
Chapter 98

With talks lasting thru the whole night I didn\'t get any sleep. It looked like the next few days will be very busy for those involved in the escapade to Uhm\'s. Since I really wanted to assist Will, it was gonna be also busy for me.

But in the morning, everything was still on the drawing board, and I really wanted to spend it with Nadia. Normally I would take her out for breakfast or something, but here such an option wasn\'t really available. I kept thinking about it, sitting still behind the table, surrounded by the girls and Will. He was still discussing things with Aisha.

- Hey, Peter. Are you hungry? - sudden question from Ukrainian beauty caught me off guard.

She was standing right next to me.

- They both should start with a bath. There is a limit to how long I can bear your stench - said Vesa. - We have some wooden bathtubs in the backroom, but you need to fill them with water. We will give you a cart.

She was right. With a couple of days of continuous sweating and sleeping in the dirt, we had to smell really, really bad.

- Oh God, how do I miss showers - said Will, then he returned his focus to Aisha. - Let\'s continue after a bath and some breakfast.

- Good idea - she agreed.

- We will fix you something, right Nadia? - Vesa switched her focus to her. - I\'m sure they both could eat a horse.

I slowly got up from my chair.

- Yes. We are dirty, hungry, and tired, so don\'t forget to warm your beds for us - said Will looking his crush straight in the eyes.

Vesa responded with a mysterious smile.

- You are ridiculous - said Aisha, while rolling her eyes.

I peaked at Nadia, she was all red on her face.

- C\'mon Peter. Let\'s go. - Will closed the distance and slapped me in the peck with the back of his hand, then went to search for the back room.

I followed him. We soon after found two big wooden tubs kept together by metal rims. We struggled a bit to get them out since those things were large enough for a person to wash in. Uncomfortably, but still. By the time we got outside, two carts were already waiting for us.

- It went smoothly, didn\'t it? - asked Will, in the middle of loading the cargo.

- I\'m worried about Blue. He changed his mind too easily.

- I\'ll be watching him.

- About that. We should really get you prepared. You need to be strong, and especially, have something for poisons.

- Oh... Yeah. I didn\'t think about poisons. He could try to get rid of Hatta.

- He could try to get rid of many people. You need to be ready for his shenanigans. But for now, let\'s forget about this whole mess and relax for at least a day.

Will suddenly laughed.

- Oh, I know what you mean - he winked at me with a wide, foxy grin.

- Shut up. Pull your cart instead of talking bullshit.

- You might be pulling something else today, Peter - he joked.

I tried to kick him, but he dodged, grabbed the handles, and started walking. I did the same, a bit irritated, but still fighting with myself not to smile. Who would have thought, that there is a person who likes me in this world? Not me for sure.

The city center was literally empty when we got there. People were probably learning about Uhm\'s right at that time. We filled the tubs with hot water and helped each other to load them on. The price was a bit higher, but still very much affordable. Only 2 points per portion. Then we headed back.

There was not enough space in the back room, so we instead had to wash in the kitchen. Vesa provided us with a bit of soap, and soon we were clean and shiny. Brand new people. I even shaved with a knife. My skin was tough and resilient, so it was way easier than I anticipated. I also required a haircut, but there were no barbers around, and doing it myself was just out of the question.

Then we went to eat. Nadia, Vesa, and Shavonne really did a great job with the food. Other women joined us at breakfast. Hailwic, Haf, Louna, Anna, Zoë, Alice, and a couple of others. Only Aisha was missing.

We had some sandwiches, scrambled eggs with bacon and two types of salads. Nothing great, but for me, it was an incredible feast.

To be honest, I imagined that I\'m gonna spend the breakfast in a more private way. With just Nadia and me. I barely knew her. It made me question how much of my feelings were real. She was definitely attractive, and I had this urge to be close to somebody. To rely on another person. I had Will, but he was just a good friend, so it was not the same. I realized how alone I was here. I had only two people whom I could trust. Hatta and Will. So Nadia\'s sudden interest made me answer without even properly understanding how I felt about her.

