
Chapter 171 The Bronze Knight Arrives...

At around the same time, in a faraway place.

To be precise, in the F.O.B of the Holy Church, a new arrival just arrived.

He dressed like a responsible English man and carried a suitcase by his side.

He had on an overall brown coat that matched his brown hat perfectly.

As he approached the base, the guards in front tried to stop him, however, the moment he got close enough, he lifted his hand at them.

The moment they saw the tattoo on the back of his arm, they immediately rushed in to get the Reverend Father.

At the same time, an alarm was sounded in the base. This was not an alarm signifying the arrival of danger, but one signifying the arrival of an important guest.

The young man that had just arrived did not move but waited in front of the Base.

He had a charming smile on his face and it was obvious from the way he waited for all the members in the base to form up that he was a person that enjoyed fanfare.

The priests assembled and trumpets were blown as he walked in.

At the forefront, the Reverend father waited. Beside him stood Kevin and Danfo. They waited for him.

The man took his time and when he got to the front of the reverend father, the trumpet stopped.

"Welcome Knight Sheyi of the holy order. We are humbled by..."


The reverend father's words were interrupted rudely by the big suitcase thrown at him.

Everyone paused and looked on in surprise.

After all, even though the person that had just arrived was a knight of the Holy order and belonged to a separate faction within the Holy Church, it was wrong for him to be rude to a reverend Father.

However, Sheyi could care less about this. "I'm so tired. Why did this place have to be so remote?"

He took several steps forward, and then he paused and turned to them.

*Cough* the reverend father coughed to dissolve the awkward moment.

"We have prepared a place for you to stay during your time with us. If you don't mind, you can rest at.."

"How dare you!?" The reverend father was cut again, but this time around, it was by Kevin.

Between Danfo and Kevin, Kevin was always the hot-headed one.

Since the last time they had their little encounter with Chiron and now, his injuries had healed. However, he was still without a hand.

However, that did not mean that he was without capability.

Kevin stepped forward. In this place, he and Danfo who were Copper ranked cultivators, were the strongest. But even they showed the Reverend father the highest of respect and regards.

"I know you are a knight, but how dare you show the Reverend father such disrespect?"

Kevin was a head taller than the knight that was before him. And he was also bigger in size.

What's more, the Knight appeared to be somewhere within his teenage years to his early twenties. He looked nothing like a knight, and a better description for him would have been a young boy trying to act older than his age.

However, Knight Sheyi did not even look at Kevin. Rather, he bent a little to the side and asked the Reverend father with a slight smile on his face, "Reverend father, did you mind holding my bag for me?"

The reverend father forced a smile on his face as he shook his head, "no! Not at all."

"Okay!" Knight Sheyi turned about and was about to walk away. However, Kevin suddenly stretched his hand to hold his shoulder.

In this world, age was not a necessity for seniority. Unless of cause the person was within a clan. However, establishments such as this one had a different form of respect.

This was more so for a knight that had bathed in blood for the longest of time. Unless one was in a position of power that could equate to a lack of personal strength, respect was not something that was easily given.

On this particular day, Kevin swore never to look down on those with power ever again. Even if the person was a toddler.

Sheyi sharply turned to Kevin the look he gave subconsciously reminded Kevin of the feeling he had gotten when that evil spirit came and caused the Avalanche up the Chikitsa mountain.

Everybody in the place, suddenly felt like their lives were about to tip over. Just a little push and death was certain.

The energy level of a person of the Bronze rank was an existence that was really scary.

Everybody except the Reverend father, everyone fell to their knees.

The Reverend father shone in a low white light that protected him from the power of the knight, but it did not do the same for the priests and the guards.

Sheyi removed his hat to reveal his black hair and young-looking face.

Apart from looking a bit paler than the usual person, he was rather good-looking.

He bent close to Kevin's ear, "Have you ever met a Magic user?"

Kevin felt so much dread that it was difficult for a grown man like him to even hold back his urine.

After all, the bulk of the pressure was on him.

He slowly shook his head.

"Hmmm!" Sheyi nodded his head. "I suggest you be very careful next time. You know, the energy they use is very different from the norm."

As he talked, he placed his hat on Kevin's shoulder, "from the looks of things, you are one of the idiots that let the evil child get away." he looked at the one empty hand and sighed lowly.

"I admire those that stand for what they believe in, and I'm too tired at the moment. So I'll let you off easily."

He tapped Kevin on the shoulder. He came closer again and whispered very low. "Regardless of the pain, if my hat falls, you are dead!"

And then he turned and walked away.

No one knew what horrors Kevin's body was passing through, but nobody, and not even the Reverend father tried to find out.

Kevin experienced such unimaginable pain. He felt like his cells were pricked with needles that had been laced in bitter pepper and had been anointed with red steaming heat from a furnace.

Like they were being commanded to break and reassemble infinitely.

Knight Sheyi had come sometime in the early hours of the morning.

However, Kevin remained on his knees as he continued to scream in pain all through the painful hours of the day until deep into the night when the Knight Sheyi felt too tired to continue enjoying the melody of the man's hoarse screams...

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