
Chapter 873 - Escaping From The Base

Chapter 873 - Escaping From The Base

Vincent and 5 others had already divided all 19 women amongst themselves.

So each person would look after 3 people, with one person looking after just 4.

The girls had said that their tent usually had 23 girls sleeping inside.

And from the gist, the rest were on kitchen duty.

But Vincent wasn’t worried because he knew that some of the people in his unit would handle it.

For now, his priority was to get them out.

When they came in with the excuse of going for a night meal, Vincent had purposely shown his face to the guards there.

So now, with him exiting the camp, they would just assume that he was going back to his duty post, along with some of the scouts.

But all that was later on.

Now, they had to worry about leaving the tents and making it to the exit safely.

And they had to do so swiftly because it wouldn’t be long before someone comes over to get some fun from these girls.

By then, the entire base would go crazy.

Everyone strategically stepped out of the tents with a space of 1 full minute between each.

Of course, to make it even more believable, some of the soldiers and Henry’s men, who were secretly guarding the place, also went in and out of the tent too.


It would look too suspicious if no one were going in after this long.

Everyone prepared themselves to leave anxiously.

Vincent seemed calm, but in reality, he was very much afraid as this was his first time doing such a job.

His fingers started trembling, and he quickly pinched his thighs to dismiss his fear with pain.

What if he fails?



Bro, today I’ve taken my fill again."

Vincent patted Myla as if she was a man while talking to all 3 ladies and walking out of the tent.

Even though the women were very much afraid, seeing his behaviour and knowing that they were soon out, they dared not miss this opportunity for freedom.

So Myla and the other 2 ladies joined in while making their voices as deep as possible.

They just repeated the words they’ve heard these men say after getting intimate with them.

"Bro, you’re not the only one who has taken my fill.

But ahhh... That girl is really something else."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she’s a dead fish!

But after showing her who’s boss, she dare not deny me again."


What choice did she have?"

All she can do is kneel and beg for my holy liquid.


The women spoke and felt even more energetic when they remembered their previous experiences.

It was enough to make anyone burn in rage.

Their self-worth had been crushed severely that some of them had once thought of suicide.

Wasn’t it better to die by their own hands rather than these men?

Just yesterday, a 10-year-old girl had died after they tossed her over for 5 hours straight with people going in and out of the tents as they wished.

Believe it or not, the daytime was their busiest time because at night, yelling and making too much noise might alert any enemy of the knight’s whereabouts.

During the day, the noise echoed way less than during the quiet nights.

And even now, all this time, those who had been talking within the camp at night weren’t yelling.

They just spoke at a controllably low tune or at times whispered.

So if these women started screaming in ecstasy, they’ll take many people up or even invite enemies over.

Of course, these women still have to please others at night.

But the traffic was limited to a certain degree so that the women would control their voices and themselves.

No extreme fetishes or behaviours could occur now.


Anyway, the poor 10-year-old girl was held down, whipped fiercely for pleasure and forced to please people for 5 long hours without eating or drinking anything.

She was very beautiful and was always one of the most desired.

So the people that wanted to spend time with her were a lot.

Unforbaturly, during the play, someone accidentally bashed her head roughly onto the ground after she kept begging for a rest.

And that’s how she died.

Thinking of all they had been through, Myla and the rest really liked that his majesty Landon Barn would get justice for them.

Vincent tried to say more in the conversation.

But listening to these women, he felt them genuinely pitiful.


He quickly kept his emotions in check and rejoined them while talking about other things that might keep these women from crying now.

Doing so would only blow their cover.

The gang took big steps and walked along the busy base that seemed to have many people in cl.u.s.ters.

And just when Vincent and the girls were about to reach the exit point, some walked past them and stopped.

"You there.



Everyone’s heart was beating like crazy.

Did someone discover them?

Were they going to be caught?

What’s going to happen now?

Vincent immediately snapped out of his thoughts and whispered to the ladies as well.

And like that, they acted as if they were dead tired while tilting their heads and squinting their eyes rather than opening them fully.

Jennie told them that squinting one’s eyes was one of the best ways to cover up surprise expressions.

Plus, it would subconsciously remind them to stay in character.

With that, they continued squinting while pinching themselves hard.

What exactly did these people want?


Vincent stepped ahead and waited for the leader of the clique to approach him.

The man’s face was stern and unreadable.

Nonetheless, he looked like someone with high authority.

"Why are you going out only now?"

"Erm... We took permission from Pigoro at the gate to eat.

We were very hungry."

The man looked at them and sneered.


Do you think that I’ll let you go if you took permission?

All of you will still get punished.

So after your duties tonight, I expect to see all of you kneeling before my tent.

And don’t even think of escaping because I’ll just get your names from the guards at the exit."

"We wouldn’t dare."

"We wouldn’t dare."


Now get out of my sight!"

Hearing his command, Vincent and the others felt like they had just escaped some terrible fate.

They quickly ran away, and before they knew, they were out.

The ladies almost cried with joy.

They did it!

They escaped!


Vincent had never felt so many emotions in his life before.

One could say that everything went very smoothly, but that was a lie.

He had over 15 stumbling blocks that he bypassed without anyone’s help throughout the rescue.

There were times that his cover was almost blown, and there were times that he did exceptionally well.

This mission alone quickly made him realize some of his strengths and weaknesses.

And he realized that he didn’t know very much about tactics and blending in.

If not for the Baymardians that briefed him earlier on, he would never have known such advanced skills.

Of course, while trying them out, he made many mistakes which he quickly corrected or git away with.

And many-a-times, the soldiers would step in to save him from his mistakes.

Everything was just so new and thrilling to him.

With Henry, all he ever did was run away and hide while praying not to get discovered.

But now, this was his first mission stepping out.

He was very delighted that his highness had decided to stop running and take a stand.

After all, how long could one keep running?


Din Din Din Din Din

Vincent and the girls were out.

And shortly after that, several others came out strategically too.

With all mistakes out, they could finally blow the place up!

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