
Chapter 1022 Beyonder Knight's Sacrifice

Chapter 1022  Beyonder Knight\'s Sacrifice

Zatiel\'s ascendant power, accumulated over decades, now pulsed within him, allowing him to master the potential of the White Sun Pupil bestowed by his True Name.

Nihilak\'s eyes narrowed, as killing intent burst in them. He sensed the influence of the White Sun Pupil, recognizing Zatiel as the epicenter of a force capable of manipulating time and reality itself.

Ravakir and Tormentras also perceived this immense power. They braced to leap forward, eager to unleash their strength and disrupt Zatiel\'s incantation. But Nihilak\'s gesture halted them, an unspoken command to stand their ground. Just as the Thearchs had been powerless to prevent Nihilak\'s employment of the Reality Override Spell, so were these Knights unable to thwart Zatiel\'s use of it.

A glint of anticipation flashed in the Knights\' eyes as they awaited the trigger for the Reality Override Spell. They assumed that the Samsara Thearch was preparing to mend his team\'s wounds, initiating the next phase of the battle.

Despite their previous defeat, there was nothing but pure killing intent and fighting spirit in the heart of the trio. The enemy was indeed strong, stronger than they had ever faced before, but they served the Beyonder, and no matter the outcome, they could always revert things until victory smiled upon them.

While Zatiel could deduce their line of thought, he merely offered a cold smile. First and foremost, their victory had been influenced by fortune and stratagem, and the next encounter could easily pivot in favor of the Knights.

Zatiel had no intention of spending his sole Reality Override Spell merely to replay past events. The Reflection of Ascension materialized on his armor as he clasped his hands, ready to unleash his power.

Initiating the spell, a vast samsara pentagram materialized, depicting every facet of the life forms Zatiel had encountered on his journey. Joy and sorrow, triumph and suffering, love and anguish, all these emotions manifested as distinct races.

Nihilak, Ravakir, and Tormentras cast their gazes skyward, beholding the Samsara Cycle Formation enshrouding their dimensional realm. Curiosity and uncertainty etched across their expressions as they pondered the nature of the impending spell.

With an assured smile, Zatiel ignited his White Sun Pupil, its radiance reaching its zenith as the power of the Samsara Cycle Formation surged to its pinnacle.

At that climactic juncture, Zatiel unleashed his might.

"Samsara Style: Inversion of Cause and Effect!"

In an instant, the pentagram shone with an intensity akin to a thousand suns, its luminescence transforming the battlefield into a realm of blinding brilliance. Energy surged outward, intertwining with the very fabric of existence itself. The very concept of causality began to waver, its pillars faltering as the spell took hold.

Nihilak and his Knights felt the shift, an intangible disruption to the foundation of reality. Uncertainty and awe mingled within them as they gazed upon this spectacle, their senses attuned to a power they could scarcely comprehend.

Zatiel\'s smile remained, for his spell had been initiated.

battlefield itself, to invert sequences of events.


The Samsara Style: Inversion of Cause and Effect was no mere healing or reversion spell; it was a potent tool to reshape the battlefield itself, to invert sequences of events.

Just as Nihilak, Tormentras, and Ravakir found themselves pondering the impending effects of the spell, their eyes widened in astonishment as their wounds began to regrow before their very eyes. The shock coursing through the Knights was palpable, for they couldn\'t comprehend the reality unfolding before them. Their bodies remained untouched, yet ghastly and grievous wounds manifested upon their forms.

A profound sense of bewilderment overtook the Knights as they grappled with this inexplicable phenomenon. They felt no physical harm being inflicted on their bodies, yet the visual evidence of severe wounds appearing left them utterly confused. Nihilak channeled his soul force and energy with desperate intensity, straining himself to the absolute limits, yet even his formidable power proved ineffectual against the relentless tide of the spell\'s influence.

The situation grew even more dire for the Knights when they beheld the color gradually returning to the faces of Venganza and Ezequiel. While not an instant or complete restoration, the weakening of their wounds signaled a stabilization of their souls. The perplexing turn of events sent shockwaves through the Knights\' hearts.

"What power is this?!"

