
Chapter 237

“Vice Captain Ben from the south gate is waiting for us to bring his injured friend to him. We are already late as it is. Vice Captain Ben with his Vice Captain buddies might come to the east gate to look for us soon.”

“Additionally, this man has a rising star title from the adventurers guild. Are you sure you want to stop us? Do you have the guts to make the Adventurers Guild and Vice Captain Ben your enemies?”

“Heh, Didn’t you hear the rumors about a Vice Captain getting fired or, let’s say, replaced recently? So, hmm, what do you think would happen to soldiers if it can happen to Vice Captains?”

Lupa didn’t want to be left out of the conversation and proudly said, “I barked at the five soldiers when I saw one of them draw a sword. Hehe, they were so scared that they let us go.”

“Indeed, Lupa barked loudly, but it wasn’t because of her, though. A soldier wearing the Sunrise family insignia noticed us. I think the soldiers sponsored by the Sunrise family were informed about us, because strangely... I don’t know how, but he knew who we were.” Ester added to Lupa’s explanation.

[No one can doubt my words when I say that Ester is the only red-headed petite woman with a small chest. If Viscount Byron Sunrise informed his sponsored soldiers of such unique features added with a rare sight of a white wolf, anyone would be able to recognize us after a good look.]


Vincent remained silent. He felt it was best to keep slowly nodding and understanding what happened.


“The sponsored soldier shouted at them. He said how we are friends with the Viscount Sunrise family, and it would be in their best interest not to antagonize a powerful family.”

“I don’t know why, but one of the five soldiers revealed how the Marquis Blackheart family sponsors him. But after he heard a couple of friendly words of how easy it is to lose the grace of nobles, the Blackheart sponsored soldier asked the others to let us pass. ”

“We thanked the soldier and asked for his name, but he said how he didn’t do this for rewards. He said the Sunrise family saved his family, and he will help at the cost of no rewards.”

“Then he told us to leave and that he will stay behind because the evening mood and a few secretive drinks make people do unpredictable things.”

Ester ended with, “I already informed Ben this morning, and he said to leave it to him. Ben said he will look for the good soldier and also find you who decided to mess with Tula’s saviors.”

“Thanks, big sister Ester, hehe.” Vincent teased.

Ester smiled in return. She didn’t accept nor decline such a title. Ester was mainly happy to be needed and not remain as useless baggage of the group.

Vincent looked at his body covered by the bedsheet, but his limbs didn’t move even if he didn’t feel pain. They trembled instead. “Soul Power Minor Heal.” He decided to try his luck one heal at a time.


[-10sp used for Soul Power Minor Heal on Vincent Agius. Host discount activates. 70sp Remaining.]


Green light enveloped Vincent’s body and faded a while later. Vincent tried to raise his arm, and to his surprise, although slowly, his arm raised as he intended.

“I can move my body now, but let me do a quick self diagnose with Inspection to confirm.” Vincent hoped his condition status row wouldn’t have undesired conditions.


[Name] Vincent Agius

[Race] Human

[Age] 32

[Condition] Tired

[Soul Power] 70sp

[Traits] Blood Tempered Body Stage One, Mana Body

[Class] Soul Hero

[Class] Soul Mutation

[Stats] Strength 14 || Agility 13 || Perception 13 || Mana 8


*Sigh* Vincent became relieved he was fine. Only the tired condition appeared in the condition status row.

“Lupa, Plow. I think you know it means Vincent wants to get up.” Ester asked the two, glancing at each other as if they were rivals of affection to see who hogs Vincent the most.

Vincent patted Lupa’s and Plow’s heads with one hand each. “I won’t die anytime soon, haha. So there is no need to hurry to act like this. Savor one thing at a time instead of everything in one day. I made a lot of marathons just to have nothing to see later and felt bad.” He said from experience.

[Yeah, like when you read in two days a spin-off of the green-eyed hero that I might add had enough content to last one week. It was funny how much granny Tessy scolded you, haha.]

