
Chapter 220 - How Do You Remember Li Qing?

"The report is out!" Ke Shao exclaimed with astonishment as everyone\'s eyes fell on him. "Detective Qin…is spot on! There\'s a high concentration of ecstasy drugs in both Li Qing\'s blood and body fluid!"

The busy office halted as if someone had just pressed the pause button. Then simultaneously, numerous pairs of eyes turned to Qin Weizhe whose expression didn\'t change since the beginning.

It was Luo Ning who was so excited that his face flushed crimson. "Detective Qin, your deduction is proven! Oh my God, you\'re so amazing!" His eyes were filled with pure awe and admiration.

Qin Weizhe accepted the report and flicked through it, then handed it to Xu Binchen who took it without a word. The latter\'s eyes raked through the dense words in the paper as he hummed. "Yes, that\'s right. I have seen this drug in Dreamscape Bar\'s catalog before. Ecstasy pill, or happy pill is a stimulant that can make people feel good and high, keeping them for days without rest. Usage in the long term can cause hallucination, severe mood swings, seizures, brain swelling, or even death."


"There\'s a huge case in City S Private High School where the top students were caught using this drug so that they can study more vigorously with better concentration. But when one of the students was admitted to the hospital because of a sudden seizure, the matter was found out by the Principal."

"Oh, yes." Ke Shao nodded thoughtfully like chicken pecking rice. "It seems like I have heard it in the news before."

Xu Binchen continued, "It\'s one of the most scandalous cases a few years ago. All of the top students had to be admitted into the rehabilitation centre, causing a huge sensation among people. After that, the drug was officially banned in the country, but I have guessed that the matter wasn\'t that simple."

Tang Wei snorted. "What banned? Dreamscape Bar can even distribute it freely, doesn\'t it mean that people in the government are corrupt?"

"Hush!" Ke Shao slapped the back of his head. "Even if you know, you still can\'t speak of it. The walls have ears, you know?"

Tang Wei pushed up the glasses which had slid down due to Ke Shao\'s slap, muttering curses under his breath. He looked around and asked, "Where is Captain?"

"He\'s reviewing the overall progress of the serial murder case with Senior Ru."

After the words fell, everyone glanced at each other, their faces complicated. "Captain and Senior Ru…they—"

"Why are you gossiping about them?" Qin Weizhe stood up from his seat, cutting off whatever conversation might take place. "Aren\'t you busy enough already? Luo Ning, has that person arrived yet?"

Luo Ning, who was suddenly cued, fumbled around and checked. "N—No, it seems like he\'s still on the way. Don\'t worry Detective Qin, he has already promised to come over today."

"Who\'s worried?" Qin Weizhe mumbled, but his dark expression lightened. He patted Luo Ning\'s head and messed up his hair slightly. "Come on. Let\'s go first to welcome our big guest."

"Oh, alright." Luo Ning didn\'t care about his hair and hastily grabbed his notebook and laptop before chasing after Qin Weizhe. 

The people who were left behind were surrounded in a strange silence. It was Ke Shao who spoke first, asking tentatively. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No." Xu Binchen, who knew the truth, lied without batting an eyelid. "He is just mad for no reason. It\'s just how he is."


Nan Xukun said that he would arrive at the police station at 8 pm and he was right on time, not even a second less.

"Welcome, Young Master Nan. Thank you for coming on such a short notice." Qin Weizhe portrayed the perfect attitude as a host as he shook Nan Xukun\'s hands. The boy was exactly how he pictured him to be. Handsome, roguish with an air of rebelliousness. Just that, he looked much more obedient and well-behaved than expected.

Nan Xukun smiled in return, leaned forward and whispered. "You don\'t tell Chief Song about my arrival, right?"

"No," Qin Weizhe smiled with his teeth shown. "Don\'t worry. Except for us, no one knows."

"Good." Nan Xukun patted his chest and sighed dramatically. "I don\'t want that old fogey to nag me again. You did a very great job. Detective Qin, right? I will try to cooperate as much as possible!"

Qin Weizhe and Luo Ning\'s mouth twitched. The former\'s smile didn\'t change as he gestured for Nan Xukun to come into the interrogation room, his gait was almost like a butler who welcomed the owner of the house back. "Please sit. What do you want? Water, tea, coffee?"

Luo Ning looked at Qin Weizhe with a weird gaze. Since when did he become so considerate of someone? Was there something special about Nan Xukun except being Nan Cheng\'s son and the sole heir of Henan Corporation? Well…that alone was already very amazing though…

He dejectedly went out of the room to go to the hidden room to monitor the progress.

"No, no need." Nan Xukun hastily refused the great intention and grinned. "I won\'t take long anyway."

Qin Weizhe observed his behavior discreetly and nodded. "Then, let\'s get to the point." He sat down and opened his notebook. "Young Master Nan, do you know what I call you in for?"

Nan Xukun shrugged. "You just said that you need me for questioning because Li Qing died. What do you want to ask me?"

Qin Weizhe looked at him curiously, the pen twirling between his fingers. "This is the police station. Aren\'t you nervous at all?"

Nan Xukun gave him a gaze as if he was just saying the most amusing joke in the whole world. "Detective Qin, in total, I have landed myself in the police station 14 times. 10 times for gang fighting," He counted with his fingers. "3 times for illegal street racing, one time for…eh? What is the one last time for ah? I forgot…" He scratched his head, confused.

Qin Weizhe: "…" This kid is really gutsy. No wonder he dared to call Chief Song an \'old fogey\'.

He cleared his throat. "Okay, I know now. Let\'s move on to the main question. How long have you known Li Qing?"

"How long…" He frowned. "Don\'t really remember, two years? Three years?"

Qin Weizhe noted it down. "Then, how much do you know about her?"

"Know?" Nan Xukun laughed. "We are just acquaintances. At most, we only knew each other\'s name. The number of times I have seen her or talked to her can be counted with one hand."

"So…you don\'t often meet her?"

"Yes, my school isn\'t here and my house is far too. The majority of times I met her was at…"

"At where?"

Nan Xukun coughed softly. "The bar. But really, I am not that kind of person who smokes and drinks booze. I just played around and danced a few times."

Qin Weizhe didn\'t change his expression as he asked casually. "Dreamscape Bar?"

"Oh yes, Manager Si\'s service is really good. With him here, I don\'t have to worry about being caught by my father. It\'s really annoying, you know—"

"I know." Qin Weizhe nodded, then brought the topic back. "Except for Li Qing, who else often went to the bar with you?"

Nan Xukun frowned. "Honestly, I don\'t really remember their names. My close buddy is only Huang Lexin. The rest of the people were either here because of his name or mine."

Huang Lexin. The eldest son of Minister Huang of the Ministry of Economy. Qin Weizhe nodded. The saying was right that only people of the same feather flocked together. "Then, do you know Ruo Tingran and her group? They also frequented the bar you went to."

"Aiyah, the girls are too many to count. You should just ask Huang Lexin, that playboy, if you want to know more." Nan Xukun waved his hand nonchalantly, fingers pressing on his temple. He always had bad times remembering people\'s names.

"Oh?" Qin Weizhe raised a brow and his tone grew sharp. "If you don\'t remember her, then how do you remember Li Qing?"




A/N: Plot comes first before romance ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) one more chappie before I drown you with dog food fufufu...

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