
Chapter 720 T.D.O.N.B: Expansion

- We should start by acquiring more seeds, and building more cities. We need to grow trees and consume their fruits. It\'s the only way. It will be a slow procedure, which will require a lot of effort, but I believe if we, in time of peace, spread ourselves thin, we might be able, at least in a way, to catch up to our enemies. We need a few incredibly strong warriors. People, who would be able to pierce through the enemy lines, and go all the way to their trees, while the rest distract the soldiers. They don\'t consume their fruits, instead are leaving them for their masters who are long gone - said The Great One.

He was still walking around us, which looked so unnatural, as the High Queen would always levitate. I guess that was the only moment when he could allow himself to use his legs properly, instead of just hovering above the ground all day.

- But where do we get those seeds from? - asked Will.

A flash from memories of our fake queen Ixa flashed through my mind. The dark world, where everything got blurry, and we had no idea what happened, only that he returned with the seeds.

- There is a place. It\'s far away, very secluded, and very dangerous, but I believe we would be able to acquire at least a handful from there - he explained.

I was barely hearing, as my mind went on a journey through everything I knew about the trees and the ancient, long-forgotten times. The tree planted by the creator himself was at the center of what I was thinking about. It just had to be that place, because I couldn\'t think of anything else.

The image I had in my head made me excited.

- And who would be going there? You? - I suddenly joined the conversation after a long silence.

- I am the one who knows the location, so I have to go, but I was also thinking that you should go to - The Great One responded. - You are the one who can travel as fast as me. Hope, can not join, because it\'s hard to move with such a massive size. The avatar won\'t survive so far away from the main body either.

- That is correct - Hope said.

- How many seeds can you bring? - Will then asked.

- It\'s hard to say. This place is different from anything you\'ve ever seen or experienced. It\'s beyond understanding. It has its own laws, and you just have to respect them. If you don\'t obey, you won\'t survive. It\'s hard to say what would happen, I just simply don\'t know, but there is definitely a set of rules you have to follow. You will understand what I\'m talking about when you\'re there - he suddenly looked at me.

- So, when we are going? - I asked then.

- The seeds are very precious, and we shouldn\'t just sit on them, so I believe all the preparations should be done beforehand. We need to find brave people, who would go and plant the seeds in distant worlds, then stay away from everybody, until the saplings turn into trees, and fruits are ready to be consumed. We can\'t risk losing the fruits. It would be a disaster - The Great One said. - That\'s why we should proceed in secrecy, with people whom we trust, and stay away from everybody else until everything is ready, and the spoils of our hard work could be consumed. Only then return should be in place.

I noticed something, which he clearly tried to hide by moving around. He was nervous. It was the first time when I saw him like this. Even before the fight with the High Queen, The Great One was calm and ready, but now he definitely wasn\'t. I started to wonder why, and the first answer I came up with was that he didn\'t want to repeat the history.

After all, when he wished to proceed with the next phase of his plan, the leader of Bahumdabars refused him, and everything, all those years of work, were put in vain.

- So you want us to gather people who we trust, and who would agree to get separated from others for a very long time? That\'s what you are saying? - asked Will.

- Yes. We need to build groups with strong leaders. Groups that would support those leaders, because it will be a long and hard task. It might not be achievable for individuals, but if we sent a few trustworthy people to each location, and give them a seed, it should work - The Great One added.

- How many? - I asked.

- As many as you can find. We might not have enough seed from the beginning, but we will gather more eventually, I believe - he answered.

I had my worries about this plan. One glance at my human friend also told me he had his. It was hard to read Hope, but Druoag definitely was calm. I would even say that he already knew it all, so he had the time to digest every part of this plan.

There was a lot of sense in what The Great One has been saying, but I still was unsure. There were so many aspects that could go wrong with this.

- Give us a day or two to think it through - I said eventually, breaking the silence because everybody stopped talking.

- Yes. I think we need a bit more time - Will jumped on my words like they were some kind of lifeline.

- Notify me of what you decided - said The Great One, and then he returned to his chair.

- I\'ll do that - I said, and stood up, to grab Will, who didn\'t move from his chair.

Then I took us back to his office. We both sighed heavily, and my friend went to sit down by the low coffee table on the side of his office. I joined him.

- We need a drink - he said.

- How about at my place? - I proposed. - We could gather people...

Will slowly nodded.

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