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Chapter 118 Beacon

Chapter 118 Beacon

Exedra simply never expected to see it in his own backyard.

"T-that\'s.." Lusamine began.

The demon king did not even allow her to finish before he sprouted his wings and flew towards the center of the blast at breakneck speed.

As if they thought he would need backup, the demons behind him quickly sprouted their wings and flew behind him.

As Exedra got closer and closer to the beacon of light, he noticed the intense scent of fire and smoke.

He landed amongst the rubble of a ruined building and immediately realized what it must\'ve been used for.

A short distance away, Exedra could see that the source of light was coming from an item on the ground.

But that wasn\'t what had his attention at the moment.


Floating right in front of Exedra\'s face was his famously hotheaded wife.

Valerie\'s body was completely off the ground and she appeared to be in some kind of trance.

Suddenly, Exedra sensed multiple presences that he knew very well and looked to see his family quickly approaching.

Bekka : "She\'s.."

Lisa : "Evolving, yes."

Lailah: "Do you think that means she finished?"

Mira : "Mommy did it! Look at the sky!"

Audrina : "She certainly did better than expected.. but this too will bring its own set of problems."

Thea : "Family is mean…You guys never told me anything."

Bekka scooped up her pouting daughter and plastered her face with kisses. "Forgive us my little honey drop! We had to make sure your father didn\'t find out and we knew you wouldn\'t be comfortable keeping secrets!"

Whether the human girl relented because of her mother\'s deluge of affection or she understood the reasoning behind her words, she did not say.

But given that her small pout had transformed into a giddy smile, it didn\'t really matter much.

"You all.. what is going on?" Exedra asked.

The girls did not seem to be shocked at all by this turn of events, it was as if they\'d expected it!

"We\'ll let her explain, my love." Lailah said as she pointed to Valerie whose body was slowly descending to the ground.

A single glance was all that was required to know that she\'d definitely been altered.

While she hadn\'t changed her appearance, the quality of her body had drastically improved.

If her muscles before were like iron, they were now like titanium.

Her skin was always pretty and clear, but it now had an illustrious shine and beauty to it that made her so much more captivating.

Even her hair had grown longer and more silky like, her raven locks now falling comfortably beneath her round ass.

When her feet landed back on the ground, she took a minute to open her eyes and get used to her surroundings.

Her husband was in front of her staring in pure awe, while the rest of their family was a bit further behind him, giving her knowing smiles.

The demons under their command were all staring at them in awe as well.

Everyone from the youngest of the sex demons to even the Rabisu, were flying above their heads not daring to say a word.

This occasion was too remarkable.

Exedra somehow gained the presence of mind to check Valerie\'s new stats and found himself more than impressed.

[ Valerie Dord Draven ]

[ Status : Shy

[ Race : Human-dwarven hybrid.

[ Age : 28

[ Times evolved : 2

[ Health : 100,000

[ Strength : 69,124

[ Endurance: 67,981

[ Agility : 30,218

[ Mana : 61,200

"Ah.. seems like I caused a bigger commotion than I thought. Sorry everyone." She scratched her pristine new cheeks in embarrassment.

"Valerie what is going on?" Exedra asked.

The dwarven woman suddenly smirked before she turned around and picked up the item from the ground that was the cause of the beacon in the sky.

The light immediately dimmed before dissipating into millions of golden particles that were scattered by the wind.

She brought it towards Exedra, allowing him to see what the cause of all the fuss was, and he had to admit, he was completely shocked.

"I.. made this for you." She said shyly.

"You\'ve given me an incredible life and a warm family, two things I never expected to experience. I just wanted to do something, anything to show you how much I love you."

As she spoke, her face became redder and redder.

Valerie wasn\'t used to emotions, so bearing her soul like this in front of her family and the entire city, was more embarrassing than she could\'ve imagined.

Even still, she had to say it.

She wanted to be like the other women around him.

His other wives and even Audrina, were constantly proclaiming their love for him.

Whether it was through actions or words, they never failed to show how much they cared about him.

Valerie was never taught how to say loving, kind things.

But for the first time in her life, she wanted to try.

