
Chapter 1023 Just in time

Chapter 1023  Just in time

Despite the numerical advantage of three against one, the Thearchs found themselves lacking in confidence as Nihilak's aura continued to escalate without any sign of stopping. The Harbinger of Desolation was not merely consuming Ravakir and Tormentras's flesh and blood but also assimilating their essence into his own, absorbing the entirety of their power.

It was logical that the mightiest of the Knights would have access to a spell emulating the essence of the Beyonder, the ability to assimilate others, incorporating them into his being and growing stronger.

Nihilak's right arm began to bulge, morphing into a grotesque mass of muscles tipped with sharp claws. All of Tormentras's brute strength had now condensed into this single extremity, imbuing it with the potential to rupture the very fabric of reality with a mere clench of his fist.

Simultaneously, the left side of Nihilak's face underwent a mutation as flesh melted away, giving rise to a dark, skeletal shadow adorned with a prominent horn and a inverted cross-like symbol in his eye. Fiery shadows emerged from his feathers, lending his form an ethereal, eternal quality.

Once the Knight's transformation concluded, the three Thearchs exchanged determined glances and fell into a battle formation, with Ezequiel and Zatiel taking the frontline while Venganza assumed a strategic position behind. Each of their eyes shone with a resolute intensity as they steeled themselves to confront an adversary of unprecedented power.

Nihilak's gaze remained cool and collected as it rested upon the assembled Thearchs. Slowly, he extended his colossal right hand, summoning Tormentras's massive ax into his grip.

"Fourteen Epochs," NIhilak's voice echoed across the tense atmosphere. The utterance itself was not the issue; it was the chilling calmness in his tone that struck Zatiel as unsettling. It was as if the Knight held absolute certainty that victory was within his grasp.

Although the Reality Override Spell had concluded, none of the Thearchs initiated an attack. Instead, they waited, focusing on what Nihilak had to say.

"I have lived for fourteen Epochs. In the initial span of my existence, my life lacked meaning. My sole preoccupation was amassing strength, and I was truly invincible. Every adversary that crossed my path was crushed beneath my power. No one could rival me, even after transcending the Cosmic Wall and venturing into other universes.

For a time, I even contemplated whether I was the supreme life form in all existence."

A complicated smile appeared on Nihilak's face, his eyes narrowing as a surge of murderous intent emanated from them.

"Yet, it didn't take long for me to realize the folly of my actions. I confronted an individual whose might was unquestionable. If I were a star, illuminating above others, he was a moon radiating brilliance like no other.

This man not only defeated me but also imprisoned me for innumerable years. Eventually, I managed to escape, but while rage festered within me, I lacked the strength to exact revenge."

Nihilak paused, his eyes aglow with a mixture of awe, devotion, and admiration.

"That was when I encountered the One Above All. He unveiled a purpose for my life, revealing the path forward, the sole path. To merge with him, become one with the meaning of existence itself, and so I did. With my master's guidance, I confronted that man again, vanquishing him and claiming his body and soul as my new vessel."

The Harbinger of Desolation directed his focus upon the trio, his eyes igniting with an overwhelming wave of killing intent.

"You were granted the opportunity to merge with the Master, to exist eternally and join us in our conquest of the central reality tower. However, your arrogance and lack of discernment led you to squander the chance of being part of the entity destined to supersede existence itself. Now, the sole course before you, along with all those whom you have ever cherished, is to be consumed, mere sustenance for the One Above All. In a few million years, it will be as if you never existed."

The very moment Nihilak concluded his chilling proclamation, he surged forward with a colossal velocity, materializing right in front of the Thearchs before any of them could react.

Ezequiel's eyes bulged, and he managed to barely raise his arms before the ax cleaved down upon him. The Emptiness Thearch bore deep lacerations that sundered flesh and bone, the impact propelling him through the air in a brutal trajectory.

