
Chapter 291 The World's Biggest Army

The Broteforge Empire was on the ropes in space and hadn\'t even noticed it until it was too late. Luckily, they had some totally unexpected help that was able to change the fate of the battle called the Fourth Wave.

Before the Fourth Wave, there were three major battles and some minor conflicts, and in all of them the Broteforge Empire managed to hold out. However, Broteforge could not consider these battles as victories, because hundreds of people died in each of them. The Broteforge Empire\'s death toll became even more frightening when the fact that the Melkian Army had only monsters entered the discussion.

There was no doubt about it, Broteforge needed a new strategy. It took a while for them to realize this, but when they did they efficiently began to act.

This change of strategy was masked and seen as a retreat by the Melki Empire.

In the cities of the Melki Empire, the demons celebrated the retreat of the Broteforge Empire as a great victory. In their view, it was only a matter of time before the entire continent was fully in their hands.

Except for the cities with Dungeons, all the formerly Broteforgian territory was now controlled by the Melki Empire, which quickly divided its army into what strategic regions. Thus, if Broteforge dared to make a sudden onslaught, they would be massacred from all directions. By securing themselves in their cities, the citizens of Broteforge were completely surrounded.

The First Servant found the movement of the Broteforge Empire strange, a retreat was not what was expected, not at this moment.

\'What is going on? They should try to resist as much as possible.\' He thought, sitting in his armchair while looking at a giant table that displayed a map of the entire continent. \'There\'s something unusual... Anyway, there\'s no chance they\'ll win when they get cornered.\'

The leader of the demons was not alone. Around the table he was looking at, there were nine other people, all with a dull smile stamped on their faces. Without a doubt, those people were demons as well.

"Listen to me carefully." The First Servant asked calmly, then picked up the crystal ball that was also on the table with one of his metal hands. "They are ceding space to us, and we can\'t afford to waste it. This is certainly the first significant victory we have achieved. If I can point to the reason for this setback so quickly, I\'d say it was because of our brothers\' sacrifices over the past year."

"Sacrifice? I\'m sorry, sir, but I wouldn\'t call the shameful death of those clowns that. They underestimated the Cardinal Church, the Seculars, and their Magi are quite powerful." A man pointed out.

The First listened to the man\'s statement as if he were listening to a dog barking on the other side of the wall, he simply wasn\'t bothered.

However, Lizz was certainly bothered by the comment, but said nothing.

In a way, she felt a little bad for not warning Beherith that the First Servant was using him to try to create insecurity in the public policy of the Broteforge Empire.

This strategy seemed to have worked, and in the demon leader\'s own mind this could have been one of the reasons for Broteforge\'s retreat.

Again, the First Servant began to speak, but now he had a disdainful smile on his face. "You know what? Send THAT to Oukiwa City. The Broteforge Empire has already fallen, it\'s already in our hands, we\'ve already dominated the continent, now we just have to deal with the pests in our garden."

The aura of malevolence in the room these demons were in was so intense that it could drive an ordinary person totally insane.


Oukiwa City used to be a very populous place. Because of the three Dungeons that existed in this city, Adventurers from all regions of the Broteforge Empire visited the city regularly to trade items, buy, party, or explore the exotic dangers of the Mine-Type Dungeons.

If there were people disconnected from Broteforge\'s reality and situation, they would think today that Oukiwa had returned to its glory days.

Many people filled the streets of the town, but no one even managed a smile. Everyone was very tense about the possibility of an attack, and everyone was stressed about not being able to cross anything from the gigantic walls. Most of the population was insecure and afraid of what might happen, after all, there was a huge portion of people who did not have their origins in Oukiwa, but in other cities.

Even with such fear, the people worked continuously to prepare for the day that the Melki Empire would attack.

When the bells of the Central Palace began to echo in all directions of Oukiwa, it didn\'t matter if people were in the Upper, Lower or Middle City, everyone felt the same fear. The moment people put their heads to look out the windows, they saw something huge flying towards the city.