Nihilak\'s voice was tinged with a mixture of astonishment and frustration as he watched the wound on his chest reopen despite his efforts to prevent it. If the Reality Override Spell wielded such monstrously offensive power, he would have undoubtedly utilized it earlier to crush Zatiel\'s defenses. However, the spell\'s potency diminished substantially when confronting life forms of Omnipotent capabilities, a fact Nihilak was acutely aware of. That was especially true for someone like him that used borrowed power.

Zatiel\'s smile only grew more pronounced as he bore witness to the escalating plight of Nihilak and the worsening state of his injuries.

"It\'s quite straightforward. I\'ve enacted an inversion of cause and effect over the temporal flow. The force you employed to mend your wounds is now being turned against you in reverse. The same applies to your comrades."

Zatiel explained calmly, his eyes gleaming with an coldness.

Nihilak\'s eyes widened as the significance of Zatiel\'s words dawned on him. In that moment, he grasped the formidable power at play, a power that harnessed the Samsara Truth itself as the catalyst for the Reality Override Spell. This indicated a level of mastery that transcended even the might of the Beyonder\'s capabilities. The scope of the spell\'s influence extended across the entire domain of the Samsara Cycle Formation, leaving no corner untouched.

Since the spell affected everyone inside the parallel dimension, it also acted on Venganza and Ezequiel. Their actions had involved expending their soul essence and bloodline energy to fuel their combat prowess, and now this very process was being reversed.

While restoring their soul force to their peak was not possible, and the explosion of the Lord of Emptiness Bloodline would not be reverted, the spell would stabilize the Thearchs\' condition, enabling them to continue fighting for a long period of time.

In the face of this unexpected twist, Nihilak\'s gaze flickered with a mixture of anger and frustration. The cunning intricacy of Zatiel\'s countermeasure was undeniable. His mastery over the Samsara Truth and its application to the Reality Override Spell was nothing short of awe-inspiring. It had turned the tide of battle once more, and the Knights found themselves caught in a relentless whirlpool of reversed cause and effect, their very bodies betraying them.


The colossal Samsara Formation sprawled across the sky of the parallel dimension shattered in less than ten seconds, but it had already fulfilled its porpuse.

Nihilak, Ravakir, and Tormentras were unceremoniously reverted to the state they were in prior to enacting the Reality Override Spell: Regeneration of Body and Soul. The trio found themselves gasping for precious air, their bodies and spirits drained, and their capacity for immediate combat severely compromised.

Zatiel\'s complexion turned pale, and the radiance of his White Sun Pupil dimmed. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, evidence of the strain he had endured. Despite this, a smile persisted on his face.

Though he and the other two Thearchs were not at their prime, overcoming Nihilak, Ravakir, and Tormentras would pose no challenge.

Nihilak observed the frigidity of the Thearchs and sensed their intent to kill. Then, an apathetic expression overtook his countenance as if the perils and predicaments he faced were trivial.

"I must admit, you\'re a threat unlike any I\'ve encountered. But I am the Beyonder\'s Ultimate Knight. Do you truly believe wounds like these could deter me? That you could compel me to surrender?"

A surge of energy enveloped the Harbinger of Desolation, igniting the remnants of white flames within the gem on his chest and left hand.

"Think again!"

Zatiel\'s brows furrowed as he heightened his vigilance.

The remaining fuel in those gems was meager, barely sufficient to restore Nihilak, let alone all three of them, but the plans of the Harbinger of Desolation were much crueler.

While the Samsara Thearch excelled in wisdom and stratagems, the Harbinger of Desolation was unrelenting and merciless, prepared to pay any cost for victory in the Beyonder\'s name.

Astonishment etched itself onto the faces of Ravakir and Tormentras as they witnessed hands penetrating their chests. They turned toward Nihilak, a mixture of shock and bewilderment painting their features, for it was he who had assaulted them.

Zatiel, Venganza, and Ezequiel were shocked as they did not understand what Nihilak\'s plan was, but they were certain it was not good for them. Before they could even make a move, the power of a new Reality Override Spell exploded.

"Reality Override Spell: Beyonder Knight\'s Sacrifice!"



Ravakir and Tormentras began to scream in agony as their flesh, blood, and soul particles began to fuse into Nihilak\'s body and soul.

The Thearchs adopted solemn expressions as they stared at the Harbinger of Desolation and saw the monster he was becoming.

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