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Chapter 117 The Truth Is Hard To Hear

Chapter 117 The Truth Is Hard To Hear

Every step taken seemed to be heavier than the last until she finally collapsed when she reached his bed.

She reached out with trembling hands and caressed the face of her supposed dead husband.

Feeling the warmth of life from him, the dam holding her emotions back gave way and she began to weep terribly.

"Mother.." Exedra watched in pain as his mother wept like a newborn baby on top of his father.

He knew exactly how much she had missed him and what this moment must\'ve meant to her.

As someone with a family of his own, he knew that if he were in her shoes his reaction would be much the same.

Yara wept tirelessly, and eventually she lost control of her powers and body.

Silver flames burst from her body and spread out among the room.

With some difficulty, Exedra did manage to contain them using his darkness affinity.

Eventually, Yara was able to control herself enough to reel in her powers and slow her deluge of tears to only a trickle.

Her hoarse voice exhausted from crying was heartbreaking for her son to hear.


"Mother, maybe we should wait until you\'re-"

"Just tell me how!!" Yara screamed.

Exedra knew that the story of what happened to his father was not a pleasant one and it would likely hurt her to hear.

But what could he do when Yara was so adamant that she wanted to know?

The story was hard for him to tell and it was even harder for her to listen to.

Multiple points in the story caused her to return to weeping but she stifled her pain she allowed her son to continue.

With the exception of him meeting his grandparents and the systems advice, he told her everything.

At the stories end he thought his mother would burst into tears again but surprisingly she simply remained at his fathers side.

It was as if she were afraid that all of this would end up being a dream if she looked away.

"How long until he wakes up?" Yara suddenly asked.

"He should need around two more weeks to fully recover."

Yara nodded simply and did not ask any further questions. "I will stay with him until he wakes up."

Exedra opened his mouth to tell her that he already had very dedicated maids ready to check on his father everyday and it wouldn\'t hurt her to leave the room.

He wanted to tell her that he wanted her to meet her new granddaughter and his newest wife.

But deep inside his heart he knew that now was not the time for him to impose his wishes on her.

He turned around to leave and give his mother and father some much needed alone time. "If you need anything, don\'t hesitate to ask."

"Thank you son…!" Yara spoke hoarsely.

The door closed with a click and he stood motionlessly in the hallway.

For a moment, this was all he needed.

While he couldn\'t say that anything bad happened, seeing your mother cry so much would be taxing for any son.


Exedra looked next to him and saw Audrina in her cat form.

She prowled closer to him and he scooped her up into his arms.

"You heard, huh?"

"Meow." (Yes.)

"Is this your way of comforting me?"

"Meow, meow." (Yes, if this doesn\'t work then I\'ll use my real body next~)

"I can\'t actually understand you but somehow I feel like you made a perverted comment just now."

"Meow." (It\'s your imagination.) she shook her fluffy head in denial.

"Oh? Too bad you\'re denying it, I might\'ve taken you up on your offer." He teased.

"Meow! Meow! Meow!" (Wait! I was lying! Let\'s go to your bedroom!)

Exedra did not say it, but he was grateful for Audrina\'s help in this moment.

Teasing her had done wonders to ease his mental state and if he was honest, he had not expected her to be so helpful.

\'What am I supposed to do? If you keep treating me like this you\'ll make it harder not to fall for you.\' He thought.

For the rest of the day he carried her around on his shoulders as he handled matters throughout the city.

Audrina was so happy she could\'ve died.

- 3 Days Later.

Lusamine had returned with the legion of sex demons and was currently going over their adventure with Exedra.

"All in all, we managed to capture a little over 300 humans!" She explained cheerfully.

Truthfully, they would\'ve had more but some of the demons had gotten too excited and drained too much of their vitality.

"We were able to grab them from nearby small villages and forests with a few coming from the outskirts of smaller cities. To avoid being spotted and tipping off the prey I broke us up into several groups so that we could hunt separately."

She turned to look at the crowd of awaiting demons that were still bowed before them.

"I was honestly really surprised. They\'re all natural fliers and even if they weren\'t, they\'re pretty light on their feet as well. They also seem to be stronger than your average demon despite only being a few days old."

"I think what shocked me the most though was their obedience." Lusamine added in a somewhat disappointed tone.

"I thought I\'d get to put on my sexy dominatrix persona but there was honestly no need. Everything I asked them to do they did to the best of their ability so there was no need to be harsh with them." Her tone contained hints of awe and lingering shock.

Demons were normally quite a rebellious race, yet nobody here had even questioned a single one of her orders.

This was completely different from when she trained new recruits before!

"You truly have some excellent demons under your command, little Abbadon" Lusamine giggled at his true name.

"Despite that…"

She turned to the stone faced demon lord who\'d been glaring ever since he showed up.

"You still look like someone stabbed your puppy! Why aren\'t you excited about any of this?!" She yelled.

Exedra had been having a very serious problem for the past few days.

Valerie had been avoiding him.

Whenever he would try to find her during the day, he never could.

When she returned home at night, she\'d head directly to the bath before coming to bed.

If he questioned her about it, she\'d suddenly become all flustered and shy before immediately trying to have sex with him as a distraction.

…It worked every single time.

Out of all of his wives, Valerie was undoubtedly the best at seducing him.

She knew how to sway her hips and breasts in a way that gave her exactly the result she wanted.

The effect was even more instantaneous if she stripped first.

Exedra, who many women would see as an untouchable existence, was putty in the hands of his wives.

Even a demonic dragon has weaknesses!

In the mornings she would be gone before he even woke up.

When he would question his other wives about her whereabouts and behavior, they would start to act strange as well!

They\'d all get up and leave the room while smirking silently!

Even his daughters were in on it!

Mira would just giggle madly in his face before proclaiming \'It\'s a secret!\' and flying away.

Unfortunately, Thea was recognized by her mothers and sister as the most likely one to blab so she didn\'t actually know anything at all!

While he trusted his wife wholeheartedly and knew she wasn\'t cheating on him, that didn\'t mean he wasn\'t curious about what was going on.

He was trying to respect her space and time, but it was proving much too difficult.

\'Tonight, I\'ll definitely find out what the hell is going on. I won\'t let her seduce me again!\'

"Are you even listening!?" Lusamine yelled.

"Hm? Ah, sure Lusamine. Thank you for your help." He replied without much thought.

Truthfully, he wasn\'t listening.

He was too busy mentally preparing himself to interrogate Valerie.

However he figured her report contained nothing negative since all of the demons before him had small pleased expressions as if they were waiting to be praised for their efforts.

"Did you just… thank me?" She asked in a shocked manner.

"I will not do it again, imp."

"Would it kill you to be nice to me just once?!"



Exedra and Lusamine immediately went on guard when a large explosion sounded off within the city.

Fortunately, they didn\'t have to look very hard for the source and when they found it their jaws simultaneously went slack.

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