
Chapter 310 Not Underestimating His Enemy's Strength

The next day started off with Roserie being a little fussy first thing in the morning. Her parents took turns attending to her and getting ready for the day.

When the little family of three were done, they left their room with Zach carrying his daughter against his chest while Amy carried his jacket over her arm. Edmund fetched his boss\'s bag from his study and was already awaiting them at the dining table.

"Awwwww look at you!" Stella commented seeing Amy laugh at something Zach said as the two approached the dining table.

"Something is different", Victoria agreed. "Did something good happen? Care to share?"

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about", Amy replied with a smile while carefully handing over Zach\'s jacket to Edmund.

"No early morning meeting?" Henry asked Zach with his eyes peeled on his device.


Amy took Roserie from him before they all began to eat. The sound of cutlery echoed around the table. Henry was reading the current news on his device while Richard was simply looking at the sports highlights. Victoria sighed at this and decided to start a topic that has been worrying her.

"Zach, do you know when your brother will be discharged? That boy is not telling me anything", she complained.

"Today. But don\'t go see him or anywhere else for that matter", he replied.

She opened her mouth to speak only to feel her husband\'s hand on her thigh. He slightly shook his head at her. Stella looked at Amy who gave her an apologetic look and silently understood, things were not exactly great outside.

Zach finished sooner than everyone. Leaving Roserie with Stella, Amy walked Zach out of the house. They sealed their farewell with a kiss before he went to work, after she had gotten back into the house.

After the previous night, a lot weighed on Zach\'s mind. There were situations were he could predict the outcome hence he would not be nervous or taken aback but last night, he could not help feeling uneasy.

"Sir, they\'re onto us again", Gomez reported, gaining Zach\'s attention. His tone grew grave as he reported the next finding. "This time around, it\'s not just cameras they brought along."

Zach briefly fell quiet. From his report, anyone could guess that those guys were going to war. Gomez expected the obvious answer from his boys and they were all ready. Zach\'s phone vibrated from his pocket.

"Xav", he answered.

"The boys tell me I have some unwanted friends lurking around", he said quietly but Zach could tell he was pissed off. "And it seems it\'s nothing friendly. I\'ve got a girl and a kid to look after man."

"Have you left the hospital yet?"

"No. We leave in an hour or two. I don\'t want to turn this place info a blood bath." It\'s something he was dreading to do but if it means protecting Lorraine, so be it.

"Lose them and lay low. Don\'t do anything." With that, he ended the phone call. "That goes for you too Gomez."

"Yes, sir."

They\'re up to something, something bad. That\'s what anyone desperate is willing to do just to have their way. And that something bad will likely happen to his family.

His hand clenched into a hard fist from anger. They dared to threaten the livelihood of his family. He would like to see them as much as touch a hair on either of his family, well, not on his watch.

His family\'s wellbeing came first but Amy\'s link to them being a secret was equally a priority. He wanted to send reinforcements to his brothers but that would be a dead giveaway.

These people were watching their every move like a hawk. Therefore, that move would start a war where George and Joanne are. He could not have that.

However, he knew and had confidence in the strength of his men protecting all of them. But that did not mean he should underestimate his enemy\'s. He immediately dialed George\'s number who picked up on the second ring.

"Prepare for anything", he ordered.

"Alright, sir", he responded affirmatively.

At the hospital

After the phone call with his brother, Xavier\'s mood had turned icy. If he was this pissed off by the development, he could only imagine how Zach was feeling. These thoughts lingered as he paced around the same spot.

Since that was the situation, he decided to act on his brother\'s words. He took out his phone and busied himself. Over the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom, a knock was heard.

"Yes", he answered.

Don walked into the room after being permitted. Clasping his hands in front, he assumed a polite yet respectful stance. "Sir."

"Enjoy", he answered without taking his eyes off the device. Don lips lifted into a smirk as he took his leave just as Lorraine walked in.

Xavier looked up to see her smile at him and he gave her a small one as he extended a hand to her. She walked over to take it only for him to wrap his arms around her waist.

"Hey", she smiled up at him.

"Hey", he started, his seriousness being made evident in his tone. "There\'s something I want to talk to you about."

"Sure. I\'m listening", She looked at his worriedly.

"Hmm", he hummed, deliberating how to break the news to her. He run his fingers through her hair before resting his hand back around her waist. "I need you to move in with me."

"Huh? Aren\'t we.... ?"

"I know, we\'re taking things slow and that hasn\'t changed. But there\'s a situation that calls for it so it\'s important you and Oliver stay as close to me as possible", he explained.

"What situation...", she started, unsure. "..if I may ask?"

"It\'s.... a long story. I\'ll tell you about it later on."

A strong smell of danger reeked from his words, that\'s all she could conclude from her head. Seeing the worry in her eyes just fueled his guilt right then.

"I\'m sorry, Lorraine. I know this was the last thing you wanted for you and Oliver", he breathed out a sigh, guilt overwhelming him for pulling her into this. "I\'ll look for another place for you and Oliver with maximum protection and I\'ll go back-"

"I didn\'t say no to moving in with you", she interjected, offended that he was already making another decision.


"You stuck with me during my problem, why shouldn\'t I with you?" She looked at him when he broke into a smile in relief. "Plus if we were to live apart, I don\'t know how long that will be for; I\'m not exactly fond of that idea. So we\'re in this together."

"Are you sure? Lorraine, this is a big decision", he reminded.

She hooked her arms around his neck, locking them as she looked into his browns. "I feel like this is an opportunity to trust you and learn to rely on each other. You embraced everything that came with me, I don\'t want to run away from everything that comes with you."

He just looked at her, amazed. Those words confirmed it for him that they had just started something so strong and so great, probably for a life time. He could not help his smile as he pecked her lips twice before hugging her. "Thank you Lorraine, so much. You don\'t know how much this means to me."

She smiled whilst basking in his warm embrace. "So where is it we\'re moving to?"

"My place, in Albany. Nobody knows about it especially when I\'ve hardly lived there."

"Okay, let\'s do that."

"I have to warn you though, it\'s a two bedroomed apartment. And you can\'t exactly share a room with Oliver."

"Not my problem. You\'re the one who wanted to take things sloooooooooow up until marriage", she taunted.

"I should have thought this through", he sighed, resting his chin on top of her head. "I\'m screwed."

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