
Chapter 905 Lilith's True Archdemon Form


Archdemon of Sloth

Prince Sloth from the Seventh Circle of Hell


Sloth pursed his lips as he watch them struggle, suppressing a smirk. \'What a good time to be an innocent bystander.\'

He had rested his back against the cushioned chair not far from the hearth, watching the flames\' shadows under the cauldron dance on the walls and on the Angels\' grave expressions.

Did he even hear that correctly?

This was the first time he had heard not one... but two Archangels admit that they couldn\'t do anything.

Should he be alarmed because of this?

He just didn\'t expect them to admit that they weren\'t able to drive Lilith out of Lune\'s physical vessel.

The Angels never asked him for help or any input regarding Lilith\'s exorcism.

Sloth\'s hands tightened on the armrest as he scowled at the virtuous, snobby beings who just casted him aside and treated him like air.

Well, he was alright with it as long as they can do something about Lilith that he and his brother couldn\'t.

They had tried to expel Lilith from Lune\'s body back at Hazelnut Manor everytime Apollyon and Ravin returned after their military exercises with the Autumn Militia every week.

Unfortunately, each attempt to break the Archdemon of Envy\'s msyterious spell was unsuccessful.

Lune and the Vampire King just decided to give up and stop endangering the twins further as her stomach grew bigger to accommodate them inside.

That was a month ago.

The babe\'s safety was more important than sending Lilith back to Hell.

Archangel Azrael\'s unmoving stance made Sloth think that the cogs were already turning in his head to figure out a solution.

Why don\'t we all try it altogether?" Archangel Azrael gave each of his fellow angels an expectant glance.

The Seraphim didn\'t have to say anything more when the rest of the Cherubims sorrounded Lune\'s bed to follow his lead.

"Shall we?" Archangel Ariel prompted.

Lilith had feared for her life the instant she saw the Angels create their most powerful magic circles and align each purple rings from her head down to her toe.

As her hands clamped on the towels tied at her wrists to the bedposts with vice-like strength, she continued to thrash her legs and scream without noise.

Lune\'s beautiful face became unnaturally contorted as if a demon had tortured her on purpose.

When she turned to face Archangel Azrael, patches of her pale skin were covered with thin, dark hair.

Her pupils grew large, completely taking over the green in her eyes, and bled into black.

Suddenly, long spider legs with small spikes covered in tiny hairs extruding from it shot out from her back.

He could see that its deep dark hues close to her back had switched into lighter organic bands at the claws, similar to the color a tortoise shell.

Sloth hadn\'t seen Lilith\'s true Archdemon form yet so he kept his eyes wide open so that he wouldn\'t miss anything.

Her additional limbs moved and swayed as if she was testing if she had them under her control.

The claws on the spider\'s forearms emerging behind Lune had dripped with venom as it preyed upon the nearest Angel.

Fortunately, Archangel Ariel was fast enough to dance out of her reach but the hands she used to keep a steady flow of Archangel Magic unto the glowing circles shook with tremor.

Despite being restrained, Lilith had leapt from the bed and lunged at Archangel Ariel.

Her venomous fangs were bared as she aimed for her throat.

Archangel Ariel wouldn\'t allow her to contaminate her pure Archangel Blood.

She assumed that Lilith\'s venom wasn\'t potent enough to turn her into an Archdemon.

When an Archangel Blade materialized in Archangel Ariel\'s hand, Lilith made a split second decision to pull back and bury her consciousness to escape them.

Afterall, she was outnumbered and overpowered... but she still insisted on remaining inside Lune\'s vessel.

Archangel Ariel\'s aim to was to defend herself from Lilith\'s attack and not \'kill\' but the sight of the sharp point must have had spooked the Archdemon all the same.

The mood in the atmosphere had turned bleak as the Angels coughed from the grey smoke forming inside the Emerald Room.

Archangel Azrael cleared their Angelic Circles when it lost their efficacy.

The frustration in one of the Cherubim\'s tone came rushing out. "I swear that we almost captured her soul and sent her back to Hell!"

Archangel Azrael massaged his furrowed brows with his thumb and forefinger.

He hadn\'t experienced being this frustrated in the past because he was so used to the fact that he could handle everything.

The Archdemon of Envy must be getting on his nerves.

"We shouldn\'t have joined angelic forces against the Archdemon." He paced shortly and changed his direction mid-stride to examine her face. Her eyes were closed after she fainted, yet, again. He sighed inwardly. "Now, she had withdrawn herself and hid her consciousness so deep it would be hard to make her force her out again."

Other Cherubims they had brought in the Emerald Room shook their head in regret.

"She must have done a strong Archdemon spell to anchor herself like this to this woman\'s physical vessel."

"I know that our collective magic had caused her immeasurable torture worse than giving birth itself. Yet, I wondered why it wasn\'t enough to drive her soul out? What kind of sorcery is stronger than the Magic of the Heavens in the entire Realms?" Another Cherubim asked to no one in particular.

"Nothing is stronger than the Magic of the Heavens because we have the Highest God on our side." Archangel Ariel said.

At that moment, Sloth decided to speak instead of just keeping his speculations to himself. "No. She hadn\'t anchored herself to this woman\'s physical vessel. I think she is linked to one of her offspring. You should all focus on that instead of Lilith\'s connection to Lune."

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