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Chapter 68 Hunt.

Chapter 68 Hunt.

While at first the public did not believe these rumors, when it got out that the sources were various high ranking nobles from Antares, public opinion shifted overnight.

The humans had even begun trying to get in contact with the royal family as there were several religions based around Asherah that wanted to speak with him.

But that wasn\'t what got folks talking the most.

News that the beloved princess of the dragon kingdom had a child with the deceased demon lord of lust was slow to spread at first, but then suddenly the news was everywhere.

Immediately the humans who wanted to raise Exedra up as a religious figure, wanted to hunt him when they heard he was the spawn of one of their greatest adversaries.

Surely their goddess was testing them to prove their faith by slaying this foul creature!

While they could not be so bold as to hunt a member of Helios\' family in broad daylight, certain more radical members declared that this affront to their faith could not be allowed to walk the earth so plans were already being concocted in total secrecy.

On the other hand, when the demon lords heard that the son of their deceased brother was in Antares, they immediately dispatched personnel to find him.

If he had even half of his father\'s potential, he would be invaluable in winning the war against the humans.

So now two opposing forces were hunting for the most talked about man the world has seen for the last two hundred years.

Who will find him first?





In an unknown location deep within the mountains, two warriors were fiercely exchanging blows.

One was a petite woman with white hair wielding a giant black and red spear.

The other was a tall bronze skinned man with blood red hair who was wielding a golden weapon that was constantly changing.

One second it was a curved sword, the next a war hammer, and then a huge scythe.

The man would constantly change his weapon at various intervals, never allowing his opponent to fall into a rhythm or predict his movements.

Even though the woman was holding back quite a bit, she was still impressed by the man\'s ability to rapidly improve during battle and constantly keep her on her toes.


Their weapons clashed for a final time before the woman was sent skidding back a few feet.

A look of surprise and awe spread across her face. The man\'s strength had truly become monstrous in their time together and she had no idea how he was growing so fast.

The man already had the strength of a first stage and she suspected he could trade blows with a second stage despite never having evolved.

With a distance now between them, the man stabbed his now greatsword into the ground before it began to glow with a blue light.

The woman prepared for an energy attack of some sort, only to be surprised when a fearsome blizzard whipped up around the two of them.

\'You little bastard so you were still hiding things from your teacher huh?\'

The woman\'s surprises weren\'t over as she watched as the man\'s body broke apart before it turned into mist.

With the man now perfectly immersed in the environment he\'d created, the woman felt a strange sense of pride to see her student\'s attempt to corner her.

But as her kingdom\'s greatest warrior, naturally she couldn\'t be defeated with just this alone could she?

Since her flames were much too powerful for this simple test her only option was��

"Blood Valkyries!"

The woman summoned a pool of blood at her feet and out of that pool rose seven winged warriors in glittering red armor.

"Surround me!"

Obeying their creator\'s command, the winged women quickly setup a defensive formation around her and awaited the slightest sign of trouble.

They waited..

And waited.

But all they could see was the deluge of white snow and all they could hear was the furious howling of the wind around them.

The woman frowned.

Her student\'s inaction confused her greatly and she wasn\'t sure what he could possibly be planning next.


The woman\'s eyes contracted to the size of a needle when she heard a sound she\'d recognize anywhere.



Before she could warn her soldiers, seven brilliant arcs of red lightning fell from the sky and dropped down on each of them.

Their bodies trembled uncontrollably under the powerful attack before they turned into puddles of blood once more.

Suddenly, a wall of shadows comparable to a tidal wave rose up off the ground and prepared to swallow the woman whole.

Before she could move, black chains swirling with red miasma shot out of her own shadow and held her legs.

Almost immediately, she felt her body\'s stats begin to drop.

The difference was minute but it was there and it was growing by the second.

"Cheap tricks!"

She wasted no time breaking the chains with her spear before sprouting her wings and flying upwards into the air.

Suddenly, a golden spear shot towards her and she just barely managed to dodge before the weapon plummeted towards the ground.

Once in the sky, the woman spun her head around looking for her opponent, only for her to suddenly see a thick cloud of mist coming together to gradually form the shape of a man.

Seeing her student just randomly show up in front of her, the woman tilted her head in confusion. "What? Giving up?" The woman asked with a bit of a hopeful tone.

She was hoping he would because she\'d made it a rule he could only challenge her every four months.

She\'d get to have four more months alone with him!

The man did not reply and simply shook his head.

The woman only became more confused until she felt something drip down her cheek.

Raising her hand to her face, the woman wiped away a small drop of blood from a cut she\'d received.

\'How did he even..\' It was then that she remembered the nasty effect of her student\'s chain spell.

Normally she would\'ve been able to dodge that spear just fine , even with her massive debuff, but with the chains draining her stats beforehand, her speed wasn\'t the same.

"Son of a bitch�� you actually did it." She cried with a crestfallen expression.

Even though her power was suppressed to only stage 1, it\'d been five hundred years since the last time she\'d bled!

She didn\'t want him to make her bleed like this!

She wanted him to split her apart in bed!

The man showed no change in expression as the woman stared at him gobsmacked over her loss.

After the shock resided, the woman sighed a final time before she confirmed his victory. "All right you win�� training is over little Prince. Let\'s go see that family of yours."

For the first time in months, Exedra smiled a calm, yet happy smile.

Seeing the most handsome man alive smile like that, Seras was inwardly cursing herself not for cheating a little bit to keep him to herself longer but it was too late now.

Exedra took a last look at the stats he\'d accumulated over the last few months.

< Exedra Draven >

< Race : Demonic Dragon (Hybrid)

< Status : Excited

< Level : 65

< Age : 18

< Times Evolved : 0

< Health : 70,380

< Strength : 25,370

< Endurance : 25,240

< Agility : 29,540

< Mana : 28,420

< Exp 4,659 / 156,000

< Affinities: Darkness, Fire, Death, Ice, Lightning.

< Skills :Infernal Flames Lvl 3, Umbrakinesis, True Dragon Transformation, True Demonic Transformation, Pain Immunity, All Weapon Mastery Lvl 4, True Demonic Dragon (LOCKED), Grandson of Igrat, Soul Sense Lvl 2, Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Lightning Body.

< Spells: Abyssal Chains, Lightning Bane, Mana Manipulation, Hate Shield, Tempest Cutter, Frozen Hell, Mist Body, Glimpse of Oblivion, Gaia\'s Retribution, Soul Breaking Scythe, Abyss Hounds, Seducer\'s Hymn, Sinister Burial, Teleportation.

< Techniques: Fell Moon Sword Art, Piercing Sun Spear Art, Blood Dancer Steps.

< Total SC : 177,150

< Bound Weapons :Corrupted Shu\'s Razor.

< Evolution Path : #%*^���? %^!���

[Fallen Abyssal Species (Variant) ]

< First Stage Conditions :

- Conquer Five Dungeons (5/5) Complete!

- Consume the hearts of ten worthy enemies. (1/10)

- Gain a total of four affinities. (5/4) Complete!

Satisfied with his accomplishments, he turned to face Seras once more.

"Let\'s go."

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