
Chapter 172 Bronze Knight Is Not Normal...

At exactly twelve that same night, Knight sheyi lazily came out with his Pajamas and a pillow in hand as he yawned from time to time.

He removed his heart from Kevin's head, and wore it before walking back to his room to sleep.

The next day, Kevin and Danfo stood before the Bronze knight.

For some reason, Kevin could not be as brazen as he usually was. In fact, he was awfully quiet. So quiet that it even surprised Danfo. Also, Kevin looked like a man man.

It seemed like he had not slept for the rest of the night. His eyes were bloodshot red. His hair was rough, and for reason, he was just so easily triggered.

He was sensitive to every sound and every touch.

Danfo even tried tapping him on the shoulder, but instead, Kevin had nearly entered battle mode.

"I'll advice that you let him be for a while." Knight Sheyi advised Danfo, "after all, he just brushed shoulders with death multiple times. He would need a while to get himself back together.

Danfo nodded in understanding, and then he bowed to the Bronze knight, "Thank you for sparing his life, Sir Sheyi!"

Sheyi pretended not to hear him and continued sipping his morning tea.

As Danfo raised his head, he noticed a ring on Sheyi's hand.

"Is that," he paused a bit as his eyes widen in shook. That bronze ring. He had seen the patterns on that ring before.

Knight Sheyi followed his eyes to the ring. "Oh! this is just a spatial ring. I use it to keep my luggage, and tools. All knights have one."

Spatial rings were used to carry large and heavy loads depending on the space. Legends have it that the spatial rings of some very high cultivatrs had whole estates within them.

Danfo raised a brow at the Knight's words. He remembered that Knight Sheyi had come with a big Suitcase. If he had a spatial ring, then why did he need to carry a suitcase.

The Knight saw the look on his face, and smiled. He could tell what Danfo was thinking about.

He walked to the side of his work space and brought out the same large suitcase he had been carrying the other day.

As he did, he waved his hand, and a key materialized from the spatial ring.

"You see, there is only one disadvantage with Spatial rings, and that is the fact that it can not carry living organisms."

As he spoke, he used the key on the lock of the suitcase, and then he slowly opened it.

Danfo nearly fell on his ass. He could not believe what he was seeing. If this guy was not a holy knight, he would have very well taken him to be some kind of evil Child.

The reason was because, in the suitcase laid a young girl. From the looks of it, she was sleeping.

She only had on a long gown and hugged her legs tightly as she slept.

Danfo could not believe that this Holy knight had kept a person inside his suitcase through out his journey, and then left her in there as he slept all through the night.

What kind of psycho does that?

But even more was the fact that the girl was not yet dead as a result of suffocation.

"Wake up lily!" Knight Sheyi stroked her hair a little, and immediately, her eyes shut open.

Slowly, Lily rose from the suitcase. Her body was still in an unbelievable bend.

However, cranking sounds like bones breaking and reassembling were heard as she moved her limbs into the right form.

Danfo swallowed hard at this.

The young girl before him looked to be between the age of eight and ten.

She had a plain stoic look on her face. It was both unnatural and slightly creepy.

"is..." danfo choose his words carefully. "Is she alright?"

Sheyi smiled as he lifted a brow, "of course she is. How dare you say that? Do you want to hurt her feelings?" Knight Sheyi had a look on his face, like Danfo was an obvious idiot.

"Lily is my younger sister!" Knight Sheyi added.

Danfo could not help but have doubts when he heard this. "who the heck locks his own sister in a suitcase?"

"Say hi lily!"

Lily raised her hand robotically, curved her neck at a weird angle, smiled in a very creepy manner and then waved at Danfo and Kevin.

The moment Danfo saw her raising her hand, he almost backed off instinctively.

Knight Sheyi walked forward, "While you two failed miserably at killing an evil child, and were busy drinking Vanilla juice here all day, I took it upon myself to first visit the Chikitsa clan."

As he talked, he presented a hand to Lily like a gentleman, and she took it.

And then he helped her down the table. He took her order hand, and then both of them started waltzing around the room.

"Do you know that they are having the Gathering of the Sword Clans?" Knight Sheyi asked as he waltzed around with the stoic, creepy faced lily.

"Yes! yes, we do." Danfo replied, "they do it every ten years or so. However, it is also the time that the clan is at its strongest. Especially because of the joined forces of the other clans. Because of the treaty between the Zodiac Houses and the Holy church, we cannot interfere now. We will have to wait till..."

Sheyi paused in his waltz and looked at Danfo like he was a fool.

"Every day a demon child is allowed to be alive, is another day for 'it' to get stronger. Those bastards breed faster than locusts. By the end of the Gathering of the sword Clan, you might have had a whole swarm to deal with."

Knight Sheyi patted Lily on the head, "Luckily, I have a better method. It is one that let's us be efficient and still maintain the Treaty between the Holy Church and the Zodiac Houses."

Knight Sheyi whispered into Lily's ear, "go bring our guest please."

Lily nodded and left the room. She returned nearly immediately. As she did, she pulled a particular person that had his hands and legs bounded and a cloth on his face.

"While you all were enjoying your night, Lily was working hard."

Knight Sheyi removed the cloth on the person's head, "Ladies and Gentlemen, say 'Hi' to Elder Harden of the Chikitsa Clan..."

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