loses its blinking ability and stays in place for only a short time, then consequences were getting countless hits by the stones, and then it entered the life protection state. Fortunately, the owner in the circle could put the Spirit Wolf into the space beast.

Think about how many small targets such as the Spirit Wolf have been hit countless times, then how many times will the intermediate defense magic circle be hit, only to see that the outer shield of the intermediate defense magic circle was constantly hit by stones, although the attack power was not strong, when that attack became dense, the combined attack was very considerable.

With a crisp sound, a mid-level magic stone in the center of the intermediate defense magic circle exploded and turned into a powder. The disappearance of a mid-level magic stone increased the pressure of the other five mid-level magic stones in the magic circle; the magic circle that couldn’t reach the energy balance will be broken at any time due to external attacks that cause all medium-level magic stones to explode, or disappear because the energy supply cannot keep up with the loss of balance.

At this moment, a medium-level magic stone in the hands of Lady Carrie was placed on the magic circle in time, and the balance was restored, but then there was another burst of sound, another medium-level magic stone disappeared, and Lady Carrie added another medium-level magic stone to the empty space.

As the number of medium-level magic stones decreased, her expression became more and more worried. She yelled, “Whoever still had the medium-level magic stones give it to me right now!”

All four elf countesses opened their portal bag and started looking for medium-level magic stones. Fortunately, all of them had a medium-level magic stone. Women were naturally fond of beautiful things. The beautiful gem, such as medium-level magic stones, was no exception. For a while, there were more than thirty intermediate-level magic stones placed around Lady Carrie.

Thirty intermediate-level magic stones seemed like a lot, but the consumption was also large; In just a few moments, Lady Carrie’s own dozen or more intermediate-level magic stones have been consumed. Now, she could only hope that the stone giant’s spin attack will end soon.

Lady Carrie also knew that this self-damaging method of rock damage would not last long. Now it depended on whether the rock on the stone giant was consumed first, or the medium-level magic stone in the intermediate defense circle was consumed first. If the intermediate defensive magic circle was broken, then Abel’s magic circle would be difficult to resist the stone giant’s attack.

As the stone giant’s rotation grew faster and faster, originally when ten rocks hit the defensive magic circle would consume a medium-level magic stone. Now only three rocks hit the magic circle would consume one medium-level magic stone. More than thirty medium-level magic stones will soon be completely consumed.

When the middle-level magic stone in the hands of Lady Carrie was almost gone, the stone giant finally stopped spinning. The original fifteen-meter-tall stone giant not only changed back to the original ten-meter height but also seemed to have lost a lot of body weight.

The stone giant looked at the magic circle in front. It seemed to know that the enemies were hiding in it, could not help but pick up a huge stone from the ground, and throw it vigorously to the intermediate defensive magic circle.

“Polar Storm!” Lady Carrie threw the remaining three medium-level magic stones and the magic circle control card to Lady Jenny, and she drove out of the intermediate defensive magic circle while driving the wolf. As she approached the Stone Giant, she yelled, and the Frost Dust turned into an ice mist that hit the Stone Giant. This was a continuous spell. As long as the mana was provided, this Frost Dust will continue to excite.

The risk that Lady Carrie took successfully surprised the stone giant who was attacking the defensive magic circle, and the dust of frost formed a layer of frost on the stone giant’s body, although the stone giant’s power was so great that the frost continued to rupture with its movements, but because the wolves of Lady Carrie were constantly running around the stone giant, and the ‘polar storm’ spell in the hands of Lady Carrie did not stop casting, making the stone The giant’s speed and movement begin to slow down.

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