
Chapter 777

“Don’t,” she exhaled promptly.

“Tell me Fenrir, is something the matter, my friend?”

“Adete,” she took one look, thought to smile or frown, eventually landed on neither and kept straight, opting to lay her head against a very lush tree.

“The reaction tells me a lot of this,” she explained whilst hovering about in her smaller self, “-here,” a splash of bat-shaped clouds spawned the figure of a student dressed in the complete package; uniform, a very outlandish backpack, and neatly tied hair, “-does this make it better?”

“A student,” she gazed unnervingly, “-is annoyance a habit or but a trait?”

“Very harsh,” she said skipping a few short steps to the tree’s shadow, “-tell me, what’s the matter, really?”


“For starters, I don’t know anything about this place. I sense a lot of power and mana, the sheer density puts Draebala to shame, and I mean it. This may very well be the greatest universe to be created. I headed into the capital earlier, everyone’s celebrating – there’s no money system, people trade and laugh, the rich and the poor, it doesn’t matter, anyone can be anything. Frankly, I’m confused, a majority choose to work for nothing, they move without purpose.”

“Good observation,” commented with a tone of dismissal, “-they work because they want to work. A place where everything is given seemed to be heaven, sounds too good to be true, then again, it is too good to be true. Relations between the four generals and the residents are tight, the latter choose to have a monetary system implemented, something to strive towards. They work for the sake of working, moving about, and feeling fulfilled.”

“Compared to Draebala, tis the complete opposite,” she said. “-I’m impressed, and frankly speaking, I’m most annoyed about Igna.”

“Go on, I’m listening,” she eased to Fenrir’s side, her hands laid upon the wolf’s thighs, her casual and innocent smile made it hard to keep an attitude, a slight shake of the head announced Adete’s victory.

“I don’t get him. He says he cares, he said we’d stay together, and when it’s said and done, I feel like the man is better off alone. He uses people, says sweets things, makes them feel at ease, and once the purpose is attained, he throws them like old toys. Yes, I’m mad because I was thrown away as well. What purpose did I serve in the end, a guard dog?”

“This much I can say,” her longing stare went off into the distance, “-every since you arrived, my heir seems to have relaxed. The regret of losing everything at once without a say in the matter, I can’t imagine how much it must have hurt. I agree,” she pointed to the sky at a black shadow of a griffin flapped past, “-we in the capital know the devil children of Igna Haggard. They bring joy and pain wherever they go. Related or not, it didn’t matter, Igna accepted them for who they were, he gave them freedom and acted according to what the children needed the most. Everyone knows how much he loves those children, and we too love them. In a way, the goddesses also held in the same regard, they were inseparable and very cordial, a very healthy relationship. Time moved on, Staxius reincarnated into Igna, he’s still the same person, just under a different name, perhaps the master wanted a fresh start, and perhaps he wanted to see the world through another lens. Me too, I feel lonely at times, I often sneak glances at his outside life, and when I see how much fun he’s having and the problems he overcomes, I feel a sense of relief. Whether I’m involved in his life or not, one truth will never change, he knows the importance of family more than anyone.”

“Why does he keep people away if he loves his family, isn’t it a blatant paradox?”

“Have you not learned from the past?” a judgingly crude flutter of the eyelashes had Fenrir unknowingly pause.

“The curse of the death reaper, the curse to restart...”

“Correct,” she smiled, “-you’ve figured it out. He keeps people away because he loves them. To us, Igna’s still Igna, a young boy we call master, comrade, and most of all, loved one. Ask the goddesses and you’ll see; they know who he is deep down. We don’t need to be in his life to be of worth, for you see, we are the very fabric of his life, the people who he can turn to when in need, the people he knows are there and will always be there.”

The more words parted her lips, the quieter grew Fenrir, ‘-this isn’t the master I’ve served, he’s a new person,’ the dissimilarities were hard to accept and much harder to digest.

“Take in the Shadow Realm,” she proclaimed suddenly on her feet, “-tis the culmination of what Staxius gave to build, his life is the very essence of our realm, a place of bliss and harsh trials, a place where all is right, and where wrongs art be right per what justice says. He gave his life, his strength, and his symbol of powers to become the foundation. Igna gave his Death Element in the creation of the structure, walls, and roof. We are the residents of the house they built, the decorations which would otherwise be an empty arrangement of cells. We make the house a home,” she grinned, “-do you understand a little?”

“I’d be a fool if I said no,” she clambered against the tree, “-not after that speech. Adete, were you always so wise?”

“Not really,” she skipped ahead, tipped her body forward, and winked, “-I’m just a regular middle-schooler, nothing more, nothing less,” she vanished in a veil of smoke, her bag fell.

“I was worried for nothing,” she paused and stared, ‘-I don’t do well in adversity,’ she bent and picked the accessory, ‘-the Shadow Realm is what my master’s put his all into,’ a step into the sun rose the temperature, ‘-wouldn’t be so bad to watch the realm grow.’ Children from families ran around a garden of flowers to her right, the castle grandly gave onto the yard. Families, couples, visitors, name it, and access was granted into the inner-castle town of Rosespire, those who wished to visit were allowed unconditionally. ‘I wish the people of Draebala could experience the fullest meaning of life.’ The worries weren’t completely shut – glooming over emotions and the issues wouldn’t bring solutions, ‘-show me what you’ve got,’ she walked into town where the Valkyries waited.