Zatiel and Venganza were staggered by the astounding speed and formidable power Nihilak had gained from devouring Tormentras, yet their astonishment did not hinder their reaction time. Without delay, they retaliated by channeling their accumulated energy into potent spells.

A samsara cycle materialized behind the Samsara Thearch, who activated the Reflection of Annihilation and swept his sword downward, birthing a torrent of pitch-black flames.

Simultaneously, the Samsara of Sin and Man manifested behind Venganza, its power harnessed to unleash a tempest of dark, multi-hued flames.

"Sundering Samsara: Flame of End!"

"Samsara of Sin and Man: Sinful Ignition!"

Nihilak perceived the formidable flames hurtling toward him, yet his response to the impending danger was an audacious grin.


A cataclysmic detonation engulfed the parallel dimension, setting the surroundings ablaze as the twin attacks struck Nihilak at point-blank range. Both Venganza and Zatiel were in close proximity to the Knight as their strikes connected, suffering from the blast's force and being hurled away by its impact.

Swiftly regaining command over their bodies, both Thearchs' expressions sharpened as they fixed their gazes upon the conflagration resulting from their combined assault.

Despite these attacks being marginally reduced in strength due to the compressed timeframe for their execution, their destructive potential was more than enough to wreak havoc on the integrity of an entire universe.

Zatiel and Venganza anticipated that the flames would need several seconds to disperse, but a sudden gust of wind swept them away, revealing the figure beneath.

As they pondered the force capable of dispersing the flames, their attention was drawn to the rhythmic movement of Nihilak's wings. Though small wounds dotted his form, and some feathers were charred, his injuries were trifling.

The eyes of the Venganza, the Revenge Thearch, and Zatiel, the Samsara Thearch, widened as they registered the astonishing resilience Nihilak's body had achieved. Yet, this was not the extent of his enhancements.

While the Flame of End and Sinful Ignition had the potential to inflict harm on the soul, Nihilak's mind and spirit were safeguarded by enshrouding flames.

"Hahaha. Are you truly intent on persisting in battle?" Nihilak's voice dripped with derision as he uttered the words. Having endured direct impact from two Fourth Realm Omnipotent Spells, his injuries were minimal.

Without awaiting a response, the Harbinger of Desolation launched himself toward the pair. Zatiel and Venganza were well aware that Nihilak's power had ascended to an astonishing level, but this did not translate to submission. They erupted with their energy and initiated an assault fueled by their utmost might.

Though Nihilak swiftly overpowered the duo, before he could inflict substantial damage, Ezequiel rejoined the fray, launching his own ferocious attack.

The three Thearchs expended their life force and soul force, harnessing every reserve of energy within their bodies and souls to contest the mutated Nihilak. Nonetheless, the tide was against them, as they gradually grew weaker, accumulating wounds.

Meanwhile, Nihilak maintained stratospheric energy levels. The assimilation of Ravakir and Tormentras proceeded without impediment, bereft of backlash or temporal constraints. The Thearchs' solitary path to victory lay in his termination, but time was not on their side.

The battle teetered toward dire straits for the Thearchs in a swift span.



need a second to kill him. Then, just at the right moment, a detonation reverberated.

Pained cries emanated from Venganza and Ezequiel as Nihilak sent them hurtling through the air, subsequently homing in on Zatiel.

The Samsara Thearch perceived the oncoming ax and lunged sideways, but his speed proved inadequate, resulting in the severing of his arm.

Before his injury could recover, Nihilak positioned the weapon for a finishing blow, aiming for Zatiel's head.

The Samsara Thearch's mind raced, seeking an escape route since once his head was separated from his body, Nihilak would only need a second to kill him. Then, just at the right moment, a detonation reverberated.


A surge of soul force and power surged into the emptiness, originating in the parallel dimension where the Sacred Kings confronted the Initial Stage Knights.

It was not just a burst of soul force and life force, but the rise of a life form to a higher place of existence, one much higher than the Initial Stage Fourth Realm!

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