
Chapter 381 Endless Dream

Ezra\'s face turned red, both from shame and anger.

"Master Luke! I am not a child! I am a noble blacksmith, Hepha\'s apprentice, a respected craftsman!" cried the blue haired boy, puffing out his chest as he tidied up his blue hair.

The two were now outside the forge, inside walking down a concrete road that led to a large enclosed hall. After opening two long iron doors, the two of them found themselves in the forge training area of Melki\'s academy.

It was a place that in some ways resembled the training center of the Strogueher home, which gave Luke\'s chest a little tightening. A feeling of nostalgia for those days when he trained incessantly with Nathalia.


The room was extremely vast, the floor was made of wood. It was possible to see all around the vast room the effects of the sword training.

"Is it okay that the floor is made of wood? We are going to deal with fire right?" Luke questioned.

"Relax, this wood doesn\'t catch fire. We can train quietly, just give me a little time to prepare the tests" Ezra replied.

The boy was kneeling, removing the swords from his back and separating the four pieces into a row of equipment.

The hall was filled with training dolls, some were made of wood while others appeared to be made of a kind of straw reinforced with iron mesh. There were also several areas for testing sword blades, such as ropes that were tied from the ceiling to the floor, in order to test whether the equipment could cut completely.

In front of the hall was a strange room. The wall was made of glass, and there were many more training dolls scattered around that area.

Ezra then pointed to the hall ahead, turning to Luke.

"That place is where we are going to start our training, that\'s the target practice stand with magic weapons" Ezra said.

The boy then got up and ran to Luke\'s side. The two of them were standing in front of the four swords that the small blacksmith had forged.

The first and most eye-catching was the Emerald Burst, now that Luke could see it clearly, he could see its amazing quality. Its blade and handle were completely green, the blade glowed a light shade of green, while the handle was a darker green with black details. The weapon appeared to be extremely polished, its blade was slightly curved, and its tip had a small upward curve.

The sword still had some enchantments engraved on the blade, in a slightly lighter shade of green, which stood out, making the piece even more captivating and beautiful.

Next to the Emerald Burst was a sword with an intense purple color. The blade was a dark purple, with a slightly more common shape, this weapon looked much less like a one-handed dagger and more like a two-handed sword. It was a bit longer than the Emerald Burst, mainly because the blade was wider and the handle was a bit longer.

The handle of that purple sword was made of a kind of leather with a dark brown coloration, however, there were small golden details around the weapon.

The next sword was the one that caught Luke\'s attention the most. It was a completely red two-handed sword, with orange and yellow details, the edge of the sword blade was completely yellow, while the center of the sword was red. There were several incantations engraved in orange on both sides of the sword, which brought a finish that turned that blade into a kind of piece of art.

Next to this wonderful red sword was a slightly simpler sword, its blade shining like silver, although, it had a slightly bluish coloration. The weapon was equally beautiful, although it was not an explosion of color. Of all the swords, it was without a doubt the one that shone the most, mainly because of the material of the blade, which made an amazing reflection.

Luke knelt down and chose this last sword first, when he lifted it a little, he noticed how it was possible to clearly see his reflection in the blade, it was almost like a mirror, except that the colors appeared a little blue.

Of the four swords Ezra brought, this was the only one that didn\'t have engravings around the blade, which made the half-wolf extremely curious.

"Why is this one different?" Questioned Luke, pointing at the weapon.

"That\'s the Endless Dream, it\'s my last magic sword. Why don\'t we start with it? It\'s one of my most recent works" Ezra said.

Luke nodded, the two then proceeded forward to the training room.

After Luke opened an iron door, he entered that room, it was completely enclosed, apart from some ducts that served to circulate the air.

Ezra positioned himself behind a glass wall, outside the room. It was a kind of giant window where it was possible to see what was happening inside the room.

"I\'ll turn on the air system, it must be stuffy in there" Ezra said.

The boy\'s voice surprised Luke, even with the thick glass wall, it was still possible to hear clearly what the blue haired boy was saying from across the room.

\'How did he do that?\'

[Probably something to do with magic, but this time I have no idea]

This academy is a box full of surprises.

The blue haired boy then activated two levers, the first one lit up the room completely. The second activated some kind of mechanism that made the airflow in the room start to flow much better.

Luke could hear the sound of the wind moving cyclically through that enclosed area, which was extremely surprising to his acute hearing. He had never seen such intense airflow in a seemingly enclosed place, it was obvious that this was magic.

"So Luke, make a guard position and start channeling your mana into the sword! You will notice how your mana will flow into the handle" Ezra said.

Luke then moved one of his legs forward, and got into a defensive position. With the Endless Dream pointed forward, he began to channel his energy into the weapon, as Ezra had warned, he quickly noticed that strange sensation.

It was as if the half-wolf\'s body was being stretched, as if the entire sword had connected with it. The flow of energy coming from inside his body entered through small channels, pumping like the veins of his heart.

"Now, concentrate on choosing where the mana will flow. Imagine as if you were controlling a water passage, depending on what you activate, the sword will react" Ezra said.

Luke then began to pay attention to how his energy was flowing through that equipment. The mana had three options to follow, Luke started putting all three options in at the same time.

He was fully charging that sword, with that, a gigantic amount of energy began to flow out of the blade.

The air around the sword began to freeze, as it formed a mist of ice around the item.

A small stream of wind emitted by the sword caused that cold air to circulate through the blade.


Luke began to sigh, concentrating even more on his task of mastering that item. That sword was becoming colder by the second, while the wind flowing around the blade became faster and faster.

The temperature around the half-wolf began to drop sharply, as he sighed, you could see the heat coming out of Luke\'s mouth. As if he were in a cold snowy night.

Surprisingly, Luke\'s body was not cold, but the entire vicinity of the area in which he was standing began to freeze. It was as if a kind of dew had appeared around the room, making the entire floor damp and wet, only to be frozen by that blade.

Luke then closed his eyes, and concentrated even more on visualizing the paths of that sword, little by little, he came to understand the function of each of the parts of the sword.

It was a strange connection that he could not explain, but still, it was as understandable as the feelings he had at the moment. It was a surprising bond.

"Ezra, the first way is for controlling wind flows. It\'s a wind spell! The second is a water incantation and the third is composed of four ice magic circles, am I right?" Shouted Luke, opening his eyes.

The blue-haired boy took a step back, completely surprised by the situation. The speed Luke had to comprehend that sword was something unimaginable.

"Exactly, master Luke! Try using all three at the same time to launch ice attacks!" cried Ezra, euphorically looking forward.

The little blacksmith\'s heart was beating wildly, while Luke stood with surprising calamity.

In front of the half-wolf was a madera target. Luke then concentrated on controlling the three spells at the same time.

Swinging his sword, he launched a forward attack, cutting the air.

The cut Luke made in the air created an ice attack that flew out at high speed at the test dummy, tearing that puppet\'s head off in seconds.

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