
Chapter 121 - 121. Prince And Princess

The N.E.W.Ts ended after a few more days. The exam results of all years except the 5th and 7th years always come before the start of summer break.

Magnus got his report card and couldn\'t be happier, finding O beside every subject. O was the highest grade, meaning Outstanding. ​​

"Haha, I aced the exam." He laughed in triumph.

"Actually, I and Sev also aced." Ragnar suddenly spoke.

Magnus looked back in shock and sorrow. He just realised that victory tastes bitter when there are other victors too besides you. And it tastes even worse when the victors are your friends.

"But I still scored more points than you." Magnus tried to make himself feel good.

It was going to be their last day of the semester and there was to be a year-end feast, after which everyone will leave to the train station.

As soon as the three reached the Slytherin table, Emma came running to Magnus with a proud smirk on her face, "Hehe... Guess who\'s the new captain of Slytherin Quidditch team?"

Magnus, in surprise, looked at her face, "YOU? How? Why would they make someone like you the captain... Besides, you\'re just going to be a 2nd year."

Emma turned angry, "What do you mean by \'why\'? I\'m talented in Quidditch."

"Heh, sure." Magnus chuckled and went back to eating. Angry, Emma left with a pout.

"So, what are you going to do this summer?" Magnus asked his friends.

"I will do an apprenticeship with a potioneer at Diagon Alley," Severus revealed.

"And I will go to Grandma Martha to learn about various potions from her. She\'s awesome when it comes to cooking, be it food or potion." Ragnar decided.

"Nice, I\'m going to be busy too. Not to mention, I will also have to continue practising magic and get stronger. Ragnar, you should also train with your sword." Magnus suggested.


They were interrupted by Dumbledore walking to the podium. He put his wand on his neck and amplified his voice.

"GOOD EVENING, the school year has come to an end. It was a journey filled with ups and downs, so much happened. 7th years will be completing their education and taking a step towards the professional world. I wish you all luck and happiness, and the mind to make the right choices whenever you have to.

"Now, to what everyone was waiting for. This year\'s house cup. But, there is a slight change to it from this year. Along with the House Cup, a Student of the Year medal will also be awarded. It will be awarded to the students who contributed the most points to their houses.

"So, this year\'s Student of the year award goes to... Mr Pendragon. He alone contributed 300 points to Slytherin house."


The Slytherin table ushered in loud clapping and cheers. All except a few were making noise. Slughorn seemed as if he was having an orgasm.

Magnus was already expecting this much. He ran to Dumbledore to receive the medal. It was made of gold, with a green strap on it. There was also a Ministry seal on one side and a Hogwarts seal on the other.

Dumbledore put it around his neck, "Congratulations, Mr Pendragon. Please wait here for a bit more."

Dumbledore again spoke loudly, "And now, for the House Cup. With 300 points, Hufflepuff is in 4th place, Gryffindor is in 3rd with 387 points. Then finally, 100 points higher than the second-place Ravenclaw, with 567 points, Slytherin wins."

As soon as it was revealed, the various curtains in the Great Hall turned green with Slytherin insignia. It was a moment of pride for Slytherin house. This year, they won Quidditch, Student of the year and House Cup too.

Dumbledore took the house cup trophy and gave it to Magnus, "Since you have won the medal, it\'s better if you also take the trophy."

Magnus took the cup and held it above his head and turned towards the students. Now all the students were cheering as he was one of those likeable Slytherin. Magnus, on the other hand, was excited because Lucius and Avery would be leaving Hogwarts, and now he will have a mostly free reign over Slytherin house.

He cheerfully returned to his seat and feasted on the various dishes. Hogwarts may not have the tastiest food, but it certainly had the most variety.

After dinner, everyone headed to the train station. The luggage was already packed and ready.

"Hey, Mag. Will you play for the team next year too?" Emma asked him as she had also followed him to where he was going to sit.

"No, Emma, I\'ve got more important things to do," Magnus replied with no interest.

