
Chapter 365: Stoudemire

But in the end, Kidd\'s sophisticated dribble led the half court.

But the attack time left to the Mavericks is only 5 seconds.

Nowitzki quickly screened and rolled Peja from outside the three-point line, and Peja received a pass from Kidd as soon as he appeared open.

Lian Dao hurried past Nowitzki to defend, Peja quickly retracted the outstretched basketball and passed it to Nowitzki who ran out of the open space on the left.

Lian Dao was startled at first, but then calmed down.

Stoudemire was not disturbed by Peja, he was always on guard against Nowitzki.

At this time, as soon as Nowitzki received the ball, Stoudemire quickly leaned forward.

At this time, with less than 2 seconds left, Nowitzki had no time to hesitate, and he had to make a move at this time.

Although Stoudemire couldn\'t block Nowitzki\'s super-high basketball shot, the blindfold method also interfered with the Germans.



The basketball hit the basket, followed by the buzzing fame that time ran out!

"Dirk made a shot, but Amare\'s defense was very timely. He was not disturbed by Peja. The biggest difference for the Knicks this season, I think, is their resilience and ability to learn. They never made two mistakes on the same opponent. same error twice!"

"The Knicks are like a tough guy who can\'t be beaten to death. Every time you feel that they have encountered a strong opponent and an opponent that they can\'t get past, but the Knicks can always absorb nutrition from failures and counter them to their opponents!"

Mike Breen also couldn\'t help applauding Stoudemire\'s key defense. A wonderful offense will make people excited, but sometimes a wonderful defense will also make people\'s blood spurt.

Lian Dao gave Stoudemire a high-five, and Stoudemire was also beating his chest very excitedly at this time, looking around at the Mavericks fans at the scene.

But what followed was boos and abuse at home for the Mavericks.

Mavericks fans now hate all the Knicks in their hearts.

Stoudemire\'s key defense at the end made Nowitzki\'s three-pointer come to naught, and also ended the first quarter of the game.


The Knicks entered the second quarter with a four-point lead.

The scores of both sides are not low. The same thing as the Mavericks and the Knicks is that these two teams pay special attention to offense.

Needless to say, the Knicks, D\'Antoni\'s team, always put offense first on the tactical board; besides, the Mavericks, the Mavericks were actually a team that tended to be more offensive than defensive before, but it was only a few years after the playoffs. The disastrous experience of the game made them understand that if the team wants to go further, the team must have defense.

This is why Stevenson was put in the starting lineup, and then Tyson Chandler was introduced at the center position.

Nowitzki\'s offense this season is indeed sharp. Even though the Knicks adopted a defense strategy against Nowitzki, he still scored 9 points and 3 rebounds in the first quarter.

Although the Mavericks are strong offensively, the Knicks are not vegetarian.

The game in the first quarter also proved that in terms of offense, it will always be D\'Antoni\'s forte.

Lian Dao scored 8 points and 7 assists in a single quarter. The defensive strategy against Lian Dao formulated by Carlisle before the game did not work at all in the first quarter. Teammates, focusing on organization and defense.

The Mavericks\' defensive performance today was very good. What they were most worried about was that Lian Dao used his personal ability to break through Sean Marion, so the tactics before the game were arranged around this point.

Chandler had a big task today, because he had to make up for Marion in time in the paint.

But after the start of the game, the script didn’t work out like this. The Knicks made a big break to score the ball. Lian Dao could solve the problem by himself sometimes, but he just wanted to pass the ball to his teammates superfluously. However, his teammates could always pass the ball. The ball was hit, even though most of the Mavericks\' defenses were in place, but the Knicks team seemed to be aiming at themselves, how could they not be able to defend.

The Knicks\' offense in the first quarter was smoother and smoother. The players on the field all had a sense of participation. It was a Princeton tactic, but unlike Princeton\'s, Lian Dao had to take responsibility for it. more tasks.

It can be said that Lian Dao is the key to tearing apart the opponent\'s defense. Without Lian Dao, this kind of team basketball cannot be played at all.

The second quarter of the game completely became the time for Stoudemire to go crazy. What Chandler said before stimulated Stoudemire, which made Stoudemire\'s desire to score in this game infinitely skyrocketing. He wants to use a crushing performance to justify his last failure.

Seeing that Stoudemire has such a strong desire to attack, Lian Dao is also happy to continue to make assists.

The Mavericks\' pick-and-roll tactics against the Knicks were originally targeted defenses, but the helpless point is that Lian Dao is not Nash, and the Mavericks dare not defend Lian Dao one-on-one. , Stoudemire will definitely be missed here.

And it just so happens that Stoudemire\'s touch in this game is really hot. Sometimes even if Nowitzki\'s defense is in place, Stoudemire can still put the ball into the basket even if he cuts inside to receive the basketball.

Today\'s Stoudemire has fully demonstrated his historical face-up ability. As long as Lian Dao breaks through and points the ball, Xiaobawang can accurately throw the ball into the basket no matter where he cuts in.

At the end of the halftime game, the score was 74:63. The Mavericks played well enough in the second quarter. Whether it was Nowitzki or Jason Terry, they all played their due strength, but the Mavericks who played well were still defeated The Knicks played without a temper.

The Knicks shot 65% from the field in the first half, and Lian Dao sent 14 assists in the first half.

Leading by 11 points at the end of the half, this is still the case when Lian Dao has not exploded, which shows that the overall state of the Knicks is really very hot.

To be honest, the Mavericks were also stunned by the Knicks\' thunderous offense in the first half, and they even had doubts about their own strength.

Is it really because he is too weak that the game has been played to the current level?

In fact, it\'s not that the Mavericks are too weak. There are many reasons why the Knicks were able to maintain the lead in the first half.

The first is that the Mavericks won the last match, which made the Mavericks players feel contemptuous of the Knicks. This can be seen from the provocation in Tyson Chandler\'s interview, and even if the honest Novus Base, between the lines, also thinks that the victory of this game will belong to the Mavericks.

The second is that the previous failure made everyone in the Knicks look forward to revenge. Coupled with Chandler\'s provocation, Stoudemire\'s desire to attack reached its peak.

The third is that the Knicks had better luck, and their state in the first half was really good.

Although the Knicks now have the strength to win any team, but against a championship team like the Mavericks, it is impossible to be as easy as the first half.

A team with a shooting percentage of more than 60% is basically not the norm, and it is difficult to guarantee that the team has maintained such a shooting percentage.

However, the German sitting off the court did not feel any frustration. From the 2:4 defeat to the Heat in the final in 2006, to being the number one in the regular season and being blacked by the Warriors in the playoffs, and then to consecutive The ups and downs of the playoffs for several years~www.mtlnovel.com~ Nowitzki has experienced too many ups and downs, and also experienced too much ridicule.

"Foolish!" "Dallas will never win the championship with that German!"...

These are all ridiculed by some fans. For some players with weak psychological quality, this experience is likely to make them sink, so they give up the home team they stick to and choose an easy way to win the championship.

But Nowitzki did not do this. These ridicules became the driving force for the Germans to progress. He constantly polished his skills and tempered his will. Now Nowitzki, even in adversity, has a strong heart in his heart. Still no fluctuations.

His face is more serious and stable, and this temperament is like a needle that affects the entire Mavericks team, making them believe in Dirk Nowitzki, who can lead them to a comeback.

Nowitzki is often called a "soft guy". If it is said that before 2006, Nowitzki was indeed a bit soft, but the experience of the 2006 finals changed Nowitzki a lot. started to make changes.

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