-Please don’t mention the spin-off series. The authors were different, and the green-eyed hero was like another person. They even made the story mainly about the power of friendship instead of the greed to help everyone he can, even if he dies in the process.-

-I suffered from the deja vu dream sickness in those two days, unlike whenever I read the official green-eyed hero comic.-

[My bad... I couldn’t see your dreams because I could only see everything around you instead of what was in your mind.]

[I could only see you sometimes sweat from a nightmare, hilariously roll on the bed until you fall on the floor, or other times you would be so happy after reading the green-eyed hero comic that you would spend an entire night smiling.]

-But no matter how much of a hardcore otaku I became, only the story of the green-eyed hero helped me sleep. The other stories helped me live a day with curiosity instead of guilt whenever my best friend Kevin, aunt Trisha, or grandma Tessy weren’t around.

-It only took leaving Earth to change my mood by sleeping without waking up with a mild headache whenever nightmares haunted me. The deja vu dream sickness cured itself after getting thrown into this world, and then I met you, the only connection I have to Earth. I feel better, yet I sometimes worry about aunt Trisha and grandma Tessy.-

“My mate, are you in pain?” Lupa asked with her index finger on her lips.

“Vincent Vincent. Plow is not on bed anymore. Why is Vincent sad?” Plow added.

“Ahh... yes. I was lost in thought.” Vincent stopped recalling his past with Kazumi and got out of bed.

Vincent removed his shirt and went in front of the mirror. His eyes barely blinked in utter surprise. His body didn’t have burn scars from the melted skin anymore. It was fresh and smooth instead.

Additionally, Vincent became thin, as if he didn’t eat for months, yet his muscles appeared to have grown slightly bigger after they naturally healed.

As his hands touched his abs, Vincent couldn’t believe his body had become ripped after closing his eyes and opening them again a few days later.

“Haha, now this is an incredible sight. I’m healed at last! The ugly scars are no more, and my body doesn’t feel itchy as well. Now I don’t need to wear bandages anymore... some dust has entered my eyes. ” Vincent smiled, laughed, and even a tear of joy crept into his eyes.

Ester gently nudged Iris and whispered, “You can do it.”

*Gulp* Iris approached Vincent and nervously touched his back. “T-the remedy I-I made doesn’t have a nice smell. T-that’s why we washed you yesterday, a-and I was about to make some more, b-but you woke up.”

Vincent turned around and embraced Iris. “I feel better because of you and your expertise. Don’t be nervous. It’s not like I am gonna eat you, hehe. ” Vincent joked. Then he soon noticed her light gray cheeks redden.

Vincent stopped teasing Iris and patted her head. “Ahem, we should go downstairs. I will wear the shirt and meet the others.” He tried to change the subject before Lupa got any unexpected ideas.

*Knock, knock*

Someone knocked on the door twice and then opened the door. “It seems you youngsters have a lot to talk about. I have to go soon, so I came here to ask about...” Ben entered and said before his lips stopped moving, and his eyes could barely blink from shock.

“I... I didn’t think you were playing with makeup while we were worrying something might have happened for taking too long.” Ben spoke as if he couldn’t believe the mark on Vincent’s stomach.

[Damn! We need to persuade Ben immediately!... Vincent, what are you doing?]

Vincent went to sit on the bed without displaying any sign of anger or nervousness. He sat on the bed and looked at Ben with his usual friendly expression.

“Can we have a talk?” Vincent extended his hand and calmly pointed at a desk chair, similar to a receptionist directing their client to take a seat.

Ben’s worries further increased. He saw Lupa appearing to be quite agitated and Ester holding her hand tightly.

Ben then saw Iris holding her hands together. Her hands started to tremble anxiously when she noticed Ben glancing at her.

On the other hand, Plow climbed on Vincent’s lap and slyly winked at Lupa. Plow overlooked the secret of the hero mark because as a familiar, she didn’t have a retainer mark to worry about.

“Have you ever heard of the expression, don’t judge a book by its cover? Could you allow me to tell you what’s in the book?” Vincent calmly brushed Plow’s fur. He looked carefree and appeared to be without worries. However, his heart was beating so quickly Vincent thought it was going to pop.

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