Not because she was worried that he would abandon her if she didn\'t.

She simply felt as though her husband was more than worth the effort to learn.

"I just wanted you to know that-"

Valerie opened her mouth to say more, unfortunately Exedra immediately sealed her lips with his.

She was so stunned by the passion transmitted through their kiss, she almost dropped her husbands precious gift that she\'d worked so hard to forge.

"How long are they going to kiss?" Mira suddenly asked.

"Who knows, you\'ll understand when you\'re older Mira." Lisa said as she watched with slight jealousy.

Contrary to expectations, the pair\'s kiss only lasted for two minutes instead of ten.

If Exedra had a say in it, it definitely would\'ve gone on for longer.

But Valerie was adamant about showing him her latest and greatest creation as soon as possible, so she broke their kiss before the heat spreading through her body made her lose all reason.

"W-wait, wait!" Valerie huffed as she tried to catch her breath.

Exedra was disappointed she separated from him but he did not show it.

This gesture had left him incredibly touched.

So much so that he did not wish to separate from Valerie until they were knee deep in their own fluids.

Valerie finally recovered her breathe and held out her creation for him to take. "I- no WE made this for you. It will always keep you safe when we cannot."

In her arms was a set of glimmering silver and red armor.

It was the very definition of extravagant.

With a single glance, Exedra knew exactly what she\'d used to make it.

The glittering red scales from Apophis and Lailah.

The inky black fur of Bekka.

Pristine silver scales from Mira.

He could sense a bit of divine power in the armor as well, he immediately guessed that they must\'ve used something from Thea without her knowledge.

Lisa\'s claws were embedded into the knuckles to give his blows a more savage nature.

Even Audrina seemed to have given something, though Exedra was not quite sure what. But he could clearly sense a bit of her in the armor as well.


[ Myriad Armor of Sacrificial Judgment : Legendary Grade

- All Stats receive + 25,000 when armor is worn.

- The elements of darkness, lightning and ice receive a 15% increase in power.

- Armor regenerates any damage taken.

- Armor provides a 30% defense against divine magic.

- This armor can be bound.

[ Description: This armor was created by a devoted wife for her loving husband. Using materials from their own family, she was able to create this exquisite piece of work that would even be the envy of some gods.

"Legendary grade.." A succubus muttered.

"The lord\'s entire family is incredible!"

"To think lady Valerie is so talented!"

Their reactions were completely justified.

Legendary equipment and above is normally only gifted by the mother goddess to mortals inside of dungeons.


There have been extremely rare cases of a blacksmith possessing enough talent and willpower, to be able to create something heaven defying.

If the world knew another blacksmith of Valerie\'s caliber had appeared, there would be no end to the amount of money that would be thrown at her feet.

"Thank you, my love.. truly." Exedra was over flowing with gratitude.

As Carter, he\'d never received gifts and when he received them as Exedra, he did not feel like they were truly his.

For the first time, he felt as though he\'d received a gift that was truly just for him.

"Yay! Mira doesn\'t have to keep a secret anymore!"

The innocent young girl sprouted her wings and flew into her fathers arms.

What followed next was a happy scene that could warm even the coldest of hearts.

Exedra embraced everyone in his family and thanked them for his monumental gift. Even Audrina was not spared and was gifted her first real hug from him.

Though she nearly fainted right after.

Exedra ignored her fanaticism and once again admired his new armor. "It looks like I\'ll get to wear this pretty soon." He grinned.

His words alerted everyone to a fact they\'d previously forgotten.

Whenever a legendary or higher grade item is born into the world, a beacon of light like the one from before will shine.

Legendary is golden.

False god is purple.

God grade is white.

This beacon is to let all know that there is a monumental treasure in dire need of claiming.

Since it was only a legendary grade item, most of the major powerhouses of the world would not move but there would certainly be others.

"I\'d wager we have about two weeks at most..." He muttered.

He looked up into the sky at his army of demons who looked excited for the prospect of battle, and he could not help but begin to get excited as well.

\'I guess I\'ll have to put that plan into action sooner than I thought.\'

Luxuria was about to receive visitors, and lots of them.

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