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Chapter 424 Secret Helper

Chapter 424 Secret Helper

Chapter 424 Secret Helper

"That one."

The white snakes waiting diligently at the sides of the girls moved in a flash to lunge at the vampire acting as translator.

One bit his lower half, and it\'s twin bit his upper.

Once they both had firm grips, they pulled in opposite directions and ripped the man in two with the same amount of force it would have taken one to break a \'Kit-Kat\'.

Immediately, the remaining men started to panic as they backed away from the serpents, fully aware that they were looking death in it\'s faces.

They began yelling to each other in mandarin, confused and terrified.

"W-What the hell?!"

"They killed the translator!!"

"How are we supposed to speak to them now?!"

*In perfect mandarin* "You aren\'t."

The men felt chills run down their body in synchronicity as they stared into Lailah\'s icy cold eyes with palpable fear.

Her eyes glowed an unbearable violet as she raised a long finger to her full lips in a silencing gesture.

"Unless you are given permission to speak by one of us, you are not to open your mouths for any reason. Do you understand?"

Being a wisdom goddess did not necessarily mean that Lailah was the smartest woman in the room at all times. But it did ensure that if there was ever a circumstance where she wasn\'t, she could quickly catch up to and surpass whoever was. Her thinking speed, level of understanding, and ability to absorb knowledge was multiplied 1,000 fold. Therefore, it was easy for her to learn the entire language of Mandarin Chinese in a single afternoon; while not using a single spell to make the process easier. She also learned French, Creole, Czech, and Swahili. Along with a dynamite recipe for lemon bars, but that would not aid her until she went back home to her children. A few of the assembled vampires did not heed Lailah\'s words exactly to her specifications, and as a result her snakes bit off the heads of two more men who had yet to pick their jaws up from the ground.

Finally, the rest of the men seemed to get their acts together and closed their mouths to stand like statues.

Satisfied, the serpents retreated to their creator\'s side and sat patiently like they were waiting for new orders.

"Good, now on your knees~" Lailah said melodically.

The men hesitated momentarily and her striking violet eyes became empty once again.

"If I have to make you kneel myself, I can promise that you will be so miserable that you want to die."

Needing no further motivation, all twenty five vampires dropped to their knees and lowered their heads.

"Wonderful! Now wasn\'t that easy?"

Lailah and the rest of the girls finally stepped down from the staircase and made their way towards the group while dropping their disguises.

Once the vampires saw horns, claws, fangs, and inhumanly pale and dark skin, they started to gain a sort of glimpse into who exactly they were dealing with.

\'W-We were only told about one…\'

\'No one said anything about their being four of them!\'

\'He said to simply ignore the women and focus on appeasing the husband!\'

Naturally, the girls could hear all of the thoughts of these underlings loud and clear.

However, they saw no fun in letting that information be known this early.

"I have three very simple rules that need to be followed if you want to keep your lives. Do you understand?"


"Good. Now the first is one that you already know, and it is that you will not speak casually to my sisters or I for any reason. And when you address us, you are only to refer to us as \'Goddess\'. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, goddess." They all said aloud.

Lailah smiled coldly with her charming appearance and continued. "The second... is that you will not lie to us for any reason if we bother to ask you a question. If you try, we will know. And I can promise you that we will not be happy~

The third is perhaps the most important one of all..."

With insane speed, one of the snakes lunged forward and bit a man who had been looking at Audrina\'s exposed thighs in a lustful light. Instead of eating him, the snake filled the man\'s body with so much horrible poison that it melted his body down into a pudding-like substance. However, the process was anything but slow, and the companions of the poor man had to listen to his pitiful wails that seemed to go on forever as he broke down from the inside out. "You are never, ever to look at any of us with lustful gazes. Doing so is not only akin to forfeiting his life... but your afterlife as well."

Lailah made a grabbing gesture with her hand and a small violet soul appeared between her fingers. The vampires could distinctly hear the voice of their companion who had just fallen echoing from the small bundle of energy, and they knew what they were staring at to be his soul. Lailah channeled a sinister dark red energy into her fingers and the soul exploded in her grasp; sputtering out of existence and losing any sort of hope to ever be reincarnated. After seeing a thing like that, two of the men fainted instantly, while the rest became as pale as ghosts. "Do you get the picture? I highly suggest that you do whatever you must to ensure that you do not break those three rules."

With the weight of her words sinking in, the vampires knew that they had a choice to make. These goddesses were so beautiful that they did not fully trust themselves to keep their minds free of lustful thoughts. To look at them was to crave them, and the twenty four remaining men were far from eunuchs. So that meant that they had to take more drastic measures. With the resolve of a great shogun, each of them sharpened their claws and dug out their own eyes without faltering from the pain. They threw their eyeballs at her feet as offerings and Lailah smiled with beautifully evil smile as she listened to them whimper. "My, such excellent listeners! I am so impressed!"

With soft steps that lightly tapped off the paved concrete, Lailah kneeled in front of the first vampire she saw and gave him a venomous smile. "Now, let\'s get down to business shall we? You are the ones who put that sigil on the podium, yes?"

"Y-Yes, Goddess..!"

"Then I can only assume you have the real sword as well and not that cheap imitation inside, am I correct?"

"That\'s correct, Goddess..!"

Lailah nodded in satisfaction, seemingly pleased with the various answers she was getting. "Alright, alright. Then let me ask you this next..."


With strength that her small body should not have possessed, Lailah grabbed the older vampire forcefully by the neck and held him above her own head. "That means that you know the significance of this particular item and are attempting to use it against my family as some means of blackmail. Is that right?"

"N-No, Goddess! I-It was only meant to be a gesture of good faith!"

"Oh? In what way is that?"

"T-The Vampire King was seeking to curry favor with the dragon called Abaddon! He took the sword as a way to prevent the rest of the gods from getting it first!"

Immediately, Lailah and her sisters exchanged an imperceptible look of confusion. In all of the time that they had been on earth, they hadn\'t heard about any vampire king or any other magical rulers for that matter. And if they were being honest, the notion that a vampire from earth would deserve to be called the king of anything was so mortifyingly laughable that they nearly fell onto their back\'s while holding their sides. Since the matter concerned vampires, Lailah tossed the man in her grasp to Seras and elected to let her handle this matter with her own finesse. Once she caught him, the young vampire quickly learned that her grip was even tighter than Lailah\'s, and he felt as though he could barely breathe. "Why is this little vampire leader of yours trying to curry favor with our husband?"

"H-He simply heard about him from one of his underlings! He has been trying to track you for two weeks now, but you all travel so erratically that it is difficult to pinpoint your location, much less schedule a meeting!"

"So this is our fault for trying to enjoy our honeymoon?" Seras asked dangerously. "N-No, goddess! Of course not! I-I was merely saying that given the way that you move from place to place, our king knew that he had no choice but to steal the sword once he heard about it, since he knew that you would come for it sooner or later!"

Rolling her eyes uncaringly, Seras made a gesture for the man to get to the point that he couldn\'t even see. "And.. where is the sword now?"

"With my master, goddess.... If you\'ll allow me to reach for it, I have a business card in my pocket with an address that you can find him at anytime!"

"Hmm... Give it to me."

"Y-Yes, Goddess!"

As he\'d requested, the vampire removed a small business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to Seras with shaky hands. Seras looked over the notecard before dropping the man on his but and storing it in her wallet. "Lisa dear."

With an exhale, Lisa breathed out a gust of healing winds from her lips; repairing all of the vampires\' eyes in an instant. But when they looked up again, the goddesses that had inspired such fear, lust, and terror within them were already gone.

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