
Chapter 11 11 - Frost

After returning to his cabin, he took off the burnt shirt and threw it in the garbage. It was a small sacrifice that led to a big payoff. He had successfully copied a rare ability, and was able to get one more small boost to his stats before school started. Once he allocated his new points his status screen looked something like this:

[Stats] [Tutorials] [Plunder]

Name: Milo Fenix

Title: [None]

Level: 1

Abilities[3 / 3]:

1 - Reinforce: can reinforce the body to make it stronger (lvl. 1)

2 - Telepath: Can speak directly into others minds and read their thoughts (lvl. 2)

3 - Frost: Able to emit a freezing energy into the surroundings (lvl. 1)


Free Stat Points: [0]

Strength: [12]

Agility: [10]

Intelligence: [12]

Stamina: [10]

Constitution: [7]

Magic Power: [5]


After seeing he earned five points from plundering a rare ability, he decided to get his intelligence up to 12 points, his agility up to 10 and his constitution up to seven. Thanks to this he would be able to use all his abilities more effectively and hopefully boost their power. Along with this he was able to get his agility on par with his stamina, and the well rounded look of his stats satisfied him. Although he still didn\'t know how the constitution stat affected him he planned to raise it next.

After doing so, he flipped to the tutorial tab and watched the tutorial about the frost ability to learn how to use it. Once he did he attempted to use the ability, and just like in the dining car the temperature dropped immediately, every time he took a breath a mist was released from his mouth and when he saw it work he giggled in excitement. He had one last thing he wanted to test and he grabbed a water bottle while using the ability and the minute he did, a web of ice started spreading through the bottle until the water inside was frozen solid. A smile spread ear to ear as his tests were a success. Once he was at the school he would test even more and try to find new ways to use the ability.

Following his test he called Krista into his room to talk about school, and to show off his newfound power. The minute she walked into the room she started shivering.

"Holy crap Milo! Why is it so cold in here?!"

"My new plundered ability." Milo responded, smiling cheekily.

After explaining what happened in the dining car with the fire, Krista was mad at him, for one he lit himself on fire and there wasn\'t a guaranteed chance that would\'ve worked. She was happy for him though, that he was able to get his hands on such a rare and sought after ability. After talking more about what happened and about school, they were both excited and nervous to see what the Awakened Academy was all about, especially considering how much money the governments of the world poured into helping it get founded.

When looking through the things they would have to do when they first get there, they were to first go to check in, there they would receive room assignments, and their student IDs. From there they would go to get their abilities evaluated before receiving a class schedule fit to their ranking.

Krista would obviously use her telepath ability to take the ability evaluation but Milo was still unsure what ability to use. If he used the frost ability without enough training he would probably not get placed very highly. If he used his reinforce, he would get put into classes that didn\'t help him grow his frost. If he used his telepath ability he\'d probably get a schedule similar to Krista but that would make it harder for him to grow his frost ability as well.

After some deliberation he and Krista decided he should use his frost ability as it was the ability he needed to train the most as it was the most powerful Milo had.

There was a lot for them to look forward to as the school was world renowned for having a ton of facilities meant to help students improve their abilities, as well as helping them to get in field experience with fighting dimensional doors. As they went back to their rooms and fell asleep they both were shaking in excitement from seeing everything the academy had to offer.

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