
Chapter 48 48 Frederick

Frederick entered the room following the departure of the wailing maid and looked at the disheveled state of his son. His clothes were strewn about the study while he sat in his underwear on the couch. Frederick scrunched up his face slightly but didn\'t say anything. He knew better than to provoke his son when he was in such a mood.

Raisman on the other hand was completely unaware that his father had partly witnessed his earlier actions and pretended to look pitiful like it hadn\'t been the maid who was raped by him but him who had been victimized. It wasn\'t very difficult for him considering the condition he was in.

He already looked partly mad with his nakedness on display, his hair in disarray and the bloodthirst oozing out of him. No one could have understood why he acted the way he did in front of his father but the possibility of it all being an act to gain his father\'s sympathy was probably true considering the kind of ruthless and cruel person he was in reality.

"Father you have to help me teach them a lesson…you just have to." pleaded Raisman with his father as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

His father understood his tactics but didn\'t mention a single thing about it to his son and let him say whatever he wanted to. He felt that sometimes it was necessary to listen to the kids and give them what they wanted if the parents wanted to let them continue on their path without struggle.

Therefore, Frederick didn\'t ask him anything about the maid who had been beaten quite badly. He simply didn\'t care.

Frederick had always been a practical man who was indifferent to most of the things in life. But when it came to his son, Frederick had never listened to anyone. He had pampered him needlessly and had never truly tried to straighten him out which made him into the twisted monstrosity that even he was sometimes afraid of.

Instead Frederick showed genuine about the injustice his son had suffered. He tried to make sense of his words but was unable to do so. He didn\'t understand just who had earned his son\'s ire during his absence.

"Who are you talking about?" Frederick asked, his eyes filled to the brim with concern and devotion towards his son.

His attitude further fueled the indignation Raisman felt towards the Luther family and the woman he wanted to marry.

"Who else can it be? I am talking about that Luther family. Someone has already tainted my bride to be. How can a respectable man endure a humiliation like that? You have to get justice for me." Raisman wailed in front of his father as he told him about the rumors regarding Diana that had reached him through their men.

"That bitch dares? Who gave that cripple the balls to mess with us knowing that their family is one step away from complete destruction without our support?" Frederick roared in indignation at the news that Raisman had just delivered to him.

"My spy told me about a dark mage who has recently come to stay at the Luther family\'s mansion at the invitation of that bitch. That dark mage now not only lives in their mansion but has also taken over my fiancée by force. The rumors I have heard claim that he has already laid his hands on Diana even though I have yet to touch a single hair on her head." Raisman continued with his tantrum as his father\'s expression grew more and more furious and the look in his eyes towards his son more and more filled with pity.

"I don\'t know who has given them the guts to ruin our family\'s name but rest assured that I will get you justice. If that bitch has truly spread her legs for that mage, I will let her be your maid and serve you for a lifetime. You should take your revenge then. As for that abominable dark mage, I have something in mind. You don\'t need to worry about him because he won\'t need to breathe after today." An evil glint shone in his eyes which could not stay hidden from Raisman as both the father and the son were cut from the same cloth.

Frederick didn\'t wait any longer as the situation had already gotten out of hand in his absence. He was sure that the Luther family had found some kind of support in the form of that Dark mage; otherwise the docile cripple who was heading the Luther family would never have let something like this happen.

"That dark mage needs to go…or I might have to get rid of the Luther family entirely. We can\'t have them going against us again." Frederick thought as he exited the study with hurried steps.

When he was out into the hallway, he took several turns and came to the hallway bearing his personal bed chambers. Instead of stopping in the middle of the hallway where his room was, Frederick went towards the supposed dead end at the end of the hallway.

He blew out the candles on his way and muttered some words that triggered some sort of mechanism around him. The wall that signified the dead end rotated on its own and a passage for one opened at one side of the wall.

Frederick went into the opening and the wall returned to its original position as if the passage through the wall had never been there in the first place.

Behind the wall, everything was covered in darkness. There wasn\'t a shred of light except that single spirit lamp that Frederick had swiped on his way to the hidden passage.

There was a corona of light in the five meter area surrounding him. Several prisons lined both sides of the hallway that Frederick had come to. Only some of the prison cells were occupied by lifeless looking corpses…the pitiful remainders of what were supposedly human once.

The dark shadows in this place rushed towards the only source of light as if intending to devour it.

Frederick seemed used to it as he neither took a look at the prison cells nor cared about the heavy and amalgamated darkness in the place. His destination seemed to be at the end of the hallway where a relatively huge wooden door stood guard.

The hinges of the wooden door creaked as if they hadn\'t served their purpose for a long time. Frederick pushed one of the doors open and entered into an even darker space where a stone table lay at the centre with half a corpse lying on top of it with its innards spilling out from the sides of the table.

Not caring about the gory mess, Frederick turned towards one side of the room that was barely lit up with reddish light and found what he was looking for.

A hooded figure with a slightly hunched back stood in the shadows with the edge of the hood covering his entire face. Though it wouldn\'t have made any difference even if the figure had left his face uncovered; considering the deep darkness that had seeped into the very walls of this place.

"You are back. I thought it would take you a while to come back here this time." the raspy voice of the hooded figure asked Frederick who stood facing the hooded figure like he was an old acquaintance.

"I thought so as well but a new situation has arisen in my absence that needs me to make use of your ability. Rumor is that the Luther family is hiding a Dark mage who might become a thorn in my side. I need you to take care of him for me." Frederick got straight to the point since he had made deals with the hooded figure in the past and knew his temperament.

"Is that so? A dark mage…hmm…I don\'t care who it is that is bothering you so much but if it truly is a dark mage as you have suggested then it is going to cost you…a lot." It seemed that the hooded figure was hiding a ball of greed within him as well.

Frederick had predicted such a situation and obviously being a conniving individual he had already come prepared. He fumbled through his robes and brought out a leather bag that was tied off at the top and threw it towards the hooded figure.

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