14th of December rose through the foggy street of Juei. A well-tuned alarm buzzed and vibrated, ‘-morning already?’ he shoved the blankets to the side and yawned to sit at the bed’s edge, ‘-I didn’t dream. Mother departed for Alphia. Lady Elvira, Lady Shanna, and Lady Serene followed her into the vacation. Fenrir was right about me,’ he grabbed the nearest sleeping gown, slid into fuzzy slippers, and slithered into said gown. The door handle was very cold to the touch, ‘-05:30 cold,’ he sniffled and hunched into the vast apartment.

*Beep,* the intercom buzzed, ‘-who is it at this hour?’ he made for the main door reluctantly, “-yes, what is it?” a damp aura invaded the ajar door, ‘-what the?’ consciousness suffered a rude awakening.

“Hello, Igna,” said a lady dressed in black, “-long time no see.”

“Loftha... long time no see indeed.”

She pressed her arms against the partly open entrance, “-let me in.”

“Wait, wait,” he chose to slide outside, “-explain?”

“Big sister Eira said I was to exchange places with her lady aunt. Is it so easy to forget the pain I had to endure, the suffering I had to go through to have stood at your side? Igna, I’ve fought and have gotten stronger,” a silver-tag shimmered around her neck, “-the day where I felt what thee did, I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Our relation starts anew here.”

He watched her skeptically, “-the marriage would have been a great political move. I admit I did so to further my agenda.”

“Drop the tough boy act, it doesn’t matter, I’m here to further my agenda.”

“Forcing thyself into my life again?” the arms crossed, “-if it had been under different circumstances, you would be out of the building without a second thought. No matter, if tis a fresh start thee wants, tis what they’ll get,” he made for the inside, “-I don’t bear any responsibility to care for your state of mind and being. Follow or not, the choice is yours.”

“Fine, fine,” she sighed, “-let me in.”

A few hours elapsed; the guest fell asleep in one of the vacant rooms. He watched out the large window with a cup in hand, the television slowly recounts the news, “-in our final story, the well-respected Apexi has fallen under fire from many allegations of wrongdoings. A live broadcast of my little secret hit record numbers, public interest is very invested in the matter. Our report at the scene,” the camera swapped for a lady in rain-coat, “-hello Karl, I stand before a crowd of restless fans, many have protested against the injustice and monopoly Apexi have held over the industry,” the displayed scene was complete chaos, the pavements lining Apexi’s headquarters were littered by tents and belligerent bystanders. Workers were escorted to the safety of the compound, the louder they grew, the more the fire burnt. Amidst the shouting, the camera shifted to an impromptu interview, “-we’re very lucky to see an up-and-coming producer from Caiga Inc at a potentially dangerous protest.”

The younger man, tall and slim had a rounded nose that carried a frigid pair of spectacles, “-the question’s actually very interesting,” he said cheerfully, “-status mustn’t deter someone from fighting in what they believe. I’ve proudly worked for Caiga Inc, our talents and artists always have our support. TO think, a company I once admired to have fallen so low, I can’t imagine the pain our prince of Hidros, Julius Haggard, to have felt. Retired or not, the super idol’s effort has made the industry what it is today, for that, I’m very thankful. Still, it doesn’t absolve the malicious behavior.”

“Thank you for the input, Jool.”

“Anything,” he replied and made deeper into the chaos. The reporter took another look and landed on a reservedly dressed lady, “-would you believe it,” she exclaimed and approached the lady, “-Miss Shiona from Starlight Productions, have you come to participate in the protest?”

“Yes,” she muffled to which the reporter shoved the microphone by her scarf-covered mouth, “-I will do everything I can to help the industry. We must do away with injustice.”

“Thank you for the input,” she said and faced the camera, “-there is no telling what will befall the fate of the entertainment industry. If Apexi falls, will it bring luck or misfortune, time will tell? Back to you, Hendr.”

“Thank you, Karl,” the image reverted to the studio, “-this just in from another reporter on the field, Count Esteballe Denlord of her royal majesty’s council has filed a lawsuit against the Prince of Arda, Igna Haggard. More details on the field,” the image swapped yet again, “-Count Esteballe Denlord at the early hours of December the 14th has filled a lawsuit against the Prince of Arda. The basis of the lawsuit is assault, the prince allegedly attacked and maimed the count’s son, Theo Denlord, a prominent star in the world of racing. The count had this to say, ‘-to those watching from home, my son was assaulted without reason before a crowd of hundreds. No one was able to say anything, witnesses say the prince had threatened any who’d dare speak against him. Royal are leaders, we must follow and hold them accountable for their actions, noble or not, assaulting another is wrong, and to prove my point and for justice, I will fight the Haggards with every fiber of my being. Julius Haggard and his cousin, Igna Haggard have proven their stock in the public eye, we need justice, and I, Count Esteballe from her Majesty’s court, will make sure justice is served,’ so he said, the statement garnered favorable response over social media, has the era of the prominent Haggard dynasty ended?” the narrator ended the summary, the television toggled off, *yawn,* ‘-we’re in trouble.’

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