
Chapter 874 - Whats That Noise?

Chapter 874 - What\'s That Noise?

The moment all rescue units confirmed their mission status as successful, now it was time for phase 2 of tonight’s operation.

Instantly, several reports and commands were issued via their Walkie Talkies.

"Team Beta to Control Tower.

The puppies are free.

Preparing to move in now."

"Roger that team Beta.


"This is Ground Beta to all Beta Air forces.

The puppies are free.

Beginning phase 2 now."

"Roger that ground Beta."

We’ll disperse and keep a lookout for any escapees.


"All right, men.

Let’s move out!"

In a flash, the war table and vehicles with heavy machine guns advanced, while a certain group stayed behind in formation at a certain distance all around the camp.

This way, those that did manage to flee would still get caught by the soldiers.

Now, everyone was prepared for the grand finale.



The noise from the moving vehicles disrupted the ever silent night within the camp.


What the devil was going on?

Was there some sort of animal outside causing such a loud ruckus?

Many within the camp were very confused by these strange noises.

They began wondering if whatever it was threatening or not.

Because if it was, then how come not a single person out of the 600 watchmen or scouts had run back to report the matter.

And if it were really dangerous, those at the gates would have at least heard the screams or shouts echoing through the night if any of their men were in battle.

This was just too bizarre.

Or was this phenomenon just like the glowy stars above?

The sounds seem to come from all directions around the camp, so was this some sort of sign?

The enemy was utterly confused.

Enemy Commander Holt jumped out of bed and hurriedly wore his shoes while hopping.

And as he hastily dressed up, he attentively listened to his most trusted subordinates before him.


"Commander, the sounds are getting louder, and we don’t know what to do.

Nonetheless, whether this sound is a blessing or not, we have to confirm where it’s coming from."

"Yes, Commander.

I personally think that if the sounds are getting louder, that means that something or some creatures are approaching our camp.

Maybe they’re hungry and are in a very large pack.

But, I doubt that they would be able to climb through the towering walls of this abandoned merchant post."


Holt wore his gloves and nodded in agreement.

Right now, they were in an abandoned merchant point.

What exactly was a merchant point?

It was typically a place where merchants could trade things amongst themselves or with nobles in secret.

Sometimes, what they traded was too valuable to be known to the public.

And they had too many in quantity.

So the client would meet them in a chosen merchant point to take them.

Merchant points were usually located in very isolated areas.

And most people chose to do it in the woods.


Because they could bring as many guards as they liked compared to cities or other places, which might make them stand out even more, calling unwanted attention instead.

For them, after leaving the merchant point, they could now disguise themselves as farmers and also create wagons with false bottoms to hide the products and take them into their estates.

This way, they wouldn’t make heads turn in their various resident areas.

After all, their enemies were always watching their estates.

So it wasn’t wise to have a merchant specifically deliver these goods in the open.

And that’s where the merchant point comes into play.

The merchant point typically had a circular stone wall with just one gate to go in and out.

And within it, there were no used buildings.


The buildings were just pillars with a roof.

Simple, yet very time efficient to complete.


These merchant points commonly have just 1 or 2 of these pillar buildings in the whole place.

That’s why if someone planned to sleep in here, they still needed tents.

As fate would have it, the enemy knights were currently in a merchant point that had been abandoned for 300 years now.

It used to be the go-to-place for those close to the Capital.

But now, there are several other places instead.

Moreover, this place was taken over by Winston’s maternal great grandfather, who passed it on to his grandfather, who then passed it on to him since he was his mother’s child and the most achieved grandson.

This has been the campsite for some of their operations, but they never turned it into a base because it was too risky.


That was because its position in nature would give it off

So it was a waste to build a base here.



Be it beast or even Ghosts; we have to take action now.

So are the men prepared?"

"Yes, Commander.

Everyone is currently making their way towards the gate."


What about the gate itself?

Has it been closed yet?"


Commander, that’s one of the reasons why I’m here.

From the report I just received from the guards, none of the watches have returned.

So do we still love them out?"


If there is any danger out there, they, as Deifer warriors, should be able to take it.

If they do die, then they would’ve died honourably.

I know that you’re worried about our lack of watchmen after this, but at this point, that’s the best plan of action now."

"But Commander, those watchmen were specifically trained for their duties.

So if we lose all 600, then won’t we lose 8/10th of our scouts and watchmen?

How are we going to continue coping until we are requested for battle?"

"You see, my problem with you is that you only keep thinking about the future and forgetting about the present.

For all we know, we could be facing something severe.

So what’s losing a few watchmen if it would let us see another day?

Don’t forget.

We have over 17,000 people here.

So what’s losing a measly 600 if it would keep the rest alive?

We are here, in wait for King Julius’s death and assist our master in ascending the throne.

So if we all fall now, then wouldn’t we have failed our mission?

In times like this, sacrifices must be made.

Do you understand what to do now?"

"Yes, Commander!"


With that, they ran out to find the source of these strange noises.

What could it be?

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