"WHAT?! Come on, you are the best seeker I\'ve ever seen... You\'ve got to at least reach the international level and play for the British team." She pleaded.

Magnus denied, "I\'m busy, and what do you mean by \'I\'ve ever seen\'? You\'re just 12."

"Argh... Why are you so stupid... Magnus, I\'m telling you, if you become a quidditch player and win the World Cup, you will be a world-famous celebrity and all wizards will respect you. We love quidditch after all." Emma tried to convince him.

"And there is also so much money to be made." She added.

"MONEY?" Magnus\' eyes shone.

"Yes yes... A LOOOOT of money." Emma quickly said. She was slowly understanding the wire structure of Magnus\' mind.

"Hehe, then I guess I will help you every once in a while," Magnus said with a greedy smile.


"Man, you\'re so easy to manipulate. Sometimes I fear you might just join the enemy for money." Ragnar commented.

Magnus scoffed at the idea, "Huh, the only thing they can pay me that would have a sway over my mind would be the head of Voldemort under my feet."


"That\'s brutal." Sirius came to his cabin suddenly. He probably had something to talk about, otherwise, he would be accompanied by his gang.

"Ah, talk about crazy. What brought you here, Sirius?" Magnus asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Can I have a minute?" Sirius spoke seriously. It was a rare sight.

Magnus looked back at his friends, then he walked out to the train corridor with Sirius, "Sure, we\'ve got a long journey ahead."

There, Sirius started, "It\'s about my little brother. He\'s... He\'s manipulated very easily... Especially by my parents. So, when he comes to Hogwarts in September, there are chances that he will stay away from you and avoid you.

"My parents are against everything you stand up for. But, I hope you will still look after him."

Magnus smiled and patted his shoulder, "Come on, Sirius, you are embarrassing me by saying this. I know Regulus is a sensitive kid, I will take care of him whether he likes it or not, he\'s like my little brother."

Sirius nodded in gratefulness, "Then I guess I will be indebted to you. My family already has enough crazy Blacks, I hope to at least have my brother join my side."

"It\'s his choice to make, we can just hope he makes the right one. Bring your brother to my new house sometime later, I got a big swimming pool and other fun things. Hehe... We will relax and eat like kings." Magnus invited him.

"Hehe, I think I will take that offers. All right, see you later then." Sirius went back to his cabin.

Magnus also entered back, but saw Chad and Emma were fighting each other.

"What happened?" He asked.

"They are fighting for the last pancake left in your snack box," Severus told him.

Magnus scoffed and went to his lunchbox, he picked up the last pancake and ate it in one go, "Huh, you both didn\'t deserve it."

"MEOWWWW..." Chad protested.

"You\'ll get fat, Chad. Pancakes aren\'t for you." Magnus said.

"Meow mow maow..."

"What did you say? I\'m fat? Haha, my BMI is in the perfect limit, it\'s you who is fat." Magnus started arguing with his cat. Only Magnus could understand what Chad was saying so for others it was a very funny sight.

This way, nobody realised when their journey came to an end. They deboarded at King\'s Cross. Grace and Adam were already there waiting for him and Ragnar.

"MUM... DAD..." They exchanged some hugs and went on their way. Severus though was greeted by his mother, who then took him to their home via apparition.

Magnus, Ragnar, Grace and Adam rode the car. Adam was driving now as he was back to his peak physical state, it was like he was never in an explosion. Muggle doctors could only call it a miracle.

"How was your semester, sweeties?" Grace asked them nicely.

"Fun, I aced the exam," Ragnar revealed.

"And I also aced the exam and won the student of the year award. Also, mum, dad, I\'ve decided to meet the queen this summer." Magnus revealed all of a sudden.

"And what will you say to her? Abdicate the throne?" Adam asked sarcastically.

Magnus immediately answered, "No, I will tell her to adopt you and make you a prince, while mum will become a princess with blood relation going back to King Arthur."


Adam and Grace coughed as they simultaneously choked on their saliva. "WHAT?!"

[You can see the Great Hall on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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