
Chapter 558

I couldn\'t just let Boris go like this, so when he was passing next to me, I jumped on my feet, and rushed to grab him by the shoulder. He stopped and glanced back at me.

- What? - he asked.

- I just wanted to give you my blessing.

He smiled and nodded.

- I would appreciate that.

Then I used both \'Blessing of Vitality\' and \'Blessing of Power\' on him. I wasn\'t sure if he really needed that since as he mentioned, he had some kind of plan, but some more strength and endurance never hurt anybody.

We shook hands, and he resumed his march towards the armory. I watched him until he vanished behind the door, and then went back to sit on my spot, with a good view on the holoprojection. The alien in the arena was back in his starting position and was looking ahead with the same expressionless face as throughout the whole fight.

It made me wonder if it was even a biological creature and not some kind of robot or something.

My observations got stopped by Adam finally returning. He was grunting and holding the left side of his ribcage with his right hand. I noticed that some of the hunters from his gate rushed to help. Mai, the strange girl, right then wearing some kind of panda outfit, started healing him.

I decided to go there, to ask him what actually happened, but it was hard with so many people surrounding him, so I had to wait for a few minutes until he got better, and at least a few of them left his side.

He noticed me standing there and watching like a kid in line to buy something in a freaking grocery.

- The answer is, I have no idea myself - he said. - I tried everything but it was just too fast and my flames were useless. Before I knew that thing was behind me, destroyed my barrier, and almost cut me open.

- I saw. Not only flames were doing nothing but also explosions.

- Yes. It was very sturdy, but what was more annoying, I had this feeling like it knew what I was going to do.

I nodded. The first swarm of firebolts, despite the high speed, and quite a good accuracy missed completely. There was definitely something about that alien. The whole mystery was making me want to go out and fight that thing for myself, but I couldn\'t since Boris took the spot. Besides, I felt like it was still too early for me. We had plenty of good fighters with the correct attitudes like the Silvas, Edward, Tai, or even Nobuo.

- I talked briefly with Boris. He said that he have some kind of plan - Adam continued. - I hope it works.

- Yes, he said the same thing to me. If he is confident, so am I.

- Good. We need to win that fight. I observed the Zor\'xal, and the things that the alien guide said, could actually be true. At least in some parts. He was peaking constantly at Ashal Kal Anur, the official. I think he really doesn\'t want to annoy him.

- If that\'s the case we need to deliver some losses to him and make the Ixan guy pissed at him, so he will end this madness.

Adam nodded.

- Guys. Boris just entered the arena - Will shouted to us.

Our attention immediately shifted to the holoprojection. I immediately noticed that Boris\'s equipment was different. He wasn\'t wearing his regular armor, shield, and ax. Instead some stuff I\'ve seen for the first time.

He had a sturdy-looking full plate on. It was deep blue in coloration, and the size was also impressive. It had to be really heavy and was also quite pretty. The breastplate had an intricate golden engraving showing wolf and bear heads with open mouths, with bare teeth, about to bite one another. There was also a wolf head on his right shoulder pad, and a bear\'s on the left one.

The helmet he was wearing was completely covering his face with an expressionless mask and looked like it was melted with some kind of iron crown.

In the left hand, he was carrying a heavy tower shield decorated with a standing, angry bear. In the right one, he was carrying a heavy handaxe. On the cutting side was a blade with a long beard, and the blunt side was just a wolf head.

- And he is wearing his fancy stuff - Added Will.

I immediately looked at him curiously.

- He was bugging Rishi for this for months and used a lot of crystals to get it - he explained.

- I hope this will be enough - said Adam.

As Boris was passing through his half of the battlefield, I noticed that he was paying more attention to Ashal Kal Anur, than to his opponent. He didn\'t look even once at the strange alien, whom he was supposed to fight.

The official also noticed, and his head shifted a bit to have a better look at the human fighter. The Boris stopped, took his helmet off, and rose his as in a salute. This gesture surprised the alien, and he even smiled a bit. Then our friend put the protective piece of metal back on his head and slowly turned to face the creature, which was observing him carefully with a curious look at the usually expressionless face.

I noticed by the slight twist of its head since there were no eyebrows, and the obsidian eyes were always wide open.

Even Zor\'xal was taken aback by this gesture and actually quite angry.

I had no idea what was Boris\'s plan there, but I was sure he wasn\'t just doing that on a whim since he wasn\'t that type of a person.

My observation was stopped since the loud sound of the gong announced the start of the fight.. Both fighters took their time, but the human with a short delay, and without any rush, began walking towards the creature, which was still just looking.

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