
Chapter 49 49 Deal

From how heavy the bag felt, the amount that Frederick had thrown casually was by no means a small sum.

"Satisfied? It should be more than enough to hire a dark mage of your caliber even if the enemy is another dark mage. I threw in a little extra as well." Frederick said with a smug expression as if he was confident that the hooded dark mage would not reject his offer.

"I assume the extra is for keeping my mouth shut regarding this matter?"

"It is easier to talk to smart people. I have kept you around and have even given you this place for your experiments just because you are smart. So don\'t disappoint me. Come back as soon as you are done with the task." Frederick instructed as the hooded figure nodded in response to his employer.

Without waiting any longer, the hooded vanished in the flood of darkness and the only blood colored illumination in the area died along with his departure.

All Frederick could do now was wait. He followed the same passage to move out of the dark cellar. The spirit lamp in his hand turned on as soon as he left the area enclosed by the huge wooden doors. With the light as his guide, he moved through the long line of prison cells and used the same hidden passage to come back to the hallway.

He looked around the hallway to see if there were any prying eyes. Although the servants in his house were forbidden to loiter around his bed chambers without permission, Frederick was a cautious man by nature. He couldn\'t help it.

After he had thoroughly scoured the area for any possible intrusion, Frederick went into his room before he began pacing back and forth as he waited for the news that would direct the further course of action that the Sosis family would take against the Luther family that had grown defiant in his absence.

As he sat on the edge of his bed, he thought about his previous actions once again to make sure that he had made the right choices.

Frederick was not only cautious but also cunning as a fox. He wasn\'t one to suffer a loss. As he thought back on his decision, he felt that it was only right that he had sent a dark mage to take care of the other. Had he decided to take care of the situation on his own in the fit of emotions, he might have ended up with an irreversible injury.

Even though Frederick was confident in his strength, he couldn\'t be sure that he could have come out entirely unscathed after a battle with a dark mage.

From what he knew about dark mages from the meager knowledge he had regarding them, their skills and magical abilities were truly too diverse and bizarre. There was no way of knowing all the trump cards of a dark mage.

Even the one that Frederick had employed to take care of Zach was an enigma. Other than his weird fetish of playing with human corpses, Frederick had no clue regarding his true trump cards.

Since Frederick could not be sure about the abilities that Zach possessed, he felt that it was safer to send a dark mage to deal with him. Otherwise, Frederick might have suffered irreversible losses at the hands of Zach who chose to throw everything at him during his death throes.

With a satisfied grin he got into his bed and waited for the good news that he was bound to receive very soon.

Zach laid on his king size bed with his hands resting under his head. The soft pillow that was stuffed with soft furry feathers fully enveloped his head up to his ears. He had been planning to take some rest after the headache inducing discussions he had with Bruce and Diana that had lasted till afternoon. After dinner his head felt like it would burst from the inside out but thankfully it was still holding out.

As soon as he lay down to get some shut-eye, his mind kept hovering back to the strategic meeting he had with Bruce and Diana in the presence of Luna. He couldn\'t stop thinking about it because this was the first time Zach had willingly walked towards danger ever since he came to this world. He had willingly endangered his own life as he put himself in between the Luther and Sosis families in order to ensure the safety of the former from the latter.

He felt that even if the Sosis family didn\'t strike at them openly due to the existing marriage contract between the two families, there was nothing holding them back from using a third party to let out their frustration at not being able to do anything. Therefore, he was wary of the unknown enemies who would surely come when the news reached the ears of the Sosis family. He felt that some of them might already be lurking around him waiting for a single chance to claim his life.

He was pulled out of his deep thoughts by a light nibble on his shoulder that didn\'t hurt but was enough to catch his attention. During the time that he had spent in his mental world, Luna had climbed into his bed. At first she had waited for him to notice her approach but when she felt that waiting was of no use, Luna felt slightly annoyed by his indifference towards her.

Full of indignation towards him for ignoring her, Luna bit his shoulder to break his unending stream of thoughts and as it turned out, she was successful.

Zach looked at Luna who was stuck to his shoulder like a leech sucking out his blood endlessly. He could not help but find her cute as he patted her head between her two dark onyx horns that seemed to be capable of absorbing all light around them.

"What did I do to earn the ire of my darling?" Zach asked in a playful manner despite being fully aware of what he had done to receive such treatment from Luna who was always so obedient to him. She was definitely mad because he had ignored her.

Zach knew her tipping point. All her love was directed towards him so she had a one track mind when it came to him. When something prevented her from being with Zach or if Zach ignored her, Luna would always boil with anger every single time.

Luna melted before his sweet nothings. She couldn\'t stay mad at him no matter how much she tried. Her desire had grown too large to be controlled. Even Zavier had a hard time reining her in nowadays when she was in heat.

"Are you hungry again?" Zach asked in a voice that was so low, it could even be called a whisper.

Her ears tingled due to Zach\'s breath as he whispered seductively in her ears. Her whole body was sensitive to the point that even his breath was enough to send pangs of lust throughout her body. It was already late but Zach knew that he needed to satisfy her if he wanted to sleep.

"How can you have the energy to do this every chance you get? Even though it feels good, we should do it in moderation or it might affect you health." Zach chided her as Luna had already broken away from his shoulder and was now busy licking every part of his body that she had access to in their current position.

Zach didn\'t deny her aggressive approach; rather he couldn\'t stop her. First of all he didn\'t want to starve her since she was a succubus and had to rely on him to eat. And secondly, it wasn\'t as if he didn\'t enjoy having sex with her.

As soon as Zach reciprocated her desire slightly, her aggression increased by leaps and bounds. She was like a druggie who had seen a glimpse of her fix after a long time in rehabilitation.

Pulling down Zach\'s pants with a force that was enough to tear through his clothes, Luna pulled out his dick and grasped it in her hand. As she looked at it lovingly, she gently stroked the tip with her finger. She made eye contact with Zach who looked like he was enjoying her service.

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