
Chapter 311 A Little Reminder For Nico

"$200,000! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Nico screamed.

They were back at their base, an abandoned building that had soot stains from probably a fire the building had caught long ago. Some of the men had started a fire, hurdling around its warmth, others played cards, while others just rested.

Getting no response, he turned around to take in the scene and grew even more pissed. "You scumbags! Am I talking to myself?"

"Boss", someone started to whine. "Why are you complaining about this when we all know you have enough to afford it?"

"WHAT?" He ground his teeth, dangerously glaring at his subordinate.

"You have the money", someone else answered.

"I WAS DUPED!" This was what riled up Nico the most.

"But that\'s what you do", someone mumbled but unfortunately was heard by Nico who hurled him up by a grab of his shirt.

"Say that one more time", he growled into his face.


"Say it!" Before his subordinate could get any other word out, he landed a hard punch on his face sending him tumbling to the floor.

He rushed over and kicked him onto his stomach his growls of frustration outsounding the pain filled groans of the man on the floor. He gave him one last kick before turning around to look at his horrified men.

"Anybody else got something to say? Huh?!!" He glared at them.

"You\'re one scumbag! Beating a man for speaking the truth?" A deep sinister voice echoed from behind them followed by the sound of his unhurried approaching footsteps.

Nico and his men looked over including the one who had just gotten a beating. One of the men barely concealed a shocked gasp as he immediately recognized the face belonging to the voice. Why, it was none other than Don, Xavier\'s shadow bodyguard.

He smirked as he clasped his hands behind his back with simply two men following behind him. He walked past Nico going to the fire where the men gave him space so he could sit. He spread out his hands to warm them against the fire.

"Who are you?" Nico grounded his teeth, feeling pissed at the intrusion. This was his turf, no one could and should disrespect him on his ground.

"Why don\'t you refresh his memory for me? Or was he already passed out when we arrived?"

"What is this f*cker talking about?" He demanded in annoyance. Don nodded at the man who gave away his seat to him to do the needful who quickly did so in a whisper to his boss.

Nico balled his hands into fists, barely suppressing his rage at the man who was acting like he owned the place. "Why are you here?"

"How do you often respond to that when your clients ask you that?" Don looked up at him, sizing him up before looking back at the fire.

Everyone now understood the reason for their visit. Some of the men who knew how ruthless these men\'s beatings were made to leave only to be frozen in place with literally just a step in their direction by Don\'s accomplices.

"It\'s not yet time for me to pay", Nico protested, feeling unfair by the encounter.

"Well", Don stood up and stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets. "Signing something doesn\'t necessarily guarantee the payment will be on time or made at all. Besides, we just want to get this over and done with. You understand this, don\'t you?"

"No! This is not right! Uphold your end of the deal!" Nico growled. He looked around at his men, silently signaling them to get ready for an attack.

"Do you?" Don shot back. "We\'re just here to remind you how urgent this matter is.... Plus we were bored. I promise, we will be out of here in no time. Boys!"

Not long after Don said that, the sound of pain filled cries echoed from the abandoned building. Minutes later, Don and his men walked out with not a spec of dust or so much as a hair out of place on their heads. He dialed for Xavier\'s number.

"Boss, it\'s done", he reported.

"Don\'t be shy to visit your friends as often", he replied.

"Uh..... I don\'t think they\'ll appreciate any of our visits from now on." He looked behind at the building before getting into their car. "And I won\'t be surprised if there won\'t be any more group meetings or they change location."

"We can\'t let that happen, now can we?" Xavier chuckled in amusement before he ended the call.

He looked over at Lorraine who had her gaze peeled on the outside. They had just been discharged and we\'re heading to their new place.

He could not wrap his head around how everything was moving quickly for them despite the decision to take things slow. But it\'s Lorraine, he wouldn\'t have it any other way.

"What?" She turned to look at him. "I could feel you looking at me."

"Can\'t I appreciate what\'s mine?" He countered, pulling her to him. "That was Don, he paid Nico a visit and gave him a friendly reminder to pay."

"I bet he didn\'t like that", she shook her head though smiling in amusement.

"Not one bit, but it\'s his type of business. He should understand this better", he replied.

She silently agreed. Nico was really having a taste of his own medicine. If he\'s to stay in that business, she hoped this experience would change him.

He can\'t keep belittling people and taking advantage of the innocent. Pushing that thought away, she remembered to make an important request to Xavier.

"Can we stop by my place? There are a few things I need to get for myself and Oliver."

"Ah, about that. I took care of that already."

"You had people take our clothes for us?" Her brows shot up at him.

"No, I could not risk anyone going back to your place so I bought a whole new wardrobe for you online", he explained.

She nodded in understanding only for a few seconds later the truth to finally sink leaving her shocked and embarrassed. "Everything?"

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