This thing\'s body was egg-shaped and entirely white. If people could see it up close, they would notice that on the back of this thing there were three propellers, which were spinning at full speed, throwing the wind behind them and propelling themselves forward. On the sides, there were two pairs of wings on each side.

No one had ever seen anything like this before, yet it was easy to tell that it was not a monster.

"What\'s that?" A soldier asked Alexis, who was looking at the thing from the Central Palace itself.

The half-dragon shook her head negatively and smiled confidently. "That doesn\'t matter. Luke warned us that it would happen, so we are already prepared. THAT was to work."

The man with the helmet on awkwardly looked at him a little dumbfounded. He knew that his superiors were quiet, unlike the rest of the population, but he didn\'t understand why, so he just shut up and kept looking at the thing approaching the city.

A few seconds later, the bells of the Central Palace stopped beating. However, a loud vibrating sound lingered.

The ordinary civilians ran into the buildings as fast as they could, for everyone was oriented to take cover when the bell began to ring. All the soldiers gathered at specific points in the city as planned.

Suddenly a beam of light came out of the Oukiwa Main Guild building near the center of the city. This beam had the colors of a rainbow and when it reached its peak dozens of meters high, the vibrating sound became even louder. Then the beam pulsed and from its highest point spheres of light were thrown in six directions, in places outside the walls.

The soldier next to Alexis was fascinated by what was happening before his eyes, until the half-dragon slapped him lightly on the back, smiled and inquired:

p "What are you waiting for? We have to get together with the others."

"R-right!" He put his helmet away and began to follow her down the huge staircase.

It was obvious to him that the beam of light was not something from the Melki Empire, but from the Broteforge Empire. As much as he couldn\'t say that with certainty, Alexis\' confident expression almost gave that away.

The moment the six glowing spheres landed on the ground, the beam pulsed once again. Lines between the spheres the beams appeared, and then another pulse of vibration was heard. Thousands of magical circles began to fill the spaces between each of the lines, forming a dome-shaped shield around Oukiwa.

The airship that was heading towards the city didn\'t have time to change its course and crashed into the dome. When this happened, the townspeople heard the muffled noise of the explosion, and the debris from that flying machine was wiped out of existence, as were the people who controlled it.

The soldiers roared with happiness when this happened and raised their hands upwards and it was at this moment that Alexis put her foot in the Central Square. She raised her right palm upwards and warned:

"It\'s not over yet!"

Thanks to that warning, the soldiers saw that another six airships came out of the clouds on the city\'s horizon, and thousands of flying monsters accompanied them. Just like the First Wave, Melki\'s onslaught this time would also be aerial.

However, this information Alexis had Luke\'s permission to pass on to the soldiers, so everyone expected it.

Golden magic circles appeared beneath everyone\'s feet, not only in the Central Square, but also in all parts of the city. Suddenly, the volunteer soldiers were teleported beyond the walls. When people opened their eyes, they were no longer just a few hundred, but tens of thousands of soldiers.

The pilots of the airships rubbed their eyes thoroughly because they couldn\'t believe their eyes. One minute ago there was no one near the magic barrier, and soon it seemed that the entire Broteforge army was present.

And this impression was indeed true. In the fields east of Oukiwa were the Seculars, the Sensory Mages, Three gigantic Dragons, the largest Adventurer Clans, and all the Adventurers from the Guild who volunteered. This was the United Army of Broteforge, an effort of organization and information that in the future would be regarded as a symbol of human strength. This was nothing more, and nothing less, than the complete strategy of the Scales.

Looking at the panorama of this sea of people, Alexis smiled confidently and thought, \'Luke, as you requested we will hold out for as long as we can, protecting each of the cities with the collaboration of Amelia\'s ranged communication skills and Mikaela\'s teleportation skills. Now, you must do your part of the plan.\'

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