- Peter? - Hailwic was looking at me.

- What?

- I asked you a question.

- Sorry. I spaced out. What was it again?

- I asked if you and Will want to team up with the preparations. I\'m sure Aisha would agree.

- I think I\'m gonna split with Will for this. He needs some class points, and there is no reason for me to accompany him. I think I\'ll go back to the canyon, and hunt more orcs.

- How about I\'ll go with you then? - she asked. - From what I heard, I won\'t be able to kill the goblin boss anyway, so there are no class points for me. But I would for sure enjoy additional crystals.

- I want to go too - Nadia suddenly joined the conversation. - I\'ve been stuck here in the city for too long. I want to see what\'s out there.

- Yeah. You sure want - said Hailwic with a wide grin.

Those words made others laugh.

- But can you handle orcs? - I asked. - They are nothing like goblins or rats. They have longer reach, more speed, and physical strength.

She snorted.

- Will I be fine? Of course, I will! Who do you think I am?

- Look Hailwic... I know you are confident about your skills and all, but trust me, if you only fought smaller monsters, this will be very, very different. You might be stronger than them, but you can never underestimate those guys because one good swing and you are dead. Ask Will.

- They have a lot of power. They could literally cut you in half - he confirmed.

- Fine, then just say you don\'t want me to go.

- It\'s not like that. I\'m just concerned. I\'ve seen you fight Hailwic. You rely on your strength and height advantages in battle, but this time you won\'t have those. It will be different and might throw you off your game, which might cost you your life. If you want to go, you have to understand this.

She sighed, and her expression changed from slight anger, which showed off by slightly frowning eyebrows, to a more peaceful one.

- I get it, I get it I won\'t do anything reckless, and if I can\'t keep up, then I\'ll return. How about that?

- Then I agree.

- What about me? Can I go? - asked Nadia. - I\'m not as good at fighting as her.

- If you are careful, then yes. If you won\'t be able to participate in the fighting, you can at least pick the crystals after the battle.

She gave me a nod.

- How about tomorrow? There is no reason to waste time.

- Jesus, Peter. Do you ever rest? - Vesa looked at me with risen eyebrows.

I just shrugged.

- Tomorrow works for me - said Hailwic, looking at Nadia.

- For me too.

- What we need to bring? Some provisions? - she continued.

- I would recommend taking a cart filled with food and water. Some spare weapons, cause they tend to break, and whatever the hell else you want to pull all the way there.

- Then weapons and food. How much?

- I don\'t know... Enough for a month?

Vesa just shook her head, displeased. Will laughed.

- A month in the wild, hunting orcs. I already love this - Hailwic had a big smile on her face.

Nadia on the other hand looked very serious. I would even say concerned.

- It\'ll be fine. I can protect you if things go south. Will started by just watching my back, so I could fight with more freedom. It\'s tough there, I\'m not gonna lie, but if we won\'t do anything crazy, we should do fine.

She smiled slightly.

- I just don\'t want to be a burden.

- Don\'t worry. I\'m used to hunting with Will, nobody can beat him in being a burden.

- Fuck you, Peter! Just the other day you told me I\'m your hero, and now this?

I couldn\'t hold my smile.

,m - I don\'t remember that part.

He snorted.

Conversations went on end on, until all the food vanished, and only empty plates were left. Shavonne and Haf started to pick them up for cleaning.

- Hey. Want to go for a walk with me? - I suddenly asked Nadia.

I wanted to spend some time just with her. Away from annoying friends.

- Yes - she answered, trying to hold a smile.

- Just keep your hands to yourself kids - said Will, while slowly getting up.

Vesa, just next to him was also getting up, but after hearing his words, she slapped him in the shoulder. He laughed.

I ignored that taunt and finally escaped from Velvet Lotus, alongside Nadia.

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