
Chapter 349 - Stone Giant

Chapter 349 Stone Giant

“Black Wind!” Abel was still very experienced in finding things in the wild. He called Black Wind to his side, put Beauty grass in front of its nose, and then said, “Black Wind, find other grass like this!”

Black Wind nodded his head slightly; his nose twitched, and soon it came to the middle of the two boulders, standing on top of the boulder. There was a gap between the two boulders, and bellow, through the gap, there was two beauty grass growing.

Lady Jenny was very optimistic about the way Abel used the wolf to find beauty grass. She followed Abel to the gap and saw the grass growing in the gap.

“Benett, it’s a pity the two plants are hard to collect!” Lady Jenny said and looked with disappointment at the two-finger gap between the boulder. They were more than one meter high from the stone surface.

“Jenny, don’t worry; you’re wrong!” Abel said to Lady Jenny with a smile. Abel took a wand from the portal bag and held the wand at the beauty grass in the gap. A spell pattern appeared on the front of the wand, followed by a flash of white light, and the beauty grass appeared on his left hand.

“Telekinesis!” Lady Jenny could not help but shout. Bennett had too many wizard wands. Not including the wands with the ‘fireball’ spell given to Lady Morrie, it was just a low-level spell, but the Telekinesis’ spell can only be owned by a formal wizard. The wand that can be equipped with the “Telekinesis” spell was very valuable. At least as a noble family, and she has never seen such a wand in the family.

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With the help of Black Wind, the task of finding beauty grass has become very easy. With the help of the “Telekinesis” spell, the most troublesome problem of collecting the grass was solved. Abel had already collected ten beauty grass, but he was not satisfied. When LadyJenny wasn’t paying attention, he collected some more and stored them in a personal locker, where the time was still, and the grass could be stored for a long time.

“Okay, the ingredients were enough, I’m going to start fusing now!” Abel called out loud.

After hearing Abel’s words, the elves and baronesses who were looking for beauty grass were cheering for a while. It was thought that it would take half a day to find the five copies of the grass in the grass. Who knew that it would only be collected by Abel in a short time. Of course, if he did not collect more secretly, the speed would be faster.

“Please put the defensive magic circle on, and make sure Bennett can feel safe to fuse the Beauty Potion ‘!” Lady Carrie took out a stack of cards from the package and gave them to the elves.

The Elf-Countesses may be weaker against spirit beasts in the wild, but they were very good at creating defensive magic circles. Soon, a medium-sized defensive magic circle was already set up, and Abel did not idle, created a Barrier Circle, and arranged them.

It encircled Abel, and the Elf-Countesses also understood that alchemy was a very private matter, Abel’s privacy was normal. Who would have thought that Abel’s isolation process would be arranged because his refining process was too much to show to outsiders?

In the Barrier Circle, Abel took out ‘Akara’s tent’ and arranged it in the middle of the circle. The ‘Akara’s tent’ has the best alchemy table and environment, and it was the best place to fuse the beauty potion.

On the alchemy table, the materials prepared in advance were taken out of the portal bag and placed on the alchemy table with beauty grass. He put a full set of dark gold quality ‘Akara’s alchemy bottle on the alchemy table. Abel began to concentrate on fusing.

Outside of the barrier circle, Lady Carrie was sitting near the center of the defensive circle, holding the circle control card in her hand, and did not rest with the other elven countess. They were investigating outside the intermediate defense magic circle, and the poisonous ivy was also snoring downstream.

However, Countess Carrie did not relax her attention. After going through the trials and hardships, she understood that there was no ease as long as she was in the Double Moon Forest, especially now Abel was in the critical moment of fusing the beauty potion; they should not let down their guard at all.

At this moment, there was a chaos of crows being investigated outside the Intermediate Defence Circle. It seemed to be scared by something. Lady Carrie was shocked. She raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the crow chaos. The stones were rolling around, and the middle part was rising upwards.

As the stones rolled faster and faster, the middle part slowly rose higher and higher. A giant stone golem as high as ten meters appeared on the ground. The giant stone golem was very annoying to the crows screaming in the sky. It grabbed towards the crows, and the crows flew apart. Several crows pecked their eyes, but the eyes of the giant stone golem were also made of stone. The crow’s pecking didn’t hurt it at all, and the blindness incident to the pecking did not appear once.

“Get ready to fight!” Lady Carrie shouted after seeing the giant stone golem.

The four elven countesses who were still resting heard the voice of Lady Carrie, they looked out of the field, and the scene of the giant stone golem driving the crow had surprised them.

“It’s a stone giant!” Lady Jenny had already recognized the origin of the giant stone golem, she said loudly.

“Weren’t all the rock spirit beasts here driven away by two-foot dragons? Why was there one left?” Asked Lady Muriel as she called out the spirit wolf.

The stone giant will not leave the rocky valley. It will only become weaker and weaker after leaving the rocky valley. It would only have unlimited rock supplements in the rock valley. Where there were rocks, It was almost unbeatable! Lady Jenny was also helpless to the stone giant that appeared, and this kind of spirit beast that can quickly recover in a single hit was the most troublesome spirit beast.

“Find a way to hold it. Don’t let it attack the defensive magic circle!” Lady Carrie commanded loudly.

Although the intermediate defensive magic circle was very strong, that was under the premise of endless magic stones, the enemy will consume magic stones with each hit, and each hit of such a huge stone giant will consume more magic stones than ordinary spirit, and in the wild, all the magic stones will not add up too much. As a last resort, they could not let the stone giant attack the defensive circle.

Just after the stone giant’s few blows to the crow in the air were useless, it’s giant palm waved forward violently, and one of the many stones forming the palm of the hand flew out, hitting a crow at once. The crow was smashed more than ten meters by this blow and fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, the crow was almost immortal. The damage was automatically reduced for them, and the crow flies again after struggling twice.

At this moment, a poisonous ivy suddenly appeared at the foot of the stone giant below the ground. This poisonous ivy did not attack the stone giant, but regarded itself like a rope and tied the two feet of the stone giant together.

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The stone giant, who was caught by surprise, was about to take a step forward, but his feet were tied, and he fell to the ground all at once, making a loud noise, and the stones on the ground were flying.

The fallen stone giant found the poisonous ivy on his foot. With a violent force, the poisonous ivy was about to loosen and escaped. At this time, it was too late. The huge force pulled the body of the poisonous ivy tightly, and then a soft sound, the rattan was broken by the great force.

“My dear little flower!” Lady Morrie screamed in pain, and the poisonous ivy was disconnected by the pull, but it failed to escape, and was caught by the stone giant. Although its hands were poisoned green, it had no effect on stone giants which were composed of rocks.

The poisonous ivy was grasped by the stone giant and twisted with force. Soon the poisonous ivy lost its vitality and entered the life protecting state. Lady Morrie was recovering the poisonous ivy, but the stone giant did not let go. The protected poisonous ivy cannot return to the portal bag.

The life protecting state can only maintain for a few minutes. If you were attacked after this time, the poisonous ivy would really die. Then lady Molly will need to summon a new poisonous ivy. All the long battle experience of this poisonous ivy will disappear, and the newly summoned poisonous ivy will need to be retrained before it can be used.

The most important thing was that Lady Morrie has been with the poisonous ivy for many years, and they already have a deep relationship. If Lady Morrie’s flower really died, it will be a profound blow to her.

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