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Chapter 425 He’s Where!?

Chapter 425 He’s Where!?

Chapter 425 He's Where!?

"One of the only weapons that can kill our darling husband and it was stolen… by a baby vampire who likely couldn't even heal from having his arms or legs ripped off." She said with clear absurdity in her tone.

"Well, he claims reverence for him at least so it is unlikely that he did this with malicious intent behind it." Lillian pointed out.

"Intent, huh…? I guess it could only be that then." Eris guessed.

The rest of the girls knew what she was getting at without even needing an explanation.

Legends about dragons go deep into various cultures, no matter the world one is in. But on earth their myths are particularly stretched and varied.

Everything from bringing wealth and prosperity, to rain, or even granting any one wish when seven magical balls are assembled.

No doubt that this would-be vampire king was planning to cozy up to Abaddon in an attempt to find out just how much of that was true.

"But how did he even find out about us, or about the sword in the first place?" Lisa suddenly asked.

"Our little friend Charles, no doubt... and I suppose that it would not also be strange for him to have some sort of connection to the heavens... In fact, I believe I may have a decent understanding of what has been going on behind our backs." Lailah said confidently.

She was expecting her family to ask her how she had figured out such a thing so fast, but their reaction was a bit different from her imagination.

Lillian: "Look at our group's big brain!"

Audrina: "That's a wisdom goddess for you!"

Tatiana: "You're so amazing!"

Though she was a cool and calculating goddess who had just killed multiple men without lifting a finger, Lailah blushed considerably under the relentless assault of forehead kisses and head pats she received in an instant.

"S-Stop it!"

"Aww, she's so cute when she's shy!"

"Smother her!"

At Tatiana's behest, the seven wives swarmed Lailah in an instant and assailed her with all manner of praise that she was in no way equipped to handle.

As she prayed for a distraction, she finally noticed the sound of muffled moans coming from down the hall, along with a low repeated banging sound that made it seem like the entire floor was haunted.

Although if it was no one else would have known, since they had already taken care to rent out the presidential suite, making the entire floor theirs alone.

"Seems like they're having fun... Do you think they'll be in the mind to listen to us about what happened?" Lailah asked.

All: "No."

"Well we have to try anyway!"

Lailah slithered out of the girls' embrace and ran towards the hotel room with glee at finally being free.

Pressing the keycard up to the electronic lock, she opened the door inside and was immediately almost knocked on her butt.

The uninhibited smell of sweat and pheromones of sex deities may as well have been an aphrodisiac knockout gas.

And since Valerie and Abaddon were particularly powerful deities, the effect was that much worse.

For a brief moment Lailah couldn't fathom why she had ever felt the need to put clothes on before.

It was only because her mind was enhanced by her wisdom divinity that she was able to get a better grasp on herself.

Well... somewhat.

She still ended up taking her dress off at the door.

The rest of her sisters held their noses as they entered the room, in an effort to prevent the pheromone scent from shooting straight to their brain.

All except Tatiana of course who was the same calibre of being as the culprits.

She inhaled the sweet smelling musk of Valerie and Abaddon's body sweat like it was Dior cologne.

Once the girls were inside, they found Valerie and Abaddon in the shower, with her body pressed against the granite walls while Abaddon held her up and struck against her closed cervix.

"Hello, my loves! Care to hear about who has the swo-"



Lailah was yanked off her feet and into the shower by the two depraved gods and her own moans became added to theirs after only a few seconds inside.

Each of the girls looked at each other excitedly before climbing their way inside.

Oddly enough, they were all able to fit just fine.

And as always, no one was allowed to sit idle without any attention focused on them.

It was a nice night, and one of the most loving evenings Abaddon had spent with his wives since being married.

However, once morning came he would be met with heartache the likes of which he was scarcely prepared for.


"What do you mean we have to stop?"

At 9:30 AM, the dragon god felt his first wife place a weak hand on his chest as she tried to get him to stop ravaging her.

"We... have to...go.. get back... sword..!" Lailah said with shaky breaths.

"What sword?"

"The.. one that can... kill you, you idiot husband of mine.."


"W-Wait, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"

Abaddon did not respond well at all to Lailah's minor provocation.

With their bodies on the bedroom floor, he lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder and left a trail of bite marks along her tender flesh until he reached her toes.

The entire time his hips and hands were never idle as he continued to thrust into her relentlessly while tugging on her clit ever so slightly.

As a result, Lailah's body shook furiously as she desperately tried to crawl away to no avail.

Her torment would only become worse as the tattoos along her husband's body started to glow a matching violet color.

Lailah let out the loudest scream of the night and ended up cracking all of the windows in the room as her body was wracked with so much pleasure that her absolute mind was overloaded.

She ended up humming hard enough to black out, and her insides clamped down hard enough to snap even a log of ironwood in half, yet Abaddon was in true bliss.

As he filled her insides again, he temporarily saw nirvana himself as he waited to come down from his incomparable high.

His chest slowly rose and fell as he looked at the night's carnage surrounding him.

It had been quite a while since Abaddon had been so rough on the girls, and it appeared as though the tolerance break had broken them.

Even Valerie and Tatiana were lying on the ground together beside the bathroom door, holding hands and drooling as they slept like best friends.

'So cute...'

As Abaddon admired the two of them, his ears suddenly noticed the sound of chewing in the room.

Swerving his head around, he found Bekka naked and crawling on the floor due to a lack of strength in her legs.

Like an old lazy dog, she lie on the floor nibbling on a candy bar from the minibar in their hotel room.

Her eye was barely open, and it seemed as though she was going to fall asleep at any moment.

"Bekka darling?"

"Hmm..? Want one..?"

"No, my love." Abaddon laughed.

He lifted up Bekka's body and brought her towards his waiting lap, along with her stash of candy.

She initially let out a small whimper when she realized that he was still standing tall after all of this time, and she thought she may have been about to be exhausted next.

"H-Hey, can you let me eat and take a small nap first? I need to prepare myself for-"

"I'm not going to pounce on you, love." (But he wanted to.)

Once Bekka was settled, Abaddon leaned the two of them against the wall as he rested his head on her neck.

"Lailah mentioned the sword. You all didn't get it back last night?"

"A wamwire wing wook it." (A vampire king took it.)

"A vampire king? How funny..." Abaddon had long gotten used to Bekka speaking with her mouth full, so he could actually interpret her quite well.

It was never something he minded anyway, since he tended to find everything she did extremely cute.

Even her poor table manners.

"And what would a vampire need with that sword? I doubt he's just interested in auctioning it for ransom."

"He wants you to like him. Apparently he took it as a way to foster goodwill." Bekka said as she sifted through her pile of goodies.

She held out her hand and the business card lying on their nightstand came flying into her fingers.

Once she passed it to her husband, she peeled two peanut butter cups from their wrappers without damaging them in the slightest- a true show of her expertise.

Abaddon read over the business card with empty and cold eyes.

His loving time with his wives had to be interrupted because a vampire took something he shouldn't have?

He would roast him alive for an eternity if it helped to alleviate his hatred only a little bit!

But as he read over the business card, he felt like he was suddenly dyslexic.

Or blind.

Or even an idiot like Lailah had said.

Because when one thought of vampires, they absolutely did not think that they would find them at this address.

It was the polar opposite of everything that they resembled.

An extravagant race like Nosferatu staying in one of the poorest countries in the world sounded like an extremely bad joke.

"A would be vampire king living in Haiti... I think I've just about heard it all now."

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