
Chapter 120 - 120. Summer Plans

End term exams had arrived and Magnus was only nervous about his potions lessons. He needed full marks in that subject in order to truly ace the exams.

"Okay, Severus, you keep your mental shields down, While you are making your potion I will look into your mind and copy it so that at least I can make a decent potion on the first try." Magnus requested. He didn\'t ask Ragnar because he knew Ragnar would try something funny. ​​

Severus nodded, "Fine,"

Severus only agreed because Magnus didn\'t lack in theoretical knowledge. It\'s just that he sucked at brewing to the point where it was like a genetic fault.

They headed to the lab and occupied their stations and started brewing the potion. Nervously, Magnus tried to create the Potion, surprisingly, he found it very easy as he had practised it lots of times by now. But, he still looked into Severus\' head just to be sure, after all, he wanted to ace the exams.

After the Potions exam was Charms exam, it was super easy for Magnus, but Ragnar sucked big time at it, so Magnus this time continuously gave him instructions in mind and helped him get good grades. In the end, Ragnar was also able to do all the charms, though not as strongly.

The 1st year exams didn\'t take that much time and after that, the students were free to do whatever they wanted to do until the end of term when the students can leave for home.

Severus went to sleep in his room, for some reason he had stayed up all night just to revise everything, it was a dumb thing to do as he was already completing the 3rd year syllabus.

So Magnus and Ragnar just left him and headed to the room of requirement to study or pass some time.

"You open the door, Ragnar, I will return in a minute, need to find Chad. Don\'t know where he ran off to." Magnus said and left.

Ragnar alone stood in front of the wall where the gate was supposed to appear. He was thinking about what he should make in the room. After a few seconds, he finally made a decision and walked three times in front of the wall and entered.

As soon as he entered he found his normal potions lab, then there was a library too. But, there was an addition to the room.

Ragnar went to a part of the room that seemed darker. There, he found a tall structure, covered under a big piece of cloth.

He quickly dragged the cloth down to look at what the thing was. It turned out to be a huge mirror. He looked into it in puzzle, having no idea what it even does.

He looked at the frame of the mirror, it looked old and had something written on it. "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi? Hmm... What does this mean?"

Ragnar wondered, and being well versed in runes now and having a good analytical mind, he quickly reached a conclusion. That the words were backwards, with the spaces rearranged.

"\'I show not your face but your heart\'s desire?\' What does my heart desire?" Ragnar asked, though already knowing what it was.

He took a few steps back and stood in front of the mirror. Then suddenly, instead of just being him, he saw a few more people in the mirror, standing just behind him.

He rubbed his eyes clean, but they again got filled with salty water called tears.

"M-mummy... Dad..." He breathed out and tried to touch the two figures. But, he only felt the cold hard mirror surface.

Ragnar silently looked at the smiling faces of his mother and father. "You were supposed to see me grow up and become a great wizard, just like what grandma used to say. That I will make our family proud. Who am I to make proud now?"

Ragnar took long breaths to control his tear ducts from leaking, he brushed his hair with his fingers, with a sigh of frustration. His eyes were red and his nose was about to start running.

Once again, looking at his parent\'s face, he scoffed, "What a useless mirror, If I just wanted to see their smiles I would have looked inside my mind. Mummy... I hope I will be able to talk to you again someday. Magic must have a way to do it, if as Magnus says, Heaven is real, then you must be there. Just wait for a little."


Magnus suddenly arrived behind him and put Chad on Ragnar\'s shoulder to cheer him up. Chad made circles around Ragnar\'s neck and meowed enthusiastically.

Magnus stood beside Ragnar and looked at Mr and Mrs Oroborus.

"Your parents were pretty. Now only if you had their charm." He joked.

Ragnar smiled, "Yeah, indeed. Do you know what this thing is?"

Magnus nodded, "Yes, Mirror of Erised, it\'s not that old, made in somewhere around 1800. Reason is unknown. The happiest and most satisfied person in the world would look in the mirror and see a reflection of them, exactly as they were, for they would then have no one and nothing more to yearn or desire for that the mirror could ever show them. But, it is intrinsically inherent for human nature to desire something greater than themselves.

"This mirror has made many people go crazy, at least that\'s what the book said. Perhaps, that\'s why it\'s rotting here."

"Why don\'t you stand here?" Ragnar suggested.

Magnus obliged, "Sure, let\'s see what my heart desires."

As soon as Magnus stood there, he saw his smiling parents in the mirror. Then, his grandparents and Bobby appeared, then Duck, Grandma Martha, Ted, Severus, Policeman Tom, Emma, Thomas Shelby. The crowd kept on increasing. Soon, even Ragnar appeared.

"Wait... why am I there? What\'s your desire exactly?" Ragnar asked in confusion.

Magnus replied while looking at the increasing number of people in the mirror, "My dream is something that this small mirror can not completely show, but, I also know it is impossible to achieve."

"What is it?" Ragnar asked again.

"What is the most common thing in this mirror right now?" Magnus questioned.

Ragnar looked at the various faces, "Umm... all of them are smiling, Ugh... Sev looks so weird with that big smile."

Magnus chuckled, "Hehe, well, that\'s my desire. World happiness, smile on everyone\'s faces, happiness everywhere. I have everything right now, Inheritence, money, power. But, I want to live in a world where I don\'t have to see someone dying of starvation, someone trying to divide us, someone trying to murder another.

"But, this is as good as me wanting to go back in time and meet Jesus or something. You can fantasise about it but it will always be a fantasy of your mind."

"Damn... Who knew our little dragon had such high-level dreams. Most would want gold, love or power, and here you are..." Ragnar muttered jokingly.

"Because I already have everything. There is no point in wanting more, even though I am automatically making money through my investment. But, I will never prioritise money over human life." Magnus pledged.

"A good moral to live by, my friend. *Yawn* Okay, I\'m going to practice some N.E.W.T level potions today. Keep Chad away or I cannot guarantee his safety." Ragnar said and lazily walked to his lab.

Magnus held Chad by the nape and took him to the library. Where Magnus went to sleep. He couldn\'t just keep on studying forever.

He thought about his plans for summer break. ~Hmm... if I want to even partially fulfil my dream, I will need to take the throne as soon as I turn 18. But, I also need the people to support me for that. They love the queen, it cannot be denied, I need to win their awe, respect and love too.

"I\'m 12, it\'s 1972, so 1978 is when I will become the king. I need to start from right now. But, how do I show myself as the legitimate king? I need to be related to the queen, maybe as her grandson, but for that, dad will need to be her son.

"But, I want to keep my name, so I may need to change mum\'s family background too. Maybe make her related to Arthur, so that the world will see me as a king related to the great King Arthur Pendragon.

"*Sigh* It seems I will need to meet the queen soon. Dad is going to become a prince this year and mum a princess, I guess.~ he decided and fell asleep.

[You can see the Mirror on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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