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Chapter 69 Reunion Pt. 1

Chapter 69 Reunion Pt. 1

The last few times she\'d tried to take him somewhere, she\'d put her hands on some dangerous places.

"No thanks." Exedra gave her a brief refusal before his body became wrapped in shadows and he disappeared.

"Tsk. You\'re finally talking after all this time and that\'s all you have to say?"

It was worth noting that Seras\' frustration came from Exedra\'s behavior over the last few months.

While the first month was fine, during the second month he started to feel the absence of his family more.

He became closed off and spoke to her less and less and when he did his replies were short and simple.

In the third month, he stopped speaking altogether.

He simply was not interested in conversation in the slightest.

Everything Seras asked him to do he did efficiently and without complaint.

He behaved as if the only thing that was separating him from his family was whatever task he had in front of him at the moment.

Seras began to feel slightly discouraged, but her stubbornness was what brought her to where she was today!

She didn\'t believe she couldn\'t make him fall for her in the next year or so!

What did his wives have that she didn\'t?

If she only had a mirror she would\'ve noticed two distinctive areas where she was sorely lacking.

With her will burning anew, Seras also teleported to the castle.


When Seras appeared beside Exedra in front of the castle, she broke him out of the small trance seeing his home after so long had put him in.

Slowly, he walked past the guards who were already bowing and was about to walk through the front door when he sensed a presence that he knew incredibly well.

Exedra turned around to see a little girl with long black hair, and purple and red eyes flying towards him.

The girl was covered in blood and was carrying a small cat in one arm and the carcass of a shade panther in the other.

Exedra was immediately alarmed when he saw the small girl covered in blood, but with one whiff of the air he knew none of it was hers.


Mira let loose a loud cry of surprise and happiness before she dove towards her father like a bullet.

Exedra smiled held out his arms, prompting Mira to dive right into her father\'s embrace.

"You\'re back! You\'re really back!!" Mira had forgotten all about her fresh hunt and her small cat and dropped both to wail in her father\'s arms.

"Yea… I\'m here my daughter."

"Meow!" ( How could you just drop me like that!) Megumin cried from atop the body of the panther.

"I-I did like you said and I got strong!" She cried through choked breaths.

Exedra wasn\'t paying attention at first, but now he could feel it clearly.

His daughter that wasn\'t even seven years old yet, was already stage 1.


< Mira Clearwing Draven>

< Status : Overjoyed

< Race: Ice Dragon

< Age : 4

< Times Evolved: 1

< Health: 30,000

< Strength : 16,650

< Endurance : 10,700

< Agility: 17,500

< Mana : 20,200

"I\'m so proud of you Mira." Exedra could only hug his daughter when he saw the stats of his daughter.

While her stats were nothing compared to his, that was only because of Mira\'s young body and his possession of the system.

If the two of them were more normal the gap between them would be significantly shorter.

Truthfully, he\'d only expected her to get a start on some of it while he was gone. He never imagined he\'d come back and she would have already evolved.

"What.. the.. fuck.." Seras was completely flabbergasted when she realized this small girl crying in her father\'s arms might very well be the youngest evolved in history!

This was simply unthinkable!

If she wasn\'t seeing it with her own eyes she wouldn\'t believe it!

How the hell was this possible?

After Mira calmed down, Exedra stroked her hair and asked the burning question on his mind. "Where are your mothers?"

Mira\'s eyes sparkled as a cheeky grin crossed her face.

How excited would her father be when he saw everyone\'s progress?


"You look great daddy!" Mira stared at her father with a proud expression.

"Meow." (Agreed.) Megumin nodded.

Before he went to go and find his wives, Exedra took a moment to take a relaxing bath.

He didn\'t think their reunion would go as well if they smelled Seras all over him.

It wasn\'t that he didn\'t bathe during the four months he was away but Seras was always either trying to join in or rush him out of it so he could never relax.

After a nice soak, he was surprised when Mira was waiting for him with a welcome home gift.

Mira had a fluffy black long coat made from the hides of the stone furred bears she hunted.

Exedra gratefully accepted the gift and shrugged of his simple black robe that had several holes in it from training and draped his new coat over his bare shoulders.

As Mira stared at her father she felt immense pride when she saw just how cool her father looked in her gift.

Seras who was standing a few feet away had to bite her tongue so she didn\'t force herself on him.

\'Gods if he just gave me one chance I\'d make him see heaven!\' The ancient dragon was getting more and more delusional by the second.

Exedra patted Mira\'s head and thanked her as they went to find her mothers.

Mira wore a giddy and proud expression all the way to the training grounds.


"God damnit why.."

"I don\'t get paid enough for this.."

"Why is she so much meaner than before?!"

"How many does that make?"

"Umm.. 56."

Hearing the familiar grunts and groans of pain coming from the dusty training grounds, Exedra smiled when he realized who he\'d see first.

Arriving at the sparring area, he was completely surprised when he ran into the wife he\'d least expected.

Standing amidst piles of unconscious bodies with varying degrees of injuries, Lisa was wielding a bright gold trident with barbed blades.

Her hair was tired in a French braid and her face was impeccably clear of any dust or sweat.

It was as if she\'d just gotten here.

She wore tight fitted black and burgundy body armor that had slight gold accents and emphasized her generous curves.

Seras looked at Exedra and saw the longing and lustful gaze he was giving his wife before she clicked her teeth in frustration. \'Idiot prince, what do I have to do to get you to look at me like that?\'

Though when she took another look at Lisa\'s body in her armor, she started to feel like maybe she just wouldn\'t be able to compete.

\'Damn ogre tits..\'

Lisa was excitedly talking to a muscular woman with glasses that Exedra didn\'t recognize and she didn\'t seem to have noticed his presence yet.

She seemed to be talking to her about the weapon in her hand and the woman had a proud expression of her face.


< Lisa Clearwing Draven>

< Status : Proud

< Race: Lightning Dragon

< Age : 163

< Times Evolved: 1

< Health: 60,000

< Strength : 20,080

< Endurance : 21,421

< Agility: 24,739

< Mana : 24,500

\'So you did it too my love…\' his pride from seeing that not only his daughter, but his wife had evolved while he was away brought him an indescribable joy.

"Mommy! Daddy is back!" Mira cried from her beside her father.

When those simple words left her mouth, the space suddenly became deadly quiet and everyone looked for the source of the voice.

As if she was unwilling to believe what she\'d just heard, Lisa turned around slowly to see her daughter standing happily next to the man she loved more than anything else in the world.

"H-honey?" Her disbelieving voice came out as no more than a whisper.

Instead of answering, Exedra vanished from the spot where he stood beside Seras and Mira and appeared right in front of Lisa and pulled her in for a kiss that contained all of his months of longing.

Lisa was only briefly surprised before she returned his kiss in kind and a tear of joy slid down her cheek.

Almost as if that was the confirmation they needed, the guards began to cheer for the return of their Young master.

"T-the young master has returned!"

As cheers and rounds of applause filled the training grounds, only Seras was in a less than joyful mood.

\'Bastards just get a room already!!\'

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